Carrick's Capital Facts, Fiction & Folks by James T. Gray,
Alloway Publishing, Ayr. First published 1972. Copyright ©
Permission for display on this site granted by David Gray. You may view
and download chapters of this book for personal research purposes only. No other
distribution of this text is authorized.
The story of this ancient Ayrshire town from its
early beginnings in the 12th century through its growth and
development until the nineteen sixties. A fascinating record of the
history of a town including a wealth of factual information on its
outstanding buildings growth of industry etc., the book also
gives an insight into the life of the community and townsfolk
Table of Contents
Chapter 15
THE men of Carrick
were aye "bonnie fechters" and were to be found in the forefront when
Scottish armies were in the field of battle. They fought for their freedom at
Bannockburn and their faith at Bothwell Brig; they brought home their dead from
Flodden and left them among the poppies in Flanders; they waded through blood at
Pinkie and mud at Paschendale and Carrick can always be proud of its fighting
On the plains of
Stirling Bruce proudly spoke of his "ain men from Carrick" guarding
him and helping to overthrow the power of Edward at Bannockburn and Sir Walter
Scott has him say, "I, with my Carrick spearmen charge" and
"Carrick, press on". It was a Carrick man, Sir Hew Kennedy of
Ardstinchar, who commanded the Scottish army which fought on the side of Joan of
Arc and raised the siege of Orleans in the French war of liberation against the
English. At the Battle of Beauge on 22nd March, 1421, he so distinguished
himself by his valour that he was granted by the Dauphin the right to wear the
Royal livery of France. In 1513 David, Third Lord Kennedy, led the Carrick men
at Flodden and died with his King, James VI, as did many other men from the
district, and Lord Kennedy's body was brought home to Maybole and buried at the
old Collegium. At Langside they fought both for and against their Mary, Queen of
Scots, and some went into exile in England with her. At the disaster at Pinkie
in 1547 many Carrick men died, among them twelve Lairds or their eldest sons and
there was much mourning in the old Kingdom.
The Maybole
Covenanters mustered in a field at Whitefaulds (where the house known as
"Muster Lea" now stands) and marched to fight for their faith at
Bothwell Brig in 1679. Among the 1,200 prisoners taken after the Covenanters
fled the field were 257 who, after five months imprisonment in Greyfriars
Churchyard, refused to renounce their belief and were shipped as slaves to
America but were drowned when their ship, the "Crown", foundered in a
storm off the Orkneys in December, 1679. Among these 257 were 21 Carrick men and
of these six were Minniebolers. Their names are inscribed on the Covenanters'
Memorial on the Cross Roads and they were Mungo Eccles, Thomas Horne, Robert
McGarron, John McHarrie, John McWhirter and William Rodger.
At the time of the
Bishop's Wars about the middle of the 17th century the Earl of Cassillis
commanded a troop of Carrick men who fought for their religion and many Maybole
men served under his command. At the Battle of Alford in June, 1645, a Captain
John Conic of Maybole was killed, and his testament, dated April 1645, states he
had "been called out to fight for his Kirk and his Kingdom".
When the Carrick
men were not united against common foes outside their own district they turned
joyously on each other and for generations the old High Street in Maybole was
often the scene of strife when the Bargany men and the Cassillis adherents
cleared the causeway of the sober burgesses and their wives, who waited
patiently until the tumult died down and they could come out from behind their
barred doors and bandage up the broken heads. This internecine and intermittent
warfare lasted until young Bargany met his death at the skirmish at Ladycross
which virtually brought an end to the famous Carrick Feud.
On 21st December,
1760, there was born in Maybole a man who must have been one of the longest
serving soldiers in army history. His epitaph states that Lt. Col. Thomas Aird
was born in Maybole, served 56 years in the service of his country, and died in
Sunderland on 1st November, 1839, aged 79 years. During his long army service he
was 28 years in the Royal Scots Greys and commanded a corps throughout the
Peninsular campaign and fought at Waterloo.
