remembrances below were contributed by
Jim McAlpine now living in
Ontario, Canada. |
I've always been
of the belief that there is a specific period in time when
we first become aware of our surroundings. As we enter
various phases of life we become aware of other things, such
as, self, emotions, and how we relate to one another. This
awareness, I'm sure, happens to people in different ways,
some may experience them much sooner in life than others.
The very first awareness of my
surroundings happened as I lay on the ground wrapped in what
I presume was a shawl, better known in Scotland as a plaid.
I was at eye level with a body of water and I could smell
the odours of grass, gravel and water all intermingled. The
water was moving but quiet, it was partially shaded, most
likely by trees on the opposite bank. As I took all this in
a great sense of contentment and wellbeing suffused my
entire being. This experience has remained with me my entire
life and I still see it as though it had just happened
yesterday. I told my mother about this a long time ago and
she said that I was probably looking at Tairlaw Lynn. She
told me that she used to take my brother David and I there
quite often. I would have been about 7 or 8 months old at
that time, late July or August 1930.
Photo © Copyright
Mary and Angus Hogg and licensed for reuse under this
Creative Commons Licence .
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Craigengower Hill.
This hill is etched in my memory, not because of the Hunter
Blair monument at the top, but because I ascended it when I
was about two years old. The ascent I must hasten to add,
was astride the shoulders of my father. There was some event
taking place in a field at the bottom of the hill and I
could hear the skirl of the pipes as we rose to the summit.
My brother David was away off to our left scrambling up by
himself, among the sheep.
That experience has
also stayed with me throughout the years. I visited my
father in Maybole in September 1998 and just before I left
he asked me, although we had never spoken of it beforehand,
if I remembered going up the hill on his shoulders. I told
him I did. He passed away at the age of 91 in June of 1999.
Photo © Copyright
Mary and Angus Hogg and licensed for reuse under this
Creative Commons Licence .
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Straiton memories ... Mr McTurk---joiner--- I loved
to visit his workshop- Just around the corner from
our house, which was the second door up from the war
memorial. Young brother John, about a little over a
year old at that time, turned on the tap of a
kerosene drum, which did not endear him to Mr McTurk.
I loved the smell of sawdust and wood shavings,
still do. Mr McTurk built a blanket kist (chest) for
mother, she still had it in Cairnfield Avenue when
David and I Left for Canada.
Mr John Reid
delivered fruit and vegetables from his small truck
to the country folk, including my grandparents at
Seaview cottage in those days. He parked his truck
not too far from the war memorial, in Straiton. On
one occasion my brother David, abetted by yours
truly got into he cab of the truck, released the
hand brake and lo and behold,ended up at the war
A Celtic cross
in Main Street
NS3804 : Main Street, Straiton.
© Copyright
Walter Baxter and licensed for reuse under this
Creative Commons Licence
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I remember
going with father and it was probably to the
McCandlish hall to see a group of touring
entertainers. He had once again to hoist me up on
his shoulders so that I could view the proceedings.
What I saw from this vantage point was a line of
black faced people singing along to the sound of
banjos. I can still see this today.
© Copyright
Oliver Dixon and licensed for reuse under this
Creative Commons Licence .
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In a remote
area such as Straiton, you hear sounds that perhaps
would be absent in built up areas. The sound that I
remember most of all was the cry of the houlet as
the night closed in. The sound of the houlet (owl),
combined with the shadows cast by the oil lamps
created havoc with a very young and fertile
imagination. It was a great incentive to snuggle
doon and try to go to sleep.
During my
Straiton years I contracted scarlet fever and was
taken to the Davidson cottage hospital in Girvan, I
have no memory of how I got there. However, I still
remember the antiseptic smell of the hospital along
with the sound of the train whistles. The railway
tracks ran at the bottom of Avenue Road where the
hospital was located. My final
memory of Straiton was of us leaving. Mother, three
children, David, myself and John in the cab of a
lorry with all our worldly possessions. There was no
room in the cab for father, he stood on the running
board all the way to our new residence at Glebe View
in Maybole.
village looking towards Highgate Hill for
© Copyright
MacNeill and licensed for reuse under this
Creative Commons Licence
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Jim McAlpine with
Skye. Jim is now living in Ontario, Canada.
of Jim's stories below