Minutes of the Maybole Ragged School - Page 9
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Click on the page image to view full size.  Pages 1 - 20 │ Pages 21 - 40Pages 41 - 60 │Pages 61 - 80 │ Pages 81 -  100Pages 101 - 117

Ragged School - Maybole 15 April 1850

Present        Rev. Mr Dodds

                       Rev. Mr Thomson

                       Mr Murdoch

                       Mr R. McMillan

                       Mr A. Gemmell

                       Mr J. Campbell

                       Mr W. Brown

Meeting opened with prayer:

Mr Gemmell stated that at present he had no room for an additional apprentice and therefore he could not receive the boy Bashford - but Mr Gemmell undertakes to speak to some of his Bretheren in the hope that employment may be obtained and he will report - providing that the boy is not engaged to the Weaving for a period. The Application of Mrs Wardlaw for her third child having been laid before the Meeting - (see Application Book p.5) - the Meeting agree to receive the boy for the present free of charge - it being evident that she cannot pay anything. The teacher reported that the boy James Irvine left school on the 1st April in consequence of the inability of his parents to pay the weekly allowance. The Meeting considering that the Father is blind and can do little for the family, and that there is consequently a claim on the Parochial Board, request Mr Murdoch to represent the case at the first meeting with a view to obtaining some assistance, and in the meantime allow the two children to return to the School at a weekly allowance of 4d. The Meeting decline to receive back Edward Higgins unless his Mother resume payment of the weekly allowance.