Hugh McCoid and Martha Thomson were married on 3rd
September 1886 at Welltrees Maybole. They had seven
children all born in Maybole, two of whom did not
survive infancy. Their son Hugh McCoid was born on 12th
August 1891 at 33 Cassillis Road Maybole. When the rest
of the family emigrated to Canada before WW1, son Hugh
remained in Maybole. He married Jane (Jeanie) McEwan on
27th February 1914 at Carrick Place Maybole. They had
one daughter Margaret. Hugh enlisted and was in the RSF
and HLI. His brothers Robert and James now spelt their
last name McCoyd,. They joined the forces from Canada.
Hugh and James died within 9 days of each other on the
1st and 9th April 1917. Hugh is buried at Savy in
France, James is commemorated at Vimy. I believe Robert
may have died later of wounds as a memorial notice
inserted by their parents in a Quebec newspaper of 1930
identifies all three. ‘Resting in peace, their duty
done.’ |