Carrick's Capital Facts, Fiction & Folks by James T. Gray,
Alloway Publishing, Ayr. First published 1972. Copyright ©
Permission for display on this site granted by David Gray. You may view
and download chapters of this book for personal research purposes only. No other
distribution of this text is authorized.
The story of this ancient Ayrshire town from its
early beginnings in the 12th century through its growth and
development until the nineteen sixties. A fascinating record of the
history of a town including a wealth of factual information on its
outstanding buildings growth of industry etc., the book also
gives an insight into the life of the community and townsfolk
Table of Contents
Chapter 8
THE old Council Records do not go back beyond 23rd December 1721, (the older
records having been lost in the Sheriff Clerk's Office, Ayr in 1745) but there
is much of interest in the minutes from then on. They are sometimes very lengthy
and sometimes very terse, depending no doubt on the mood of the clerk and his
approval or disapproval of the decisions of his magistrates, which is not
uncommon even at the present time.
Before the minutes start to be recorded there is given a detail of the Acts
and Statutes pertaining to the Burgh which today seem strange but no doubt were
of great importance in early times when full power was vested in the Magistrates
and Councillors. It was ordained no inhabitant would wash clothes, etc. in the
town wells, give lodgings to "idle or infamous persons" or sell meat
or drink to them; no person was to buy more provisions than they required for
their own use until the other inhabitants were supplied with their needs; no
baker could refuse to bake in his ovens the loaves prepared by the householders
themselves; that all goods displayed by traders for sale on market days should
firstly be inspected by persons appointed by the Magistrates to examine same and
if they were found wanting in any way the trader would be fined, and many other
interesting facts which give an insight as to how the town was run by a small
community in the early eighteenth century. Many of the bye-laws could be brought back today with benefit to the townspeople and the old fathers of the
community showed great practical commonsense in dealing with many things which
are now a cause for concern to many ratepayers. The "idle and infamous
persons" were then given short shrift as there was no psychologist to plead
they were maladjusted Citizens and sellers of inferior ware were immediately
brought to book before they could foist their goods on the public.
The first minute of 23rd December, 1721 records that Bailies John McFadzean and
Hugh Malcolm and fifteen councillors were present when it was reported that,
from the list of councillors submitted to him, the Earl of Cassillis had
appointed Hugh Malcolm and Alexander Binning of Machriemore to be Bailies until
Michaelmas 1722.
In September 1772 the councillors met and decided to stent rate) the inhabitants
of the town in the sum of Sixty Pounds Scots (£5 stg.) in respect of payment of
the Schoolmaster's salary, the upkeep of the town clock and payment to the
bell-ringer for ringing the curfew each night throughout the year at 8 p.m. and
also the rising bell at 6 a.m.
In October 1772 the councillors rouped the customs in the Burgh and accepted the
offer for same of Forty Two Pounds Scots £3.10/- stg.) by John McGully,
Innkeeper in Maybole, and at the same meeting they leased the annual grazing on
the Balgreen (Town Green) to Alexander Girvan for Three Pounds Scots (£5/- stg.).
Councillors Thomas Ronald and Robert Alexander were appointed to visit the
markets in the town and to apply fines for any misdemeanours by the traders, and
the town officer was instructed to attend them on their visits to protect them
against disgruntled traders should the occasion arise, whilst another councillor
was instructed to examine the town wells and ensure they were kept clean.
In April 1723 the minutes report the anxiety of the councillors with regard
to vandalism in the churchyard and it was decided that a voluntary collection be
made in the town for the purpose of raising money to fence the cemetery and
churchyard. It would seem that vandalism is not a new problem and was as common
two hundred years ago as it is today.
On 6th July 1731 the Magistrates and Councillors met to deliberate on the
necessary repairs to the High Street, also the avenues and "inlets" to
the town and ordained that "the haill inhabitants come out provided with
horses, carts, sleds, spades, shovels, picks, mattocks and other implements as
shall be required and work on repairing the streets on six days yearly from six
in the morning till six in the evening". Such was the way of dealing with
road maintenance two hundred years ago, a practical and simple method where all
shared in the upkeep anti over-heads were negligible.
In November 1744 the councillors decided that all public proclamations should
be made from the steps of the Town Cross in High Street by "tuck of
Drum". A new drum was purchased for the town crier and this was in use
until May 1774 when it was broken in "an unseemly brawl" and the town
crier was given a handbell to ring before making his proclamations throughout
the town. The price of the handbell is recorded at 15/- Sterling and this same
handbell was known to be in the Town Chambers at the beginning of this century
but unfortunately it has now been lost. Another interesting handbell was in use
for many years and was known as the "Deid Bell of Maybole". It was
late 17th century and measured 51 inches in diameter, was very roughly cast and
had no inscription or marks of any kind on it. It was rung in the streets by a
bellman or town crier who intimated a townsman had died and gave the time of the
burial should anyone wish to attend the funeral. This bell was an exhibit in the
Glasgow Exhibition of 1911 and is now preserved in the Glasgow Art Gallery and
Museum at Kelvingrove.
In June 1745 the question of maintaining the streets again was the subject of
discussion and the councillors confirmed that the townsfolk were to gather
stones and sand for the roads on three days in June and three days after harvest
and those who owned horses and carts and did not turn out were to be fined
Eighteen Shillings Scots (1/6 Stg.) for each day's absence.
In 1747 heritable jurisdiction was abolished throughout the country and the full
control of the town's affairs were vested in the Magistrates and councilors. The
Earl of Cassillis received £1,800 as compensation for the loss of his superior
rights but continued to claim the right to select the Magistrates for many years
The first financial statement shown in the town records is for the two years,
Michaelmas 1747 to Michaelmas 1749. The total receipts amounted to £635.11.
