Carrick Academy - 1970
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Photos from the Carrick Academy School magazine. Contributed by Jim Millar. Click on the images to view them full size. For other years click here. 1961 | 1962 | 1963 | 1964 | 1965 | 1966 | 1967 | 1968 | 1969 | 1970 | 1970 Pg 2 | 1971 | 1971 Pg2

On Monday 13th April [1970] Fay Miller brought us a fox cub, which was three weeks old. She has grown much bigger and is eight weeks old. The class voted for a name and we decided to call her Shandy. Every time she gets out of her cage we lift our feet off the floor, because she nips our ankles. She runs round the room thinking this is great fun, and every time she sees the teacher she runs away because she knows that she will be picked up and put into her cage to go to sleep. When she wakes up she starts playing with her tail. The first week we had her she always ran to find a place to hide. One day she was running around the room, and hid somewhere, and we couldn't find her. We looked everywhere but we still couldn't find her. One of the boys heard her squeaking and saw her trying to get out from behind a radiator. So we got her out and put her back into her cage. She has a cute little face and reddish-brown fur and her eyes are a light brown. She is getting very big now and has very sharp teeth, and can give very sore bites. She eats mince, and dog-meat, and drinks plenty of milk. After she has had something to eat, and had some fun, she will go into her cage and lie down and go to sleep. K.L. IE

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