In Memory of George Davidson
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No one made me laugh with quite the same exuberance as my brother George, but the source of that laughter ceased on February 1, 2011 when two weeks short of his seventy-third birthday, his maker called him home. Laughter seems an unlikely ingredient for a boy born as the middle child in a family of eleven, but laughter was a key component of the man he would become. His ability to make me and others laugh was attributable to his comedic timing.

As a large family growing up in Maybole in the late forties and fifties, George often remarked of our childhood: “We could disagree with four or five siblings and still have plenty of playmates at the end of the day.” Sometimes as the laughter subsided and punishment was doled out for childhood misdeeds, George often took the brunt of it, even though the blame lay elsewhere.

My earliest memories of George are as a big brother and mentor, he was always there for me, but we were as different as two human beings could be; he was calm and collected, while I was angry and volatile. He was confident and gregarious, I was shy and introverted. As we grew older our lives remained intact, even though we lived three thousand miles apart. Despite our differences we shared many of the same pleasures: golf, opera, poetry and literature.

When George married the love of his life, Meryl Colquhoun, I had the privilege of being the best man at their wedding, which took place in the U.S.A. Following a two year stint in the United States Army, George and Meryl returned to Scotland, where he attended Jordan Hill College. They eventually settled into their own home in the border country, where they raised a family.  

George’s greatest legacy is undoubtedly his family and he is survived by his wife Meryl and their four Children: Geryl, Darren, Jaren and Verne. Grandchildren: Kelly, Morgan, Ruby, Robbie, Buster and Manor. Great grandchild: Dexter. Besides being a great family man he was also a man of many talents; he was an excellent golfer, a teacher and councilor, the pastor of an Edinburgh church and a man of strong convictions with great religious fervor. In his spare time he dabbled in culinary fare and the hospitality of the Davidson house remains legendary. Somewhere along the way he found time to teach himself to play the banjo. He was a gifted writer and poet and contributed several short stories to the Maybole website shortly before he became ill. He was also published in The Plain Truth Magazine. His article entitled: “What, me prejudiced?” This article gives a true sense of who he really was. It was published in the April-May 2001 edition.

When he was younger he could be a tough task master if the occasion demanded it, and like most of us, he mellowed with the years but he still demanded from himself the very best and he expected the same from those around him.

The family wishes to say a very special thanks to friends and relatives who made the trip to Peebles for his funeral service. To those of us who knew and loved him, his presence will be forever missed.                                W.D. April 23, 2011

Webmaster note:

George Davidson contributed several excellent articles on his remembrances of  Maybole to this website.
See The Music Teacher,
 The Inspector and Tacketty Boots.

George's brother William Davidson has also contributed many poems. See Poems of Maybole and Carrick including this a remembrance of his brother - Dear Brother Friend.