Scots (about £53 stg.) made up of sterns, custom duty, malt duty and burgesses
fees and the highest charges were £40 for two years' salary to David Doig,
Schoolmaster, £60 for three years' accounts to William McClymont for keeping
the town clock and ringing the curfew, while £3.12.0d. was paid to Mr.
Hamilton, Saddler, for a saddle as a prize at the horse race at the Lammas Fair.
It is interesting to note the council was paid £1. 13.0d "for revising the
accounts". In the two years detailed the town funds were in credit to the
sum of £141.16.l0d. Scots (about £12 stg.) which makes one think when the
present day town's accounts are published. It is also an interesting sidelight
to note that the clockkeeper and bellringer was on a par with the schoolmaster
as regards salary.
The townspeople seem to have been worried about mad dogs roaming the streets
in 1753 as in July of that year the councillors made an edict that all dogs be
"wormed and muzzled" before 5th July and any person owning a dog and
not doing so would be fined Three Pounds Scots (5/- stg.) and any dog found
unmuzzled after that date would be killed and the person killing it would be
paid the sum of One Shilling Sterling. Three years later in December 1756 the dog problem again cropped up following complaints
to sheep being worried by "dougs and biches" and the council decided
that no one within the burgh should keep a dog without a special license from
the Magistrates and should any dog worry sheep the owner of it would pay Twelve
Pounds Scots (£1 stg.) in damages to the owner of the sheep. In 1763 the
question of dogs roaming loose was again raised in council and once again fines
were imposed on the owners of such dogs.
On 26th October, 1758 the council met to consider the
proposal that a new
church be built on the North West side of the Balgreen, on the site of an old
meeting house. The councillor agreed to the proposal on condition that the
Heritors of the Parish allowed a council loft to be formed at one end of the
church and that the Town be freed of any of the expense of building the church.
Much discussion must have taken place between the Heritors and the Councillors
as on 4th May, 1759 it is reported that the Heritors had decided to rebuild the
church on its present site at the foot of the Kirkwynd and that the Council
would not be entitled to a loft, or even part of the seating on the floor of the
church, unless they contributed towards the cost of the building. The council
nominated three members to meet the Heritors and to stress the absolute
importance of the Magistrates and Councillors having a loft of their own in the
new kirk and also that part of the area below it be reserved for townspeople.
The council agreed to pay part of the cost of the building of the new church,
commensurate with the area of the council loft and the townspeople's seating
area, on condition that the rents from the townspeople's pews be repaid to the
council. If the Heritors did not repay the seat rents the council were to have
the right to charge the value of them against the town's revenue. By October,
1761 the church had been rebuilt and the council decided to sell the seats in
the ground area to provide the money for their share of the rebuilding costs. These were rouped in January, 1762 and brought in a total of
Some councillors of the eighteenth century appear to have been remiss in
their attendance to their duties as on 9th June, 1760 a meeting was called for 4
p.m. but it was not until 6 p.m. that sufficient members turned up to form a
quorum. The magistrates were extremely indignant and immediately passed a
resolution that all members must in future attend all meetings punctually,
unless they had a reasonable excuse, and any members turning up late or failing
to attend would forfeit one shilling sterling for their lateness or absence, the
Magistrates being the sole judges as to whether the excuses were valid or not.
In October 1773 traffic on the High Street had increased to such an extent
that it was found the Town Cross was causing an obstruction to coaches and
carriages and it was decreed that the Cross be removed and the site marked by a
"paved freestone cross formed within a stone circle level with the street
and neatly paved with small thin pebbles which the Magistrates and Councillors ordain will be the Cross of the Burgh of Maybole in all time thereafter".
The shaft and steps of the cross were broken up but the stone forming the head
of it was built into the inner gates of the Castle and is still there. This
stone has a moondial on one side, a sundial on another side, the date 1707 and a
rampant lion on the third side and the coat of arms of the Earl of Cassillis on
the fourth side. The site of the old cross is now marked by an iron cross set in
the asphalted roadway midway up the High Street.
The Foul Vennal (now Castle Street) had been a constant worry for years
because it was unpaved and had an open drain down the centre of it and in
January 1775 the owners of the properties in the Vennal paid £7 sterling to the
Council for the purpose of causewaying the street. The work was carried out and
shortly afterwards the name was changed from Foul Vennal to Post Vennal because
the post vans were stabled in it.
On 16th February 1779 the Council appointed John Duncan as Schoolmaster in
succession to David Doig and fixed his salary at Twenty Pounds Scots (1.13.4d.)
being the same as the salary paid formerly to Mr. Doig. This salary of £20
Scots per annum was the same in 1779 as was recorded in the financial statement
of 1747 and there seemed to be no consideration of a rise in pay for the poor
Schoolmaster. It must be taken into account however that the teacher had the
right to collect fees from his pupils and had many perquisites which increased
his income considerably.
Sanitation would appear to have been a constant subject of discussion in
council as complaints were often raised regarding the townspeople dumping their
refuse in the "bystreets and town inlets" and on 26th October 1782 the
councillors instructed the towncrier to go round and proclaim that all such
refuse be removed within eight days and if this was not done all inhabitants
owning horses and carts were to be called on to remove all such refuse. Such
dictatorial methods by the council seem strange today but they appear to have
been effective as no further complaints on this subject are again recorded.