It was not until
the end of the eighteenth century, however, that the Maybole men were banded
together as one fighting unit. In 1797 the Loyal Carrick Volunteers, consisting
of 114 men, were formed in the town to give their support, if needed, in beating
off the threatened invasion by Napoleon. They would have made better wartime
soldiers than back line Home Guards, however, and the only foe they faced were
their spouses on the morning after they were disbanded for "drunk and
riotous behaviour" on parade in the Town Green the previous evening.
This does not
reflect on their bravery, however, as any married man will agree it would be
easier to meet a Froggie (even if only armed with a spade) than an enraged and
affronted wife after she had spent a night nursing her wrath to keep it warm.
Later most of the townsmen with a liking for soldiering enlisted in the local
County Regiment, the 21st Foot (later the Royal Scots Fusiliers) and saw service
in many lands with this famous regiment. In 1793 the 12th Earl of Cassillis
formed, among the local farmers and townsmen, a troop of yeomanry known as
"The Earl of Carrick's Own Yeomanry" in honour of their royal feudal
superior, the Earl of Carrick and heir to the Crown. This gave rise to the
Ayrshire Yeomanry who saw service with their horses in many campaigns until they
were finally dismounted during the first World War and attached to the County
Regiment as foot soldiers. In the second World War they became a mechanised unit
and, although officially now disbanded some loyal and proud troopers still meet
for summer camps and exercises and will be ready once again if ever needed by
their country. The Minniebolers, however, were not so clannish as only to enlist
in their local county regiments and many saw service with the Argylls, the Black
Watch and other Scottish units, and Sergeant McAdie, who lived to a ripe old
age, is remembered by many townspeople proudly parading on occasion with his
breastful of medals which showed he had been on the Kabul to Khandahar march,
and in many other campaigns.
It is interesting
that the famous Covenanting Regiment, The Cameronians, or 26th Foot Regiment,
had great connections with the old town and the first man to enlist, when it was
formed at Douglas in 1689, was Richard Slaven who lived at Kildoon, just a mile
out of the town. In 1803 when the Cameronians were on route to take up garrison
duty in Ireland they camped in the old Sheep Park from the 2nd to the 6th
December and the regimental band paraded for the entertainment of the townsfolk.
No doubt the sound of "The Black Bear" in the old High Street would
stir many of the local youths to keep time to the quick step of this famous
Rifle Regiment which bore the black button in memory of the death of Richard
Cameron. It must have been a great sight when the tents of the regiment were
erected at the Sheep Park, armed sentries were posted and the elders gathered
their companies together for communion, which was one of the prized traditions
of the regiment. The townspeople so appreciated the visit of the regiment that
they raised a subscription "for the purpose of treating the Cameronians on
their march through Maybole to Ireland with a glass of spirits and a bake"
while the officers were dined by some of the prominent townsfolk at the Kings
Arms Hotel the evening before they left. The account for the cost of
entertaining the soldiers was faithfully minuted in the Council Records and
reads, "61 gallons whiskie, £2 6s. 9d; loaves and bakes, £0 l0s l0d;
balance of subscription given to the poor, £0 1 5s. 11 d; total £3 13s.
6d." (It will be noted that there was not an overdue demand on the
"loaves and bakes"). This sum did not include the cost of entertaining
the officers which seems to have been paid by their hosts who no doubt would
dine and wine them well and there must have been some sore heads when the
regiment marched out of the town by the Whitefaulds road to Tippersweil and on
towards Girvan, with their rifles at the trail and with the quickstep peculiar
to all rifle regiments.
In 1859 once again
there were rumours and alarms of an invasion by the "Froggies" across
the English Channel and the Maybole men, as their fathers had done in 1797,
decided to form a unit to assist in the defence of the country. The Volunteer
movement sprang up throughout Britain at this time and General Peel, War
Minister of the Government, agreed, to accept the services of such men as would
equip themselves at their own expense, ask for no pay and fight when needed, and
to everyone's astonishment an armed force of over one hundred thousand men was
enrolled within a short time, having as their motto "Defence not
Defiance". Although the danger from France passed away the Volunteer
movement had come to stay and continued to the present day in various forms
until in 1968 the Territorial Army was more or less disbanded.
