Do you have an article or story of interest you
would like to share with visitors? Contact us
This letter dated 1787 has been in my family for
generations. It is from Petersburg which I take to
be in Virginia USA and not the St Petersburg in Russia
but I have no way to verify this. I lived in Maybole as
did my parents and grandparents, at Woodside on the Main
Street opposite Jacks factory. My grand father was a
vet, Walter Gardner married to Annie Ferguson, my father
was Walter Gardner married to Johan Boa. I do not know
anything about the letter except that is was in my
father's safe folded up into a small square. I took it
to the local archivist here in Dumfries as I could not
work out what 'flesh and Graind' meant but it may be
polished leather and suede. Johan Findlay
more |
Maybole Red Cross -
1918: The Maybole Division, which comprises Maybole,
Crosshill, Kirkmichael, Straiton, Kirkoswald, Fisherton,
and Dalrymple, is under the Vice-Presidency of Mrs.
Hunter-Blair. The Maybole Work Party numbers 150
members, and in 1917, 2278 garments were made, bringing
the total since its formation up to 10,535....In 1916
Maybole subscribed for a bed in Bellahouston Hospital,
and for one in the Rouen Hospital, each of which was
named " The Capital of Carrick Bed." The year the town
subscribed for one at Seafield, which was named "The
Maybole Bed".
more |
The clock is
probably from the early to mid 19th Century when this
type was in style. It is a typical 8-day weight driven
movement with a white painted dial. The Hepplewhite case
is a combination of mahogany and mahogany veneer with
inlaid stringing. Some additional points about this
clock and British clocks in general: I acquired this
clock from someone who knew nothing about its background
which is fairly typical. Many tall case clocks were
imported to the US by antique dealers after WW II and
sold to collectors for decoration. Information about
ownership prior to that time is of course lost.
Read the
rest of the story |
Dear Madam:
It is with the very deepest regret and
sympathy that I have to confirm the news, which you have
no doubt received by telegraph, of the death of your
son, 1st Liet. George Squires, who was at the time
attached to this School for a Course of Instruction in
Aerial Fighting and Gunnery. I beg to give you the
following brief particulars of the fatal accident and of
the funeral arrangements. On Saturday May 18th, at 10:30
in the morning the machine of 1/Lt.G.Squiree, who was
carrying out practice in certain fighting evolutions,
was seen to circle slowly and begin descending, the
descent taking place apparently normally until the
machine dived at a steep angle and crashed to the
ground. Your son was in sole control of the machine, no
passenger being carried on the type he was flying.
Read the
rest of the story here |
A well-known clockmaker (whose clocks are now much sought after) had a shop
in High Street and was known to all as "Watchie Logan" early last
century. He travelled the district repairing clocks in the farmhouses and was
fond of a dram after he had done his work. On one occasion he was at West Enoch
attending to a clock when the farmer was over generous with his bottle and
"Watchie" left for home in a happy, but rather sleepy, condition. On
reaching the "Beggars Rest" he sat down and fell asleep and some of
the weavers who had been for a walk round the "Cross Roads" found him
snoring away completely oblivious to everything. For a ploy they put him into a
sack (he was a very small man) and carried him down to the back shop of a local
butchers where they told the butcher they had poached a deer on Mochrum Hill and
would let him have it for ten shillings.
Read the
rest of the story here |
Wes Muir, who lives in North Carolina,
USA found his grandfather's journal in an old truck a
few years ago. From the journal Wes discovered that his
grandfather lived in Maybole but left for America in
1861 with his two nephews. They made their way to Liverpool and purchased
passage on a large three-masted ship called the Benjamin
Adams. His journal tells the story of the 55 days
journey across the Atlantic Ocean arriving in New York
three months after the beginning of the American Civil
One particular entry of note near the end
of the journey is that of 16 July 1861 just after
America's Civil War had begun. A Union navy ship fired a
warning shot at the ship John Muir and almost 400
passengers were aboard. The ship stopped and was boarded
by the Union navy which was looking for a Confederate
privateer ship called the Jefferson Davis. Satisfied
that this was not the ship they were allowed to proceed
to New York.Wes Muir.
the story here |
The first edition of
The Maybole Chronicle was published
the 20th of October, 1923. At a price of One Penny it
was stated to circulate in Crosshill, Kirkmichael,
Kirkoswald and Straiton. This is the only edition of
this newspaper known to exist. Were there any more
editions? We don't know. Perhaps a site visitor can tell
us. Please
contact us if you have an answer to this.