In November, 1790 the records show that the council built a slaughterhouse in
the burgh with cattle yards attached and it was ordained that no cattle should
be slaughtered unless in the place provided for such a purpose.
The town's finances must have been in a perilous state in 1791 as on 12th
February of that year the Treasurer reported there were no funds available to
pay the tradesmen employed in building the market house and they were "very
clamorous" for their wages. A loan of £30 stg. to meet such expenditure
was raised and the Bailies were taken bound to ensure repayment of same.
The riotous behaviour of some of the townspeople was the subject of a meeting
held on 13th August 1792 when complaints were heard by the councillors from some
of the steadier Minniebolers that "several inhabitants in the town and suburbs
Street, Coral Glen and Dailly Road) gave lodging and entertainment to vagrants
and randy beggars who go through the streets blaspheming and cursing and
swearing to the disturbance of the inhabitants". The Councillors promptly
dealt with this matter by clapping a fine of Two Pounds Scots (3/4d. stg.) on
any person giving lodging to such "randy beggars", the person
informing on the landlord or landlady guilty of such misdemeanour being paid
half the fine collected by the Magistrates. Such a practical solution to a
problem might well be enforced today with profit to all.
The European crisis at the end of the eighteenth century when Napoleon was at
the zenith of his power seems to have reached out to all corners of the country
and on 12th February 1797 the "Magistrates and Councillors of the Burgh of
Maybole" held a special meeting to "consider the present crisis of
public affairs and to express their loyalty to the Sovereign" (George III).
It was resolved to offer His Majesty a Corps of Volunteers from
"respectable" inhabitants of the burgh and neighbourhood, consisting
of one hundred and fourteen men, to be called "The Loyal Carrick
Volunteers", and the Earl of Cassillis was to be asked to take command of
the troop "as a mark of attachment to his Lordship for his zeal at all
times in promoting the public good". The "Carrick Loyal
Volunteers" were duly enlisted from the "respectable" inhabitants
of the district of whom seventy seven were townsmen, and the regimental roll
contained many names common in Maybole to this day. The men were issued with
weapons as varied as the Home Guard weapons of the Second World War (swords,
pistols, axes, spades, shovels and a few firelocks) and the Earl of Cassillis
mustered them for drilling on the Baigreen. Unfortunately there must have been
some not so "respectable" members of the corps as it was regrettably
recorded that on the third occasion of their drilling on the Town Green their
"drunken and riotous behaviour" forced the Earl and the Magistrates to
reconsider their scheme to raise a force in defence of their country and the Carrick Loyal Volunteers were disbanded
and did not turn out again for drilling. The Councillors no doubt decided to
risk a probable invasion by Napoleon to a more than possible disturbance to the
lieges by one hundred and fourteen armed men out on a spree. In February 1798
however, the Magistrates again came to the help of the Government "at this
critical period when the nation is threatened by the invasion of an Enemy whose
aim is the destruction of our Religion, our Laws and our Liberty", and a
voluntary subscription was raised by them. to send to help the funds for the war
against Napoleon. By January 1798 rumours of war had taken a back seat to more
important local business and the councilors were engrossed in raising money to
repair the roof, build up the chimney and repair the windows in the
"Dancing Room" in the Courthouse and the Earl of Cassillis came to
their assistance with a gift of £21 sterling.
In April 1800 it is recorded £100 was paid to the Road
Trustees to enable them to form a road from Lyonstone in a direct line to the Town of Maybole. This is what is now Park
Terrace and Cassillis Road from the foot of Lovers Lane to Duncanland Toll.
In May 1804 the question of the removal of the Castle kitchens, etc., which then
spread across to where the Post Office now stands, was discussed with the Earl
of Cassillis and it was finally agreed in April 1805 that these would be taken
down and a road formed through the Castle yards to join up with the road formed
from Lyonstone to Duncanland Toll in 1800. This was done and the New Yards (or
Cassillis Road as it is now called) came into existence at that time.
In April 1805 a petition was submitted by the Wool Merchants of Glasgow that the
Maybole Cloth Market be held on a Tuesday instead of a Monday as had been the
custom. The Wool Merchants pointed out they had to leave Glasgow on a Sunday to
be in time to attend the Monday markets and their leaving their houses and travelling to Maybole on the Sabbath was frowned upon by
their ministers. The Magistrates, being godly men, (as Maybole councillors have
always been) quite saw the point and decreed that all Cloth Markets in the town
be held on Tuesdays, commencing at 6 a.m. on the Beltane and Lammas Fairs and at
8 a.m. on Hallows Fair but the Candlemas Fair was to be held on a Thursday.
Bills were posted fixing the dates of the Cloth Fairs as follows:
Beltane Fair-Last Tuesday of April.
Lammas Fair-Las Tuesday of July.
Hallow Fair-Last Tuesday of October.
Candlemas Fair-First Thursday of February.
The Wool Merchants of Glasgow expressed their satisfaction with these
arrangements and for nearly half a century thereafter they travelled to the
Fairs in Maybole four times a year without fear of lectures from their ministers
for breaking the Sabbath. At this period a woollen mill was worked at Welltrees Square by a Gilbert Goudie and a "skinnery" had been started next to
it by a Hugh Girvan. Both were councillors and no doubt they lobbied that the
request of the Glasgow Wool Merchants be granted as they formed the main
customers of Gilbert Goudie and Hugh Girvan who would be anxious to attract the
Glasgow traders.
