Table of Contents: Maybole - Carrick's Capital
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Maybole, Carrick's Capital Facts, Fiction & Folks by James T. Gray, Alloway Publishing, Ayr. First published 1972. Copyright © Permission for display on this site granted by David Gray. You may view and download chapters of this book for personal research purposes only. No other distribution or use of this text is authorized. The story of this ancient Ayrshire town from its early beginnings in the 12th century through its growth and development until the nineteen sixties. A fascinating record of the history of a town including a wealth of factual information on its outstanding buildings (Maybole once had the distinction of having two castles in its High Street), growth of industry etc., the book also gives an insight into the life of the community and townsfolk themselves with chapters on its famous characters and local lore, Robert Burns’ association with Maybole and also a collection of poems and songs written to celebrate and commemorate this fine old Scottish town.


Chapter Page
   1.   First Facts    .......................................       1
   2.   Meibothelbeg and Bethoc    .......................           6
   3.   Town Charter  .......................................       11
   4.   Seventeenth Century  ..............................         14
   5.   Eighteenth Century  ..............................          20
   6.   Nineteenth Century  ..............................          24
   7.   Twentieth Century   .................................       35
   8.   Council Records  ....................................       44
   9.   Burgesses          ...................................      71
  10.   Industry  ........................................          75
  11.   Street Names  .......................................       89
  12.   Buildings, Past and Present  ....................          113
  13.   Crossraguel Abbey  .................................       140
  14.   "Adam's Ale"   .......................................     143
  15.   Martial Minniebolers  ..............................       151
  16.   Social Activities ....................................     161
  17.   Sport              ...................................     176
  18.   Famous Folks    ......................................     192
  19.   Personalities .......................................      198
  20.   Johnnie Stuffie ...................................        220
  21.   Humour in Court and Council ..................             225
  22.   Maybole Minstrelsy ..............................          234
  23.   Freemasonry in Maybole ........................            279
  24.   Robert Burns' Association with Maybole ......              288
  25.   Abbot of Crossraguel and John Knox .........               297
  26.   The Countess and The Gypsy ..................              304
  27.   Miscellany ........................................        310

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