Minutes of the Maybole Ragged School - Page 18
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Click on the page image to view full size.  Pages 1 - 20 │ Pages 21 - 40Pages 41 - 60 │Pages 61 - 80 │ Pages 81 -  100Pages 101 - 117

Maybole 4th October 1850

Present Mr Dykes The Revd MrThomson Mr Hannay Mr W Brown

The teacher reported that Wm Logan has not yet been sent to the School and he thinks his entry may be as well delayed till fever which is at present among the family have left them.

The teacher also reported that McCulloch’s child came to the School two weeks ago and is attending regularly.

The case of the two children Hathorn was taken up by the meeting - the one 11 and the other 9 years old - whose father (able-bodied) lately deserted them - and the Secretary explained the interest which Lady Blair took in these children. The Meeting are of the opinion that the support of these children, until the Father is discovered, falls upon the Parochial Board - and the teacher is directed to defray the charge of their bed in the interim and to claim payment from the Board.

Mrs Trousel complains that she cannot continue to pay 4d per week for her child. She is a widow - has five children - youngest 8 years old. The woman having been examined, the meeting is of opinion that her circumstances are such as quite enable her to pay the said weekly rate.

William Milhall’s child, a girl - claim to be admitted to the School and will pay 4d per week. She was formerly at the School and attended regularly. The Meeting allow her to be readmitted.