War Medals and Watches
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To Gunner Charles Donnelly In Recognition and Admiration

At the outbreak of the First World War in August, 1914, the Minniebolers as usual were eager to get to grips with the enemy and the local Territorials mustered at the Armoury in the town and marched behind their Band to the station where everyone from babes in arms to the oldest townsman turned out to cheer them away. There were crackers placed on the lines, the band blew its loudest, the Territorials waved and cheered and the wives and sweethearts wept as the train steamed out and those left on the platform assured each other the soldiers were only off on a picnic as the war couldn't possible last and they would be home for Christmas. Little did they think that four long weary years would pass before the Maybole men would return, and during these years many more would leave to join the forces and many would never return. In 1919 those who did come back were entertained in the Town Hall, all were given medals from the townspeople with the Town Coat of Arms on one side and inscribed with their names on the other and the men who had won special distinction for their bravery were gifted gold watches. From the book Maybole, Carrick' Capital

On Wednesday April 29 1942 Robert Clark was presented with a hall clock from the people of Maybole in recognition of the honour he had brought to the town in gaining the award of the Distinguished Service Medal. Provost McCulloch made the presentation and said he felt it was a very great honour to make the presentation as it was the first distinction to be won by a Maybole man in this war (World War 2).

Seaman Clark, educated at Carrick academy, had been in the Navy for about six years since he was 16. The award had been given for gallantry in action against enemy aircraft in the Mediterranean whilst convoying food and munitions to Malta, and also for special service, details of which could not be mentioned. He had also taken part in the raid on Vaagso in Norway with great credit. To view the scrolls presented after World War II  click here. For more about Maybole's honoured serviceman and women see Maybole War Memorial and the chapter in Maybole: Carrick's Capital titled - Martial Minniebolers.

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