Minutes of the Maybole Ragged School - Page 10
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Click on the page image to view full size.  Pages 1 - 20 │ Pages 21 - 40Pages 41 - 60 │Pages 61 - 80 │ Pages 81 -  100Pages 101 - 117

David Bashford left school on 13 April from his Mother’s inability to pay. The Meeting agree to receive him for two months gratuitously, at the end of which his Mother must resume payment of weekly allowance, otherwise the child cannot be continued. By that time she will have the aid of her son James Bashford’s earnings.

Jas. and Chas. Brown, 9  years old each.
Mrs Brown cannot pay 1/- per week for her two children, but will pay 6d. which she receives from the Board. She was called in and examined, after which the Meeting continue the children till next monthly meeting when the case will be further investigated, and the teacher is requested to invite the two eldest sons to attend the Meeting.

The Meeting are of opinion that the monthly Meeting be hereafter held on a Wednesday and the hour of the Meeting to be seven o’clock of the evening.

 The Meeting fix Thursday [senight] for the examination of the School at 11 o’clock and that this be intimated from the pulpits of the several Churches.

Maybole   9 May 1850


Mr Dykes Mr Murdoch Mr Brown

The teacher reported that the boy Bashford has been engaged for some period to the Weaving. Mr Murdoch reported, in reference to