In 1806 the vexed question of a new church again arose and on 20th August a
petition was submitted to the council asking the Magistrates to "add their
utmost exertions to promote the building of a new church". A committee was
formed to join the Heritors in pressing for a new church and the council pledged
support for the project with the proviso that their commitment towards the cost
would not exceed £300 sterling. On 17th January, 1807, however, after
discussion with the Heritors this sum was increased to £450 (a loan of £400
being taken by the council from Hunters Bank in Ayr to meet this expense) and in
1808 the new church was finally built in New Yards, the pews being rouped on 22nd December 1808 for a total sum of
£276.10.0d. A
stipulation was made at the public roup of the seats that only a burgess, or a
widow or a child of a burgess would be allowed to bid for the seats. The names
of the successful bidders are listed in the records and many of their
descendants still live in Maybole.
In the early part of the nineteenth century the councillors would seem to have
been a convivial body of people as in 1806 the principal sums expended from the
town's coffers went to pay "Miss Piper, innkeeper in Maybole" (Red
Lion Inn) for supplies to the council, and some councillors pointed out the
expenditure on refreshments amounted to more than four times the Schoolmaster's
annual salary. This was not unusual, however, as on the evening of 6th June,
1797 the sum of £2.9.8d. stg. had been expended by the councillors at a party
they held in the Kings Arms Hotel to celebrate the King's Birthday. The
"Common Good Fund" of those days must have often been deleted to meet
the needs of the good men and true who watched over the affairs of their fellow
In March 1807 the council paid £4.1.8d. to acquire the ground at Welltrees
where "the water issues from the rock at the spout below the tree" and
this ground was later tidied up and a wall built round the well which supplied
the townspeople in that "suburb" for nearly another hundred years.
The town authorities decided in October 1808 to
install street lighting
throughout the town and fourteen oil lamps were purchased and fitted in High
Street and Weaver Vennal, the other streets being left for the inhabitants to
find their way about in as best they could on dark winter nights. In the
accounts for 1810 the sum of £7.19.3d. is shown as having been expended
"on oil for the lamps of Maybole". At the same meeting it was decided
to engage a town "scaffengere" to sweep and clean the streets and it
would seem the councillors were indeed becoming very civic minded in the early 1800s.
In July 1814 Hugh Davidson, Parochial Schoolmaster,
petitioned for an
increase of salary as he had employed an assistant since Martinmas 1810 and paid
him out of his own salary. Mr. Davidson pleaded that his salary and other
emoluments afforded but a small amount to defray "the unavoidable expense
of having a wife and family" and to pay for an assistant. The councillors
(all married men) were sympathetic to the plea and increased the salary by
£1.13.4d. per annum.
On Saturday 1st September, 1817 a great part of the ceiling of the grand new
church in New Yards fell down and William Niven of Kirkbride was appointed to meet the Heritors and discuss the question
of having the repairs carried out. As it had only been built nine years previously it would seem all old
tradesmen's work
was not so good as it is often said to have been.
The Financial Account for 1817 records that the "Dancing
Room" in the Town Hall had been let for various functions throughout the year. A Dick Harper paid 2/- for one night's let for a wedding, a
"Company of Strolling Players" £1.4.0d. for a week's let to produce
plays and Mr. Ferguson, Dancing Master, paid £1.12.0d. for two months' let of the Hall to hold
his dancing
Around 1817 there arose among the townsfolk a popular clamour for Burgh Reform
(although there is no reference to it in the minutes of that year) and on August
4th 1820 it was reported that a Process of Declarator had been served in
December 1817 by Thomas Bell and others against the Magistrates Councillors,
pointing out that by the existing method of election of councillors the
burgesses had no voice in the nomination of Bailies or Councillors and
demanding that this position be altered to give the Burgesses a say in such
matters. The Councillors did not look kindly on such a radical suggestion as
election by popular vote
and strongly opposed the proposal. As usual the Earl of Cassillis was drawn into
the argument but he, by a letter from his Factor, Charles D. Gardner, on 13th
April, 1818 ably threw the ball back to the Magistrates and more or less told them
to settle their own difficulties but indicated he supported the plea of the
townspeople. At the same time the Earl claimed that he, as Superior, had the
sole right to nominate the Bailies although he had not exercised this right
since 1792. This put another cat in the dovecote at the old Tolbooth and the
poor councillors had to battle on two fronts. The matter finally went to the
Court of Session where a decision was given in favour of the councillors
continuing in the even tenor of their way. In these days the councillors were
elected more or less for life and on the death or retiral of a member the
remainder chose his successor and also chose the Bailies from their members, and
the council was really a closed shop. The Magistrates and Bailies contended that
the Charter of 1516 only laid down that the original councillors should be
elected by the burgesses and thereafter the councillors would "choose the
new" according to a statute made in 1469 in the reign of James IV. Most of
the papers relating to the dispute are extant and make interesting reading with
arguments ably supported by both the councillors and the reformers but the
Maybole burgesses were to wait many years before getting representatives elected
by popular vote, a right which is taken as a matter of course nowadays with no
thought given to the lengthy battle to obtain this right.
The councillors appear to have been generous victors of the battle as on 21st
October, 1820, it is recorded that William Niven the "leader" of the
Council proposed that a short list of five members be drawn up and submitted to
the Earl of Cassillis for him to nominate two Bailies, this being a
"courtesy gesture only because of the long friendship which had subsisted
between his Lordship and the Council". The Earl was equally generous
however, and, although still claiming his right to nominate the Bailies, left it
to the councillors to elect the Bailies. So ended a three year period in the
town's history when reform was first mooted and arguments were fierce but the
townsfolk seemed to accept the continuance of the old rule with equanimity and settled down again to their "byasse" bowls and "gowf" and
the enjoyment of the dances and dramas by the "Strolling Players" in
the "Dancing Room" in the old Tolbooth.
