Hempkin M'Kinstray and Strachan Families
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John Hempkin

Shown here are former residents of Maybole John Hempkin and Annie Blair. They had a daughter Susan who married Robert Scobie in 1890. John Hempkin (left) was of Austrian descent and is reported to have accidentally drowned in Lorne Tannery in Maybole. Contributed by David Hunter.

Anne Blair

John Hempkin

Annie Blair

Sergeant T. M'Kinstray

Here are two more former residents of Maybole. Sergeant M'Kinstray, son of celebrated foot runner Robert M'Kinstray also of Maybole and  Mrs. A. Strachan of the Maybole Coffee House. Click on the articles below to learn more. M'Kinstray article contributed by David Hunter. Maybole Coffee Shop by Norman MacIntyre.

Mrs A. Strachan

Sergeant T. M'Kinstray

Mrs. A. Strachan

Click on the articles below to read more about these past citizens of Maybole

Sergeant M'Kinstray.

Robert M'Kinstray

Robert M'Kinstray

mckinstray1a.jpg (146836 bytes) McKinstray1b.jpg (151914 bytes) miler1.jpg (119793 bytes) miler2.jpg (137272 bytes)
Another article on Robert M'Kinstray Contributed by Caroline Legg

I found your site a few days ago and what an absolutely brilliant find it was. I rate it as one of the best sites I've ever found. My mothers maiden name is McKinstray and I was so proud to find articles on our ancestors on your site I was especially excited to find the picture of Thomas McKinstray who was my GGGrandfather and also the information on his father Robert the runner, I myself am a great lover of road running and although I have had some success in local events alas I don't appear to have the talent that he had. I have visited Maybole with my mother on several occasions as we have been researching our family tree and it is a delightful place with very friendly people. If anyone has further information on the McKinstrays I would love to hear from them. Congratulations once again on a wonderful site you really deserve the praise that you are receiving. 
Caroline Legg

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