Allan Murray
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Like many others residents in Maybole I am an interloper, a temporary resident, a transient soul. Born, bred and brought up in Glasgow until the age of 23, I moved to Maybole and knew that I would only remain in this backwater for 2 years. I set up home in Maybole in 1972 and since arriving I have married, lived in 4 houses, had 3 children, with some assistance from my wife, and recently become a grandfather for the second time. Quite a lot to pack into 2 years. There is only one glitch in my grand plan - my 2 years has now extended to 29 years and something tells me this extension could go on.

In addition to the above personal landmarks, two years ago I became a Councillor representing Carrick North Maybole West and I regard my election to this office as a privilege. Looking back now on my first journey to Maybole, although I had passed through it on my way to holiday in Girvan, Stranraer and Ireland, my arrival in the town, off the bus, after a two and a half hour journey which took in changes at Kilmarnock, went via Prestwick, a change at Ayr and the final trip to Maybole via the High Road, stepping off the bus at the Greenside on a bright September morning, I thought I had arrived in a quiet sleepy backwater. It was only on my second visit to Maybole to begin work one week later that I realised that the Greenside was not really the throbbing heart of the town, but that the A77 running through Maybole was in fact the commercial centre.

At that time the Co-op had so many branches in the High Street I can't recall them all, but there was at least a Butchers, a Bakers, a Grocers, a Hardware/Furniture, a Ladies and Gents Outfitters and I guess some more. There was also a Town Council, which ran things in the town. Well nearly 30 years later things have changed, not all for the better, but Maybole unlike many other small towns, some would call them villages, has retained clear identity. Civic leadership, community spirit, some control over its own affairs in partnership with South Ayrshire Council, and this Web Site.

The Maybole Web Site gives the opportunity for those who have travelled in the opposite direction from me, that is to places far flung as Kilmarnock, Koblenz and Komeroo, the opportunity to keep in touch with the town, with its history, and with its future, and never to feel far from home.