Excerpts from Page 1. A Terrible Tragedy in life befalls the
man of woman who doesn't know how or where to spend
Money to the Best Advantage but by making your Purchases
Direct at "Ye Olde Outfitting Establishment of Wright"
you eliminate all risk. If Winter Comes, and you are not may mean the flu. Avoid this by getting
good underwear. Buy the Wolsey. Sold by T. Hicks,
Outfitter. 80 High Street Maybole. |
Maybole website received the
following inquiry-
from the Colonies! My parents bought a china cabinet locally. On the
cabinet is a brass plaque which states that it was presented to Miss
Ann Brannan upon her retirement from Cairn School, Maybole in June
1932. The cabinet resides in corner in the front room out of direct
sunlight (we watch The Antiques Road Show over here as well) and holds
my mother's treasures. How the cabinet made it from Scotland to New Westminster,
British Columbia is a mystery as is Miss Ann Brannan. Could you
please point me in the direction of any sources of information about
her. Any info! Photo! Anything! Thanks for your time and attention.
Len Osmond Read our response here. |
Confession and last Words
of Thomas Neilson, who was Executed at Maybol, on Thursday, being
the 14th of August, 1718. For Murdering one Named M’Connel, in the Parish of Girvan. For the better
Understanding of the ensuring Discourse, it will not be amise to
Relate how this matter began. The Murdered, and the Murderers, dwelt
in a Mealing together, in Daldouy in the Parish of Girvan, and were
every way Partiners (but the Neilson’s besides were Cowpers to their
Employment ) It’s Storied that the Man Murdered was a Rubust stormy
sort of a Man .... Read the
article. |
A shoemaker from Maybole was stuck in the
eye by a golf club. Here is the painfully story of the
state of eye surgery in 1819. The account below is an
excerpt from a book titled A Manual of the Diseases of
the Human Eye intended for Surgeons commencing practice.
Berlin 1819. Translated from the original German Work by
George C. Monteath, M. D. ...The following case of Bony Cataract may
be worthy of being recorded. In September 1819, I was
consulted by Gilbert M'Crindle, a shoemaker from
Maybole, by the desire of Mr. Train, his medical
attendant, from whose obliging account of his case I
extract the following concise history.
Read the article |
The Great Debate at
Maybole 28th, 29th and 30th September 1562 ‘Heir
followeth the coppie of the ressoning which was betuix the Abbote of
Crosraguell and John Knox, in Mayboill concerning the masse : in the yeare
of God, a thousand fiue hundreth thre scoir and two yeares.'
The best way of understanding history is to get inside
the minds of the main players at any given time, and the best way of doing
this is to look at some of the things they said and did particularly in
unguarded moments. Scotland in the early years of the 1560’s was in
considerable turmoil. In August of 1560 parliament in Edinburgh had passed
an Act establishing a new protestant church and forbidding the saying of
Mass anywhere in the country, but it quickly became apparent that this
law, since it did not have the Royal Assent, was being widely ignored.
Read the article. |
Another Mystery. Can you tell us more
about this? Local writer Catherine Lucy Czerkawska purchased this at a
local auction recently and said - "it is a very old embroidery on silk
- the faces are actually painted though the costumes, landscape etc are
embroidered. It is Mary Queen of Scots escaping from Leven Castle. On my
way out of the auction room, I was met by the lady who had sold the
embroidery - she confirmed that it depicts Mary, that it is about 200
years old, and - much to my interest - added that it "came from a house in
Maybole." BI would be very interested in finding out anything more
about it and its provenance. more |
A small mystery. Can you tell us more
about this envelope? The item was purchased on eBay by Sally Walker (Nee
McCubbin) with the description given as: 1825 "free Front" only signed
"Ailsa" Marquis of Ailsa? at Maybole Ayrshire. Unusually the date
has been altered from "fourteen" to "sixteen". Front is mounted on dark
blue backing paper. The paper measures 3" X 5". Sally says
"the front of the envelope is addressed to Mrs Robert Kennedy, Halton ( or
Hatton?) Hall, Burton on Trent, dated 16/9/1825 and noted "Ailsa" in the
bottom left corner. I suppose it is a letter from the Marquess of Ailsa to
a sister in law?" Click here or on the image
to view full size. |
An Address Delivered in the precincts of Crossraguel Abbey
on 16th July 1933 by Rev. David Swan, B.D. Maybole. Rev. Swan's address
found in the kist at the Parish Church. Transcription done by Gordon
Killicoat with photos by Brian Wotherspoon.
Next time you travel to Glasgow by rail,
look out of the carriage window immediately after you have passed Paisley
Station. There on the right hand you will see Paisley Abbey, within
recent years restored to something of its ancient dignity and glory.