After a great deal
of wrangling among the would be officers of the corps, the Minniebolers in
January, 1860, subscribed £200 to equip the men and by March of that year the
Maybole corps of the Ayrshire Rifle Volunteers was formed. It consisted of
eighty men and the officers elected were: David Brown, Writer, Captain; William
Murray, Writer, lieutenant; Thomas Austin, ensign; Dr. Girvan, surgeon; Richard
Parkinson, bugler; Rev. John Thomson, minister in West Parish Church, chaplain.
The officers were dressed in befrogged frock coats and the men in blue tunics
and grey drill trousers with pill box caps. These leaders faithfully drilled
their men until they were well able to compete with the other companies of the
Ayrshire Battalion (which comprised over 1,000 men under the command of the
Marquess of Ailsa who had been gazetted Lieutenant-Colonel of the Rifle
Volunteers) when shooting matches, etc., were held and indeed the Maybole rifle
team won many trophies on the range. By 1879 the Ayrshire Battalion was composed
of fifteen companies and the war office in 1880 split them into two battalions,
which were in being until 1887 when the 2nd Battalion, which had its
headquarters in Ayr, became the 2nd Rifle Volunteer Battalion of the Royal Scots
Fusiliers. The Maybole men were formed into "C" company of the 2nd
Rifle Volunteer Battalion of the R.S.F. and many of the locals drilled in the
Sheep Park or at the Town Green, practised shooting in the old "Armoury"
and made a bee line for "Bobby Gerrand's" in the Kildoup when
dismissed from their labours. The Minniebolers never were in favour of being
connected with the R.S.F. and staunchly adhered to be the old form of
"Ayrshire Rifle Volunteers" when speaking about themselves. Many
medals earned by these Maybole volunteers must still be in the possession of
some of their descendants and the writer has the dress sword and pill box diced
cap belonging to his grandfather, together with a long service medal inscribed
"Ayrshire Rifle Volunteers; "C" Company 2nd V.B.R.S.
Fusiliers", with Britannia crowning a soldier with a laurel wreath on one
side, and "Presented to Lieut. H. B. Gray for long service; enrolled 8th
March, 1860, retired 22nd May, 1891" on the other.
On 25th August,
1881, the famous "Wet Review" took place when over 40,000 Volunteers
from all over Britain paraded before Queen Victoria in Queens Park, Edinburgh.
The 2nd Ayrshire Rifles were present, 88 strong, and many Maybole men from
"C" Company made up the Ayrshire contingent. They left Maybole by
train for Ayr before 5 o'clock that morning, joined up with the Ayr riflemen,
then left at 5.30 a.m. by special train for Edinburgh and on arrival there they
found the skies dull and overcast but all hoped the rain would keep off until
after the review. Unfortunately this was not to be and long before the parade
commenced the heavens opened and there was such a deluge that the streets were
flooded and Hunters Bog, where the troops were to gather, became a perfect
quagmire. It was decided to carry on, however, and the Queen reviewed her
citizen army in a steady downpour with spectators, and riflemen alike being
drenched to the skin. The volunteers, especially, were in a sad state, with the
pipeclay from their belts and the dye from their uniforms running in streaks
down their grey drill trousers. Notwithstanding the rain the day was a great
success and the Maybole men returned to their home town around 6 a.m. the
following morning, tired and bedraggled but still in high spirits and able to
muster and march behind their band to the Town Hall where they fell out to
return to their homes and brag for evermore that they had been present at the
"Wet Review". Through time the Volunteers merged into the Territorials
in 1908 which always had a good quota of Maybole men until the powers that be
decreed in 1968 that the Territorial Army was no longer required.
When the Boer War
broke out many of the Volunteers in the town joined fighting units as they
wished to see action and the Volunteers were for home defence only, as were the
Home Guard of the Second World War. On their return from active service in South
Africa they were feted by the townspeople and some, who had especially
distinguished themselves, were made Honorary Burgesses. The now commonplace
khaki uniform was introduced at this time and some of the soldiers brought back
their tunics and wore them at their work and the older people in the town well
remember "Khaki" Campbell who worked on a local farm and got his
nickname because he wore an old Khaki tunic.
