Minutes of the Maybole Ragged School - Page 14
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Click on the page image to view full size.  Pages 1 - 20 │ Pages 21 - 40Pages 41 - 60 │Pages 61 - 80 │ Pages 81 -  100Pages 101 - 117

Three boys who had left the School, Bashford, Irvine and Higgins were brought in and conversations had with them as to their present occupations - and advice given to them for their future guidance. Meeting closed with prayer by Mr Dodds.

Maybole 12 July 1850

Mr Dykes Princ. Rev Mr Dodds Mr McMillan Mr Hannay Mr Brown The Revd Mr Thomson

The teacher reported that Hempkin had not accepted of the offer stated in the preceding Minutes. The teacher is requested again to see him, and find out the reason of his declining to send in the children and to endeavour to obviate it.

The teacher reported that Findlay had sent his two children and that they had been attending regularly.

 The Meeting agree to the proposal of the teacher of increasing his allowance by one shilling per week.

The teacher reported that the boy Thomson had been brought into his Home and remained for five weeks when he went off. No efforts were spared to retain him and to reform his habits, but without success. The Meeting request Mr McMillan to endeavour to find employment for him as a weaver under some master who takes an interest in his moral welfare - and who would at same time permit him to attend some period of each day at the School. Mr McMillan kindly agreed to undertake this good service.