Crossraguel Abbey Near Maybole
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Artist: Billings; Engraver: Smith

An excerpt from the original description:
Crossraguel Abbey, the view of which will be new to most of our readers, is one of those sacred relics of the olden time which recall monachism and the mass-that gorgeous worship, which in every corner of the island has left its stately monuments and its pious traditions; and in all, enduring proofs of the temporal, no less than the spiritual, sway of its hierarchy. This abbey is a fine specimen of that architecture which, within the last twenty years, has been partially revived and imitated in some of our ecclesiastical edifices; but it will require many years before the modern can approach the ancient in boldness of design and delicacy of execution. This religious structure-comprising a church, cloisters, the abbots residence, and the chapter-house-though greatly dilapidated, is still sufficiently entire to give the stranger an accurate notion of its original extent, style, and decoration. It was founded in the middle of the twelfth century by Duncan, son of Gilbert, Earl of Carrick, and, under its pious and learned abbots, who had the enjoyment of a princely revenue, rose into considerable distinction as a religious fraternity.

The town of Maybole is pleasantly situated on a gentle eminence, surrounded by a screen of hills, which shelter it on the north and east, in form of an amphitheater. It was erected by royal charter into a burgh of barony early in the sixteenth century, in favor of the house of Cassilis.