It is noted in the Town Records that from this time on William Niven is
always referred to as the "Leader" of the council and there is no
doubt but that he was a forceful "Leader" and made a "one man
council". As he was intensely interested in the town however, his
dictatorship does not seem to have been a bad thing and proves that very often
the most successful committee consists of one, so long as he is the right one.
By 1834 gas was replacing the old paraffin lamps
throughout the country and
on 19th March of that year the Maybole Gas Company opened their new Gasworks in
Dangartland. This was a great occasion and the townspeople took the opportunity
to make it a holiday and flocked to the opening ceremony which must indeed have
been a colourful scene. The Magistrates and Councillors, the Freemasons,
Shoemakers, Wrights, Tailors and other guilds all marched in procession, in full
regalia, with their banners flying and with the local band to keep them in step,
from the Town Green to the Gas Works, where, after the usual dreaded speeches,
the gas taps were finally turned on and Maybole became lit up. Many of the
citizens must have followed Suit as the Secretary of the Local Masonic Lodge
complained bitterly about the number of whisky glasses that had been broken by
the brethren during the evening's harmony after they had "processed"
to the opening ceremony at the Gas Works. These private gas works continued for
over a hundred years until they were Nationalized about 30 years ago and in 1969
piped gas was introduced under the gas grid scheme and gas is no longer made in
the old works. Few, if any houses are now lit by gas, electricity having been
introduced to Maybole in the l920s and nearly all lighting is now by
electricity, but many of the housewives still swear by gas for cooking and will
not part with their gas stoves.
In 1843 the Magistrates discovered the local sexton was digging up graves
after interments in the old cemetery at the foot of Kirkwynd and selling the
coffins to local undertakers and he was heavily fined for this grave
misdemeanour. It did not deter him however as sometime later he was again fined
and discharged from his duties for other misdeeds. Perhaps he needed the money
to pay his first fine.
By the middle of the nineteenth century the weaving trade in the town was in
a very bad state of depression and on 1st April, 1849 the Council met to
consider the question of relief for the unemployed hand loom weavers. It was
decided the Council should meet the Heritors and try to take measures with them
to provide work for the poor and needy in so far as possible. Later it was
decided they should be given work breaking stones for the new roads being made
at that time and the unemployed of that period had to work for their
"dole" as the councillors "were of the opinion it was not good
for a man to be paid for doing nothing."
In June 1848 new dates were fixed for the Town Fairs which had been altered
to suit the Glasgow Wool Merchants in 1805.
Tuesday had become the
fixed days for markets in Ayr and many trades people
attended the county town on these days in preference to trading at the smaller
Maybole Fair and the civic fathers altered the Maybole Fair days to Thursdays
instead of Tuesdays in the hope of "bringing mair profit" to the
On 29th January, 1849 a petition was submitted to the Magistrates from a
large number of the inhabitants of the Burgh objecting to the proposal by the
members of the Free Church to use the vacant piece of ground adjacent to the
Church as a burial ground as it was "considered unsuitable because of the
proximity to St. Cuthberts Well which was one of the chief sources of water for
the townspeople". The "Free Kirkers" on 24th June had buried one
of their members in this area without making application to the civic heads for
right to use the ground for such a purpose and the Magistrates decided to "strenuously object
and go further into the matter". After lengthy discussions with the church
members it was finally agreed that no further burials would take place in the
Kirkyard and the members of the church would have the right of burial in the new
private cemetery at Tunnoch when it was opened. (The new cemetery was formally
opened in 1851). Many of the Free Church members were party to the pressure
for Burgh Reform in 1817 and would seem to have been "ag'in the
Government" in many ways and were indignant that they were not allowed to
run their own affairs and bury whom they liked in their own God's Acre. Finally
however they succumbed to public opinion and agreed that no further interments
would take place "for fear of pollution to the town well". The
person buried was a well 'known local doctor and the inscription on the
tombstone reads:
"Sacred to the Memory of William MacFarlane, Surgeon, Maybole, who died
on 21st January, 1849, a victim to faithful discharge of professional duty from
a poisoned puncture received at a postmortem examination for the public
interest". Underneath the inscription is added (evidently at a later
date): "The body of the lamented deceased is the lonely occupant of this
ground, the Free Church congregation to whom it belongs having relinquished
their right of sepulchre therein in consideration of having obtained in
perpetuity the fourth part of the Private Cemetery at Tunnoch". So ended
another episode when the all powerful council brought to heel those townsfolk
who thought they could deal with their own affairs in their own way.
In April, 1853 the question of extending the Ayr-Dalmellington Railway line
to Maybole and Girvan was the subject of discussion between the councillors and
promoters of the railway. Lengthy meetings were held and finally in October 1853
it was decided the railway line should stop at Maybole and not be continued on
to Girvan as originally proposed. The Secretary to the Railway Company reported
that from traffic tables he had prepared he estimated shareholders in the
company could expect at least 10% return on money invested. The Council agreed to recommend the
project to the inhabitants of the town and urge them to give support by taking
shares. Many townspeople did this and, as foretold by the Company Secretary, the
railway prospered and the shareholders did exceedingly well from their
investments. The railway station was first formed at Redbrae and later the line
was formed to where the old Coal Lye was sited and where the Carrick Cooperative garages are now built. A little later the railway was taken on to
Girvan and the present railway station was built, thus completing the
Ayr-Maybole-Girvan railway line first mooted in 1853.
