Remembrance Day 2009
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Remembrance Sunday - Click on the images to view full size

Remembrance Sunday was a day of glorious sunshine in Maybole.


Rev Alistair Morrison and Fr Stephen McGrattan led a service in the town hall which began by accepting the flags of the local branch of the Royal British Legion Scotland from standard bearers Mark McEwan and Alex Mills. .


Following the service, Maybole Pipe Band led what was possibly the largest parade seen in the town for many years to the war memorial for the traditional two minute silence and a wreath laying service led by Fr McGrattan and Rev Morrison..


Taking part in the parade and laying poppy wreaths were many local organisations including the local branch of the Royal British Legion Scotland, the Women’s Section of the branch, Lieutenant Commander Steve Deeney and Squadron Leader Andy Butterfield representing current serving personnel, South Ayrshire Councillor Mairi Low, Maybole Community Council, Families and Friends, Maybole Town Twinning Association, Maybole Community Association, Maybole Council of Churches, BBs, Scouts, Cubs, Guides, Brownies, Carrick Academy, Masonic Lodges, Apprentice Boys of Derry, Carrick Round Table, and local emergency services.


After this service, the pipe band led the parade back to the Town Hall with the salute being taken at the golf course’s 9th tee..

Photos from previous years.  2008  |  2007  2006   |  2005  | 2004  |   2003   |  2002