Minutes of the Maybole Ragged School - Page 7
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Click on the page image to view full size.  Pages 1 - 20 │ Pages 21 - 40Pages 41 - 60 │Pages 61 - 80 │ Pages 81 -  100Pages 101 - 117

of One Shilling and six pence per week for food and education.
                       The Meeting then took into consideration other claims lodged for admission to the School on behalf of children since last meeting per took when the same were severally considered. The meeting refused the claim for admission of Mary Fisher's son (14 years of age and can read a little)

                  They admit Agnes Heggart's child on the condition of paying 2d per week, not charging the first week and paying it each a Monday.
                 They admit Hugh Nocker child of Helen Fisher for one month and on condition that he ceases to beg and if found begging to be dismissed.
                They admit   Mrs Henderson’s child on condition of paying 4d per week.
              They admitted     Henry Higgins on the condition of paying 9d per week also Edward Higgins child of Mrs ____ on condition of paying 6d per week.

               Messrs Murdoch and Hannay reported that they had visited their District for subscriptions and had obtained in whole £6-10/-


The Ragged School of Maybole seventh March Eighteen Hundred and Fifty


                                         Revd Mr Dodds,
                                         Revd Mr Thomson,
                                         The Secretary,
                                         The Teacher.

 The meeting was opened by prayer by the Reverend Mr Thomson.