The townspeople were strongly "anti-papist" and the local Orangemen
made things rather difficult for the Roman Catholic minority every twelfth of
July. On 10th July, 1854 a letter was received by the Magistrates from Sheriff
Robinson, Ayr, stating that, as the Orange Lodge members would not give an
undertaking not to parade on the twelfth, he proposed to send to Maybole a detachment of the Ayrshire Yeomanry on that date to keep the peace.
The Orangemen however cared not a jot for the "Sour Milk Jocks" and
gaily met on the morning of the Twelfth, with banners flying and the Orange
Band to lead them and "processed" along Weaver Vennal and out the
Crosshill Road to join their Crosshill brethren. The Magistrates tried to stop
the procession but wisely retreated when they realised nobody could turn aside
the Maybole Orangemen and the Crosshill and Maybole contingents duly joined
forces at Ballochbroe. A band of Roman Catholic townsmen bravely challenged them
there and the annual Donnybrook started, when the two factions gleefully
assaulted each other, and men who were bosom friends for three hundred and sixty four days of the year tried their utmost to crack each other's heads
in the full knowledge they would sympathise over each other's wounds the
following day. The Magistrates and Sheriff did not appreciate the high spirits
of the Minniebolers and the Ayrshire Yeomanry detachment was speedily dispatched
to Ballochbroe to quell the disturbers of the peace with a show of force.
The Orangemen and Catholics however, although bitter enemies for the time being,
were still all true Minniebolen and would brook no interference in their private affairs and they promptly
banded together in common cause against the "interlowpers" and made
it so hot for the troopers they had to retreat. The two factions then again
blythely attacked each other but the Yeomanry, after a brief spell of rest,
again interfered and finally broke up the party. The Ayr Advertiser of 13th
July, 1854 gave a brief account of the affair and reported "The Orangemen
of Maybole and Crosshill processed, despite the Sheriff's proclamation, but were
stopped by Sheriff Robinson and local Magistrates at Maybole and by Mr. Dykes
and Bailie Muir, Justices of the Peace, at Crosshill, assisted by the Yeomanry
Cavalry. The musical instruments and staves were taken from the parties and near
Crosshill where the procession stoned the force employed in preserving the
peace, one of the ringleaders was apprehended and sent to Ayr prison".
Such was the very much watered down report on the "Battle of
Ballochbroe", no doubt carefully worded not to demean the powers of the
Sheriff and Magistrates, but any Maybole man will stoutly aver that on the 12th
July, 1854 the townsmen put to flight the "Sour Milk Jocks" and defied
the powers of the Sheriff who had ordered them not to "process".
Tradition has it that the young officer in charge of the troop rashly ordered
his men to fire over the rioters and some persons were slightly wounded which
brought everybody to their senses very quickly indeed. No mention is made of
this in any report of the affray but old towns-people who had heard the story
from people who were present at it stoutly maintain this was a fact and the
"Battle of Ballochbroc" could well have developed into a civil riot
if anyone had been seriously wounded.
In 1857 the Town Council, very similar to its present form, came into being
and became known as Police Commissioners under an Act introduced "to make
more effectual provision for the Policing of Towns and populous places in Scotland and for paving,
draining, cleansing, lighting and improving same and permitting twenty one or
more householders in any such burgh to petition the Sheriff of the County to
define and specify the boundaries of such Burgh". The reformers of 1817 had
waited forty years for such a body to govern their town but finally the old ways
had passed and the first election of Commissioners was held on 29th May, 1857
when the following twelve Councillors were appointed:
Thomas Dykes, Estate Factor.
William Rennie, Banker.
Peter Sinclair, Grain Merchant.
James Weir, Merchant.
David McClure, Ironmonger.
William Brown, Banker.
James Rennie, Innkeeper.
William Galbraith, Merchant.
John Fergusson, Clothier.
Alexander Jack, Wood Merchant.
Charles Crawford, Shoemaker.
John Rankine, Farmer at Broch.
These were all men of substance with interests in the welfare of the town and
the townsfolk were well content to leave the town's affairs in their capable
hands. At the first meeting of the Commissioners on 1st June, 1857, Thomas Dykes
was appointed Senior Magistrate and William Rennie and William Brown, Junior
Magistrates, while William Hainay was engaged as Town Clerk and Thomas Rennie as
Treasurer and Collector. Their first duty was to fix the rates for the ensuing
year and a rate of 1/- per pound was passed for the year 1857-58. In April 1860
the council met and agreed that the Burgh Police and the County Police Force
should merge and Councillor James Murdoch was appointed to represent Maybole on
the Police Committee for the County.
In May 1867 the members of the Carrick Instrumental Band
were in trouble
because they would not turn out to practise, "the younger members being otherwise employed", and it was
their instruments would be taken from them and given to the Rifle Corp.
Probably it was thought the Rifle Corp would make better use of the instruments as, being composed of older and mostly
married men, the members would not be "otherwise employed" as their
courting days would be mainly past.
In May 1868 the Councillors agreed to accept the estimate of Mr.
Builder, Maybole to form a new street from My Lords Well at the junction of New Yards and Castle Road to
the foot of
Kirklands Street at Pat's Corner and when this was done the new street was named
St. Cuthberts Road. The following year an ornamental iron pump was erected by
public subscription at My Lords Well (so called because it had formerly been
the well in the Castle Yard to supply the occupants of the Castle) and this pump was a land mark in the town until it was
removed in the 1930s.
