At Maybole 10 February 1851
Present the Reverend Mr Thomson William
The Meeting having considered the case of
Mrs Bell’s children and called her in for examination,
they find that her youngest child has died since her
application - that she is still in much distress - as
her earnings after deducting her weekly rent (9d) is
quite inadequate to maintain herself and three surviving
children. She farther stated that she had got notice of
her husband being in Carlisle and had communicated the
fact to the Inspector, but that nothing had been done to
compell him to do his duty. The Meeting think it proper
that her eldest child (who cannot yet read) be received
into the School for the present free of charge.
The Meeting having considered the case of
McLachlan are of the opinion that the two children, John
and Robert, be received into the school at 4d each per
week until the end of March - and after that date 5d
each per week to the end of April and thereafter 6d
each. McLachlan and his family are of the Catholic
The Meeting adjourn McCabe’s case for
farther investigation. |