An excerpt from
the SUN newspaper. London: Saturday 27th September 1800 includes a
lengthy account of the trial at Ayr of John Andrew, a shoemaker and at one
time a teacher, and Robert Ramsay, a cartwright, both of Maybole. They
were accused of sedition and administering unlawful oaths at a meeting of
Freemasons and-or Knights Templar in Maybole at some time in 1796. William
Hamilton, member of a Lodge in Maybole (Royal Arch No.264) described how a
pistol was fired and someone shouted "Put him to death" at the initiation
ceremony and how he was blindfolded and brought into a room and afterwards
shown a stone jug holding a bush with a candle burning inside it while
John Andrew read the 3rd Book of Exodus ... The Prosecution claimed
that Irish men were present and that Freemasons agreed to suppress any
knowledge of murder or treason. Other evidence was given by Quentin
Stewart, a tailor; John McClure, a schoolmaster; Gilbert Wilson, a saddler
and James Bartram, Clerk of the Grand Lodge of Scotland. The Account runs
to over 80 cms and provides an extraordinary insight into early
Freemasonry - and the fears it aroused in others. The Jury found the case
not proven ...
Carrick's Capital Facts, Fiction & Folks by James T. Gray
In 1797 a second lodge was formed in the
town, its sponsor being Lodge Royal Arch in Ayr and it was given the
number 264 and named Lodge Royal Arch, probably in gratitude to its
sponsor in Ayr. Its first R.W.M. was John Andrew whose Depute was John
McLure and the Senior Warden was Robert Ramsay with another John McLure as
Junior Warden. At a later date the number of this Lodge was changed to 197
and later to its present number of 198. It is interesting to note that at
this period Culzean Castle was being built and it is probable many of the
operative masons employed on the work, and who lodged in Maybole, would
combine to form the new lodge. Lodge No. 198 has always had a greater
number of operative members in its roll than No. 11 and even in recent
years operative masons and builders have been more predominant in the
younger lodge.
It would appear there was little
harmony, and definitely no brotherly love, between the two lodges in the
town as before a year had passed a complaint was made to Grand Lodge in
1798 by two members of the older lodge, the Rev. William Wright and James
Ferguson, that Lodge Royal Arch No. 264 was guilty of the "most heinous
irregularities and carried out their ceremonies in a manner alien to the
craft." No action was taken by Grand Lodge, however, and No. 264 blythely
carried on for two years until 1800 when the R.W.M. of No. 11, Quintin
McAdam, again lodged a similar objection to the workings of the junior
lodge. The Grand Lodge then seems to have felt there was some
justification for the complaint as they issued a stern warning to the
Master of No. 264 who must have obeyed orders as there was no further
complaint regarding the behaviour of the members or the method of carrying
out their ceremonies. Masonic ritual was not standardised then as it is
today and probably No. 264 members carried out their ceremonies in a
different manner to those of No. 11, who being the older lodge, would feel
that the young upstart lodge should fall into line and do as their elders
and betters did. |