The question of a new Town Hall had been mooted for some years and finally on
15th January, 1877 the councillors agreed to obtain plans for a new Hall to be
built next to the Court House on ground purchased from Mr. Donald, Kilmarnock
for the sum of £120. It was proposed that funds for the project be raised by the townspeople taking £5 shares and later in
the year (15th October) this was altered to a resolution to form a Stock Company
with shares at £10 each. Five years later (April 1882) Bailie Lambie reported
he had approached various parties throughout the town to take shares in the
proposed Town Hall Company, but the canny Minniebolers had not looked kindly on the
proposal that they should pay for the grand new building they had pressed the
Council to erect, and as the shares could not be sold, it was resolved to let
the matter rest awhile. In November 1885 it was agreed to make over free of
charge, but subject to certain conditions, the ground for the new Town Hall to the Commissioners of Police, and let them get on with the building of
In October 1877 it is recorded that the Railway Company intended to improve
the station and to remove the bridge which crossed the railway "a little to
the south of the present station and not to erect another in its place".
This meant that all the traffic (foot and horse) would require to use the road
at Gardenrose House (where the present Station Bridge is sited) and the
Magistrates would not agree to the Railway Company's proposal unless a new foot
bridge was erected by them where the old bridge had been placed near the north
end of the Free Church. This was agreed and "Buchty Brig", as it is
now known, was erected the following year.
On 19th July, 1878, the Magistrates, Councillors and friends held their
annual outing to Croy Shore, being transported by Mr. McCubbin's brakes, and no
doubt being ably served in other needs by the said respected owner of the Kings
Arms Hotel. No trace of expenses for the day can be found in the accounts and
each councillor would probably share in the cost and the lesson of 1806, when
the cost of refreshments had been raised, seems to have had effect seventy years
later. This practice of the councillors having a day's outing has continued to
the present time and formerly the Provost was host for the lunch and the two
Bailies for the tea but latterly the outing has been combined with the
"Water Trip" and charged against council expenditure.
In 1879 unemployment again was rife in the town, the weaving trade having
declined and the boot trade not yet into its stride, and meetings were held to
discuss the problems of the poor and needy. The sum of £26.16.8d. was raised by
public subscription and the Right Honourable Thomas Kennedy of Dunure gifted one
hundred tons of coal for the benefit of the unemployed. It was agreed to use the
money raised to meet any loss incurred by the council from engaging the
unemployed to break stones for road making and to distribute the coal amongst the most
On 13th October, 1881, the Magistrates agreed to permit Mrs. Law to raise a
memorial over the Green Well in the Town Green in memory of her late father
Thomas Dykes, who died on 12th June, 1879, and who was for many years Factor to
the Marquess of Ailsa and first Senior Magistrate in the town under the Police
Commissioners Act and this Peterhead granite monument still stands in the Town
Green and is known as the "Dykes Memorial".
On 19th May, 1882, at a joint meeting of the Town Council and the Police
Commissioners it was reported there had been a disastrous fire that morning in
weavers' houses in Ballony resulting in the death of three women, Mrs. Campbell
and Marion and Helen Byron, and the loss of all the possessions of the other
cottagers. It was agreed the Council would give a donation of £16.1 0.0d.
towards aiding the people who had lost all their possessions and it was later reported that a total of £39.1
been collected for the fund from the townspeople.
The Town Green (formerly the Baigreen) had been a source
of annoyance for many years, being unkept and overgrown with weeds when it was
not a quagmire after rain, and in February 1892, it was finally decided to have it put into order, sown out in grass,
with walks through it and a railing erected round it, at the cost of £300, of
which £150 had been collected by public subscription. Two years later the work was completed and on 23rd March, 1894,
the Councillors met and marched up the School Vennal to the Green which was
formally declared open by Bailie Guthrie and afterwards the councillors had
dinner in "Wyllies" Inn (now the Carrick Hotel) to celebrate the
occasion. The Town Green had the original railings round it until the Second
World War when they were removed to aid the war effort in the collection of
scrap iron for ammunition. The trees were planted in 1894 and many are still standing although some have died and
been removed.
In September, 1895, the Rev. Roderick Lawson and a few other townsmen offered to
supply, free of charge, a new bell for the bell tower in the old Tolbooth and
the offer was gratefully accepted. The old bell, (19" in diameter) which
had been the curfew bell for two hundred years, was removed and placed on an
ornamental oak stand, and now graces the present Council Chambers. An
inscription on it states: "This Bell is founded at Maiboll by Albert Daniel
Geli, a Frenchman, the 6th November, 1696 by appointment of the Heritors of the
Parish, and William Montgomerie and Thomas Kennedy, Magistrates of the
Burgh." The new bell,, which still warns the townsfolk it is time for
church on Sundays and tolls for past Provosts, etc., weighs 20 cwts., is
49" in diameter, has the note "F", and was cast by Murphy, Bell
Founder, Dublin in 1896. The inscription on it reads: "J. Murphy, Founder,
Dublin. Presented by a few friends to the Burgh of Maybole. James Ramsay,
Provost, Christmas 1895". The curfew bell was rung in the town at 10
o'clock each night until the Second World War when the custom was discontinued
much to the regret of many older towns-folk who would be glad to have the old
custom revived.
By the end of the nineteenth century the Commissioners gave way to the Provost,
Bailies and Councillors as continue to this day and the members of the twentieth
century council deal with more modern matters which are mainly common knowledge
to all townsfolk. Since the turn of the present century the Council Minutes deal
mostly with rating, housing and the usual everyday problems of a small burgh. In
the earlier part of the century they record the mourning of the townspeople on
the death of Queen Victoria in 1901 and the subsequent rejoicing at the
coronation of King Edward VII in 1902. Much the same pattern of sorrowing and
rejoicing occurred on his death in 1910 and the crowning of King George V in
1911 and there seems to have been a ritual proceedings for such events, as the
council made more or less similar arrangements on each occasion.
