Pictorial History Page 3
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 (Click on the images below for a larger picture or on the title for a further description)

lumsdenhouse.jpg (62069 bytes) tuckshop.jpg (51085 bytes) whitehall2.jpg (31848 bytes) ashgrove.jpg (59149 bytes) 30kirkwynd.jpg (65549 bytes)
Lumsden House The Tuck Shop Whitehall Ashgrove House 30 Kirkwynd
burgherkirk.jpg (52927 bytes) cairnpublicschool.jpg (62240 bytes) weespoot1.jpg (60639 bytes) weavervennel2.jpg (52436 bytes) johnknoxhouse.jpg (49607 bytes)
The Burgher Kirk The Cairn Public School  The Wee Spoot ca. 1870 The Weaver Vennel John Knox's House
kirkwynd2.jpg (68936 bytes) whitehall3.jpg (40901 bytes) weespoot2.jpg (60401 bytes) societystreet2.jpg (60333 bytes) societystreet1.jpg (44827 bytes)
The Kirkwynd Whitehall The Wee Spoot ca. 1900 Society Street Society Street
The Shoe Industry1.jpg (53248 bytes) The Shoe Industry2.jpg (53393 bytes) The Shoe Industry3.jpg (56447 bytes) The Shoe Industry4.jpg (27808 bytes) The Shoe Industry5.jpg (40749 bytes)
The Shoe Industry Local Shoe Factory Shoe Leather Tannery Currying Department Upper Cutting Dept
The Shoe Industry6.jpg (47692 bytes) The Shoe Industry8.jpg (47189 bytes) The Shoe Industry7.jpg (48288 bytes) Townend Shoe Factory.jpg (57587 bytes) Exodus.jpg (32487 bytes)
Sole Cutting Department Upper Closing Department The Finishing Department Townend Shoe Factory Exodus
All Thats Left.jpg (37263 bytes) Stitching the Uppers.jpg (35792 bytes) Closing the Uppers.jpg (36487 bytes) Trimming.jpg (34193 bytes) The finished article.jpg (31934 bytes)
Cutting out Soles Stitching the Uppers Closing the Uppers Trimming The finished article

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