Carrick Landscapes
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Photos by Brian Wotherspoon. Click on the images below to view them full size.

CairdersBurn1c.jpg (50266 bytes) CairdersBurn2c.jpg (66807 bytes) mochrum.jpg (14541 bytes) MayboleShoreNorth1c.jpg (80121 bytes) MayboleShoreSouth1c.jpg (67137 bytes) CulzAutmCol1c.jpg (89488 bytes)
Cairders Burn Cairders Burn Mochrum Hill Maybole Shore North Maybole Shore South Culzean Grounds
Crosshill_Straiton1c.jpg (33930 bytes) CulzCaFlower1c.jpg (22283 bytes) ThornbrokeFarm.jpg (31214 bytes) MochrumHillEast1c.jpg (35287 bytes) KildoonSS2c.jpg (15619 bytes) KildoonSS1c.jpg (22850 bytes)
Crosshill Straiton Flowers at Culzean Thornbroke Farm Mochrum Hill East Kildoon Kildoon
Mochrum_Bultersan1c.jpg (47464 bytes) KildoonPla2c.jpg (50421 bytes) KildoonMon1c.jpg (50950 bytes) KildoonEast1c.jpg (24159 bytes) MayboleSunset3c.jpg (42782 bytes) MayboleSunset1.jpg (65091 bytes)
Mochrum Hill & Baltersan Castle Kildoon Plaque Kildoon Monument

Kildoon East

Maybole Sunset Maybole Sunset
GrYard+CairnSc1c.jpg (56572 bytes) CarrickAcc2c.jpg (50982 bytes) DunHarbour1c.jpg (34239 bytes) Crosshill1c.jpg (143831 bytes) Crosshill3c.jpg (45219 bytes) CCwildlife1c.jpg (95852 bytes)
Maybole Cemetery & Cairn School Carrick Academy Dunure Harbour Crosshill Crosshill Deer at Culzean


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