Deaths of crowned heads warranted church services and
tolling bells and coronations gala days with medals for all the children The second
decade of the twentieth century records the towns-people's efforts in the First
World War and the usual town's affairs were put in the background until the old
Town bell rang its victory peal on 11th November, 1918. During the war reference
is made in various minutes to concerts, fetes and collections being made to
collect funds to send parcels to the men on service and to entertain them on
their return and from the sums collected the townspeople did not fail in their
efforts to raise money for these purposes.
After the war the council again resumed their usual business of running the
town and started building Council houses at Cassillis Terrace, etc. and many road and street improvements
were carried out. Again in 1936 the townspeople mourned on the death of King
George V and cheered on the proclamation of the Prince of Wales as King Edward
VII but no coronation celebrations were held as he abdicated on 17th December of
that year. In May 1937, however, King George VI was crowned and the Council
royally entertained the townspeople. A large beflagged arch of green foliage was
erected across the High Street at the site of the old Town Cross, the elder
generation were entertained with a meal and a concert in the Town Hall and the
children once again had their sports gala in the Sheep Park and 989 of them
received Coronation Medals. It was in this year that the Council sold the old
German gun which had stood in the Town Green as a memento of the First World War
and the money received for it (£2) was gifted to the funds of the British
In 1938 the Council discussed the urgent need for a new Police Station and
agreed it be built on a site in Ladyland Road. Although the members of the
Council had changed throughout the years the methods had not altered much since
the days when the civic heads had decided a new Town Hall was required as it was not
until 1965 that the new Police Station was built. In the same year (1938) a
Council Minute records that complaints had been made that tenants of council
houses were drying their washing on their back greens on Sundays and in this
instance the councillors of the 1930s emulated their predecessors of the 18th
century by issuing a notice forbidding such desecration of the Sabbath under
penalty of a fine. It is good to see that the old despotic spirit of the
councillors had not been completely submerged by twentieth century democratic
rules and regulations. In 1938 it was reported that the population of the town
was 4,545 and that the council had built 222 houses since the first housing
scheme was commenced in 1919, this being 20% of all houses in the Burgh. It was
in this same year that two old Minniebolers, D. & J. Sloan of Glasgow,
gifted a Sports Pavilion for the Public Memorial Park and the new Carrick Cinema
in Welltrees Street was formally opened on 11th July when the Provost, Bailies
and all Councillors attended the opening ceremony and, according to the Minutes,
"enjoyed a display of first class films afterwards".
The years 1939 to 1945 again record the horrors of war and the council
records deal mainly with air raid precautions, the housing of children from the
large cities, the billeting of soldiers, the formation of a prisoner of war camp
at Ballony, the ploughing up of part of the Memorial Park and the collection of
iron railings from the Town Green and private houses to provide scrap metal.
Concerts and dances were again held to raise funds as had been done in the first
war and parcels were sent to the troops and money collected to entertain those
who returned. One amusing minute in the dreary record of war time was a
complaint in July, 1942, that at the Saturday night dances held to raise funds
many of the dancers "jitterbugged" and the councillors solemnly passed
a rule that only one "jitterbug" dance could be held at any Saturday
night dance. Presumably the "jitterbugs" could dance merrily away to
their hearts delight on any other night of the week but were solemnly curtailed to one such dance
on a Saturday night.
Since the Second World War the minutes of the Council have again reverted to
the usual humdrum records of providing sanitation, water supply, street repairs
and all the things so necessary to any community. The minutes are now more
mundane in so far as they record little of the flashes of genius and practical application to problems dealt with by the old civic heads who held
power over all and were the demigods of their day. The power of the Councillors has been greatly curtailed and the
constant changing of the composition of its members (unlike the old days when a Councillor
was more or less elected for his lifetime) seldom allow any
outstanding personality to shine (although there were a few, such as Provost McCubbin and some others) and the couthy and homely
feeling of the small town,
where its own problems were solved by its own folk, has passed away. The days when "Leader" Niven and Bailie
Guthrie could definitely solve a problem on the spot and tell the townsfolk what to do have been forgotten and now nearly every
matter arising in the council has to be referred to some Government or County
Department. At the present time the "Wheatley" proposal that local
councils be cast aside and the country "regionalised" hangs like the
sword of Damocles over the councillors' heads but it is to be hoped that the
Minniebolers will
never lose their age long right to govern their old town's affairs by their ain
It is indeed unfortunate the older records from the sixteenth century until 1721
were lost at the time Bonnie Prince Charlie put the fear of death in the lowland
Minniebolers and they sent their minutes for safe keeping to the Sheriff in Ayr
who promptly lost them. It would make interesting reading to see what the Councillors of that
time thought of John Knox when he visited the town in 1562, the mustering of the
Maybole Covenanters to march to Bothwell Brig in 1679, the celebration of Mass
in the "Auld College" in May, 1563, the fight at Ladycross when young Bargany was killed in 1601 and the many stirring events which took place in the
"auld toon" from the granting of the Charter in 1516 to the time the
records are extant. The notes by the Rev. Abercrummie in 1686 are the only
written records (apart from some other Charters, etc.) which give an insight on
the town in its early days and naturally they are not so complete and pithy as
recordings of the council meetings would have been, from the first meeting in
1516 to 1721, and it is indeed unfortunate these minutes were lost by the
Sheriff of Ayr.