There is a shadowy tradition that Sir William Wallace, the knight of
Ellerslie and the Scottish patriot, received his schooling in a seminary
attached to the Abbey.
The full text here. |
article was written and contributed by J. Murray Cook with illustrations
from ‘The Kingdom of Carrick and its Capital’ by John Latta and William
Millar, 1904.
It is remarkable
how a population of weavers, in one generation, became a population of
souters (shoemakers) or curriers. All my great great grandfathers were
weavers, all except one of my grandfathers were souters or curriers.
In 1838, John Gray & Co. began producing hand sewn footwear using local
outworkers to stitch pre-cut soles to uppers. He had a place in Inches
Close, now the entrance to Safeway car park, where he would employ boys at
6d a week. |
I am seeking information about some
sterling flatware that I my father bought in the 1950's, at a auction
house in New York City. The 209 pieces of sterling flatware are stored in
a big wooden case with the name The Earl of Carrick on the outside. There
are three hallmarks on the pieces but the only one I can recognize looks
like the fish part of the Clan Kennedy Badge. I read on the Maybole
website that Archibald Kennedy lived in New York City in the mid 1700's
but on his refusal to take part in the Boston Tea Party, George
Washington's evicted him from his home and took possession of it for
himself. I just wonder if this set belongs to Archibald or his wife, "Anne
Watts" the lady that he married. The jeweler told me she hasn't seen
silver like this outside a museum.
Can you solve this mystery for us? |
In Maybole’s West Church is a stained glass window with the following dedication.
Church members were curious to know if there was some way
to find more about the Dunlops of the USA and their sister Margaret. The
original records for the construction of the window were not available so
that made answering this question a bit of a challenge.
Click here to find out how this mystery was
solved. |
An excerpt from the SUN newspaper. London: Saturday 27th
September 1800 includes a lengthy account of the
trial at Ayr of John Andrew, a shoemaker and at one time a teacher, and
Robert Ramsay, a cartwright, both of Maybole. They were accused of
sedition and administering unlawful oaths at a meeting of Freemasons
and-or Knights Templar in Maybole at some time in 1796.
Click here or on the image to the left. |
Three Letters and an Invitation to a Funeral
...Yes John it is a warning to us to live as we ought to do and prepare for
that dreadful event that sooner or later awaits us all. We should leave nothing
to the last as a Death bed has often enough to do with itself. It was a most
heart rendering scene to see Mrs. Jamieson suffering her dear Husband in his
last moments and with that calm resignation of a true christian she closed his
eyes and mouth with her own hands and resigned him to his God…Jessie
Jamieson to her brother John, 16th Dec 1833, Maybole.
Click here or on the image to the
left to read more of the story. |
This image of a Burgess ticket
dated 1836 was contributed by
Richard McRonald.
Thomas McRonald, named as a Burgess on the ticket, was his great great
grandfather. A transcription of the document precedes it and is followed
by a brief history of the McRonald family in Maybole. Click on the image
on the left to view it. |
in Maybole as smoke billows from the historic castle. And the townspeople
gather in the High Street to watch the battle to save the building. Local
history expert Davie Hunter says the fire occurred in 1919, when only very
basic fire-fighting gear was at hand in the town. Click on the image to
the right to view the article as it appeared in the Ayrshire Post in July
2001 or here to view a large photo. |
Edwin Lawrence looks back
to the days of a thriving town that led the
British Empire in shoemaking. ...Census returns from 1901, show Maybole as
the second-biggest town in South Ayrshire. Boot and shoe making helped
give Maybole its large population, and the town was the hub of an area
that employed hundreds more in agriculture, weaving and mining. |

shoes and boots produced by Maybole's factories were known throughout the world
in the latter part of the nineteenth and early part of the twentieth century. "By
1891 there were ten shoe factories in full production employing 1,500
workers and producing about one million
pairs of boots and shoes annually. Shops were opened throughout the
whole of Britain, named "The Maybole Shoe Shop".
Can you
help us solve this mystery? What is the
origin of this tapestry and what story is it from? These photos were sent to us
by John Fraser who says that ...
I believe this is a tapestry that depicts
the scene of the elopement of the Countess of Cassillis and the Gypsy King. It
was given to my father by his Aunt from Scotland. We can follow it back about
80 years or so. She told him it was called the Elopement. What I was wondering,
was how old it might be and where it came from.
here or on the image for more.
