Norris McWhirter, co-founder of the world famous Guinness Book of
Records has died aged 78.
During the 1970s Mr McWhirter appeared regularly on the BBC One
children's show Record Breakers.
He is survived by his wife Tessa, daughter Jane and son Alasdair.
Send us your tributes to Norris McWhirter.
(See also )
Your comments:
Cheerio Norris... your knowledge of all things factual had me hanging on
your every word. The cruel wind snuffs out the candlelight of childhood
Stu, Paris, France
Whilst I strongly disagreed with his politics, I admired his enthusiasm
for statistics and world records and admired him for the way he managed to
carry on after his twin brother's murder
Paul Burgin, Baldock, UK
I had the privilege of working with Norris McWhirter on a number of legal
cases in the 1970s and 80s. As well as having a needle sharp brain and a
legendary memory for facts and figures he was also a very kind and courteous
man who was not afraid to stand up for what he believed in.
Leonard Blomstrand, London, England
I was sad to hear of Norris' death. My family had lunch with him when I
was about 11 and I remember him treating me like an adult and being more
than happy to sign my copy of the Guinness Book of Records as though he did
not get asked this all the time. A true gentleman.
Anna, London, UK
For someone with such a passion for politics it is strange that all he is
remembered for is The Record Breakers.
James Wild, London, UK
I might not have agreed with his political views but the man achieved a
lot during his lifetime and I pay tribute to that.
Bilal Patel, London, UK
Definitely a favourite face from the days of my childhood in the 1970s.
To my generation he was the grandfatherly, boffin-type figure who was
rarely, if ever, stumped when asked about world records, although as an
adult I came to appreciate him anew for his political activities. A sad
loss, but a good innings for a man who has left behind such warm and fond
Steve Payne, Leicester, UK
I will always remember that Norris McWhirter held the world
record for knowing more world records than anyone else!
I will always remember that Norris McWhirter held the world record for
knowing more world records than anyone else! He always exuded an air of
authority and somehow you always knew he was right!
Chris S, London, UK
A sad loss. As a child and a fan of Record Breakers I only remember him
being stumped once on a question asked by a young boy. If I recall correctly
it was about which tree had the most leaves? Rest in Peace!
Brian Armour, Atlanta, USA
Fascinated by this man from an early age, I ever wondered if we might be
related. Unfortunately, we are not, but I still feel that a part of me, and
my childhood years of watching Norris on Record Breakers with the trumpet
touting Roy Castle, has been taken away.
David McWhirter, Abergavenny, UK
Record Breakers was a true gem of children's programming, both
entertaining and informative. Norris's rendition of the most obscure facts
was something I held in awe as a child. Wherever he has gone, I'm sure Roy
will be getting his trumpet out for a madcap welcome.
Asitha Rodrigo, London
He was a true legend of children's television of the 70s and 80s
For his death to occur so close to the 50th anniversary of Roger
Bannister's first sub-4 minute mile, where Norris announced it as a new
world record, is exceptionally saddening. He was a true legend of children's
television of the 70s and 80s with Roy Castle on Record Breakers. He'll be
missed by a lot of people of my generation.
Damien, Dublin
Very fond memories of watching Norris on Record Breakers all those years
ago. A very sad day indeed. Rest in peace Norris.
Paul, Cambridge
He will be sorely missed. I will always remember him as the voice of
sanity, a granddad figure if you like, over the zaniness and craziness of
presenter, Roy Castle. I hope that they are enjoying plenty of Guinness
together in the great BBC Green Room in the sky!
CJ, Brighton, England
I always enjoyed all the little titbits of information I learned from the
Guinness books; very entertaining material. Norris will certainly be missed
by family and fans alike.
Ryan, New Orleans, USA
I am deeply saddened. A wonderful man, of great intellect and spirit.
Courageous and warm hearted. I grew up with Norris on my TV each week, and
he's a fondly remembered part of my childhood. Now I live far away, the fact
that he has died makes me miss home and my wonderful country. God bless,
Norris, and sleep well.
Beck, Huntsville, Alabama
I remember first seeing Norris and Ross on Record Breakers, along with
Roy Castle and was always carried along with their enthusiasm. Another of my
childhood heroes departs this world. Best wishes to his family
Linda, Yeovil, UK
I was so terribly saddened to hear of the death of Norris McWhirter.
Along with Roy Castle and Cheryl Baker, he was an integral part of my early
Paul Kilby, Glasgow
I was very sorry to hear that Mr McWhirter has passed away. I met him as
a 7 year old when my uncle appeared on the show balancing milk crates on his
head. He was a complete gentleman and although it didn't always come across
on TV, he had a riotous sense of humour.
Kevin Rush, Glasgow, Scotland
His memory was amazing; I can only remember him being stumped once on
Record Breakers, admittedly by a fairly daft question "Which tree had the
record amount of leaves on it". He, Johnny Morris, Johnny Ball and Roy
Castle had a rare quality of enthusiasm which took the dull and informative
into something which could entertain bored kids like me in the 1970s. Rest
in peace Norris.
Brian, Edinburgh, Scotland