McKinstray's Descendants Continue Running Feats
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I found your site a few days ago and what an absolutely brilliant find it was. My mothers maiden name is McKinstray and I was so proud to find articles on our ancestors. I was especially excited to find the picture of Thomas Mckinstray who was my GGGrandfather and also the information on his father Robert M'Kinstray the runner. I myself am a great lover of road running and although I have had some success in local events alas I don't appear to have the talent that he had. I have visited Maybole with my mother on several occasions as we have been researching our family tree and it is a delightful place with very friendly people. If anyone has further information on the McKinstrays I would love to hear from them. Caroline Legg

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"This article from our local newspaper three years ago may be of  interest. It was when my son qualified to compete at the AAA national championships at Sheffield in the 800 metres he was school sports champion several times and was cross country champion every year . He gave up running competitively the following year to concentrate on his studies and at the moment is at Preston University studying Heritage Management... however who knows in the future he may again be able to find the time and once again show the talents gifted to him by his great great great grandfather." Caroline Legg.
Click on the article to read the details.