Fatal Accident at Ailsa Craig. Contributed by Andrena Wallace.
fatal accident took place on Saturday at Ailsa Craig. A boating
party had proceeded there for a day's pleasure, and amongst the company
were some boys. One of them Robert Girvan, 10 years of age, son of
David Girvan, dairyman, Turnberry, had gone with others to climb for sea
bird's eggs, and not turning up search was made for him .... Click
on the link above or the photo for the full story. |

The tragic result of a boating episode indulged in on the Carrick shore
on Saturday by a party of Sunday School trippers from Kirkmichael,
created great consternation all over the county when it became known on
Saturday evening. Eleven persons, mostly children were involved, and
five lives were lost, the victims being a ploughman and four children.
June 1910. Contributed by Alistair Hastings. |
JACK & SONS, Ltd., Agricultural Engineers, MAYBOLE.
An old established Firm, well known, As makers of most modern
plant. For "up-to-date" farm work, and trade; Or any other thing
you want. Not merely In the British Isles, Is free and open market found:
Jack’s Implements commend themselves To users all the world around. |
SELDOM SINGLE.-- A few days ago, the wife of a poor labourer named Barnard
McVae, residing at Goat’s Green, Maybole (better known by the
youngsters as Mary Meikle’s Shore) having been confined, one of her children
about two years of age, while amusing itself about the doors tumbled into the
well and was found there drowned by a neighbour who had gone there for water. -
On Friday last, the father coming into the town to look
after some work having, it is said, partaken too freely of spirits, missed his
foot at the top of a stone stair in a house at "Pat’s Corner," fell
to the bottom and was killed! Ayr
Advertiser, April 10th
Kennedy Family - "The Kings of Carrick"
"In early days when Maybole had the families of over twenty noblemen living in
it, the Kennedy family, "The Kings of Carrick", looked on the old
capital of their kingdom as their home town and many famous members of this
family have gone from it to become prominent figures in Scotland's
is a clan crest badge, measuring 2" in diameter. Made by Carrick Jewelry in
Scotland. The Clan Kennedy, motto "Consider the End".
The Postal History of
the Kingdom of Carrick
Click on the image or link above to view parts of a collection of The Postal History of the Kingdom of
Carrick. The collection whose earliest piece is dated 1697 spans all the postal markings and offices of Carrick
through to the present day. An exhibit of this collection was shown at
Glasgow in November of 2000 by its owner Tom Fowler, former resident of
Riot at Deans Mill: A Disturbance in Maybole, 1831. "Twelve men
were charged with being part of the mob which had advanced upon Deans mill
in a "riotous and tumultuous manner, to the terror and alarm of the
lieges, and the disturbance of the public peace" and which did
"in a violent, and illegal, and tumultuous manner...break in pieces
and destroy the machinery". Click on the link above to read this
fascinating account recently reported in Ayrshire Notes by David
Town and other poems by John Fulton: Far up amongst auld Carrick
hills 'Mongst crystal springs and glittering rills, 'Mongst shady trees
and scented thorn, Whaur wild birds' song wakes early morn, Stands Maybole
Toon, 0' ancient glory Famed in romance, in song and story, Whose sons for
freedom always fought, And with their blood new glory bought On monys a
gory field.... Click on the link above to view the rest of the page.
Contributed by Gordon Macfarlane.

The Maybole Ragged School:
browse the school minutes and 30 pupil accounts such as this:
James Thomson: 13 years of
age father dead; was brought to school the 29th day of January 1849.
this boy was well known to be a notorious thief and a town pest. He was
ignorant as a heathen, neither knowing a letter nor a God. Could not tell
who made him: did not think it a sin to steal or tell a lie; did not know
where the wicked go after death ...Transcribed by Davie Law
leaving the land of my birth today,
seek a new home in a land far away,
now when the time comes to say goodbye,
gathering tears be-dim mine eye,
a feeling of sadness my bosom fills,
I bid adieu to the Carrick Hills."
A poem, written by William Stewart, Drummellan
Street, Maybole in the year 1907. A heart touching farewell on his leaving
for a new home abroad. Click here
for the full text. Contributed by Heather
Wotherspoon. |
David Maclure Cowan - "Hero Doc Carried Patient Five Miles in a Chair"
The tragic death of Dr. Cowan from Maybole. Newspaper
articles account of the doctor's short career
and death. Contributed by Alex McLaren, Girvan council worker mentioned in the
article. For additional information on Dr. Cowan also visit Gayle
A Winter's Walk in Carrick by Robert
Louis Stevenson (A fragment pertaining to Maybole, 1876) Preprinted by Fraser
Press. This is a very
"different" view of the town and it's citizens by the famous author.
Contributed by Cooper Hay of Cooper Hay
Rare Books. Browse Cooper's Scottish books inventory
or contact Mr. Hay for book search services.