Maybole Gala Quiz - 2014
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Winners l-r Councillor Brian Connolly, Richard Ross, Alex Dillon, Jim and Linda Paterson (Corner Boys plus One)

Runners-up Councillor Brian Connolly, Alex Kelly, Libby Conn, Christine Lowe and Eddie Glass (The Dream Team).

Gala Photos Page 1  │  Gala Photos page 2  │  Historical Society    │  Service at Crossraguel   │   Quiz

The 2014 Maybole Gala Quiz was won by the Corner Boys plus One – Jim and Linda Paterson, Alex Dillon and Richard Ross; runners up were the Dream Team – Alex Kelly, Libby Conn, Christine Lowe and Eddie Glass. The quiz was held in the Carrick Sports Club and the organisers, Maybole Community Association, would like to thank the club for the use of his premises and Mark Fletcher, Club vice convener, for being quiz master. The prizes were presented by Cllr Brian Connolly, who is also Club convener. Nine teams took part in the quiz which was closely fought and took a tie break question to decide the runners-up.