At the outbreak of
the First World War in August, 1914, the Minniebolers as usual were eager to get
to grips with the enemy and the local Territorials mustered at the Armoury in
the town and marched behind their Band to the station where everyone from babes
in arms to the oldest townsman turned out to cheer them away. There were
crackers placed on the lines, the band blew its loudest, the Territorials waved
and cheered and the wives and sweethearts wept as the train steamed out and
those left on the platform assured each other the soldiers were only off on a
picnic as the war couldn't possible last and they would be home for Christmas.
Little did they think that four long weary years would pass before the Maybole
men would return, and during these years many more would leave to join the
forces and many would never return. In 1919 those who did come back were
entertained in the Town Hall, all were given medals from the townspeople with
the Town Coat of Arms on one side and inscribed with their names on the other
and the men who had won special distinction for their bravery were gifted gold
watches. The year 1919 was a hectic year in the old town as the returning
soldiery held dances on every possible occasion and everyone made merry for a
time until they realised that many of the returning men had no jobs to come back
to as trade had fallen away badly in both the shoe factories and in Jacks. This
meant many of the men who had left to go to war (some still serving their
apprenticeship) could not find work on their return and there was another exodus
from the town, much smaller than the 1909 one, but still drastic. In memory of
those who died on service the townspeople bought land at Drummurran Farm and
formed a Memorial Park, with golf course, tennis courts and bowling green and
erected a cenotaph on the hill above the tennis courts inscribed with all the
names of the fallen.
Twenty years later
another generation of Maybole men were ready to go, as their fathers did, to
again stop the mighty Germans when Hitler ran amok in 1939 and the old story of
1914-18 was repeated in the years 1939-45. The Maybole men fought on every front
in all branches of the Forces and again some never returned to, see the sun rise
over Kildoon. The memories of 1914-18 were still sharp and clear and the
townsfolk were more sober in their attitude to the second World War and there
was no display of enthusiasm as there had been when the Territorials entrained
in August, 1914. For the first time in history a foreign foe could also attack
the homes of the townsfolk from the air and this brought the harsh realities of
war into every household. A Home Guard detachment was formed, Air Raid Wardens
appointed, air raid shelters built, the Town Hall doors and windows sandbagged,
guards placed on the water works and every possible defensive precaution brought
into force. Children from large cities were boarded amongst the townspeople,
detachments of the Inniskillens and Scots Guards were stationed for a time in
the town and a prisoner of war camp was formed at Ballony and the stay at homes
were as much the battle line as the soldiers who had gone abroad with their
fighting units.
For five years the
old town survived a period of food and clothes rationing, blackouts, air raid
warnings and other alarms until its men returned from the wars in 1945, as they
had so often done in centuries past, sadly depleted in numbers and many never
fit to walk round the Cross Roads again. A fund was raised by the townsfolk to
send parcels to their fighting men during the war and a Welcome Home Fund was
incorporated in April, 1944, to collect money to entertain the men on their
return when peace was declared. The sum uplifted amounted to £3,518 and this
was distributed among the returning soldiers and the relatives of those who had
been killed. Scrolls were prepared conveying the thanks of the people of Maybole
for the services given to the nation by the serving men and women and each
returning combatant was given a scroll with a gift of £4 in cash. In all 747
serving men and women received such scrolls and cash gifts while 29 war widows
also received similar scrolls and gifts. The balance of the fund was expended in
the purchase of the scrolls (£246) and other expenses and when the fund was
cleared a balance of £66 was gifted to the town's Common Good Fund.
The names of the 29 killed in action were
inscribed on the cenotaph which had been erected in the Memorial Park after the
1914-18 war. It is indeed proof of the fighting spirit of the Minniebolers when
it is realized that nearly 800 men and women joined the Forces in the last war
from a small town with a population of around five thousand. It is to be hoped
that this spirit will not be called upon again for very many years, as surely
the townsfolk deserve to rest on their laurels after hundreds of years of
answering the call to arms, but no doubt should it again be necessary the men of
Carrick will, as ever, be ready.