Carrick's Capital Facts, Fiction & Folks by James T. Gray,
Alloway Publishing, Ayr. First published 1972. Copyright ©
Permission for display on this site granted by David Gray. You may view
and download chapters of this book for personal research purposes only. No other
distribution of this text is authorized.
The story of this ancient Ayrshire town from its
early beginnings in the 12th century through its growth and
development until the nineteen sixties. A fascinating record of the
history of a town including a wealth of factual information on its
outstanding buildings growth of industry etc., the book also
gives an insight into the life of the community and townsfolk
Table of Contents
Chapter 18
THE town of Maybole, being the only community in the district for
generations, naturally became the focal point for all the people of Carrick and
many famous persons have been connected with the old town on the hillside.
Robert the Bruce must often have trod its street, as it is only seven miles
distance from his castle at Turnberry. The fight for the independence of
Scotland began by Bruce's attack on Turnberry Castle when he landed from Rathlin
Island in the bay at Maidens. Local lore has it that when he landed and was told
the signal fires had not been lit but that whins had caught fire on the cliff
north of Maidens he remarked: "This is a weary neuk to land in" thus
giving the present day name of "Wearyneuk" to the spot in the village.
The bay he landed in is now shown on the maps as "Port Murray" but its
former name was "Port Morrow" believed to be a corruption of
"Port of Sorrow" while the headland on which the whins burned is now
called "Barwhin Point" but was formerly known as "Burnwhin
Point". There can be little doubt but Bruce during his journeys throughout
Carrick must often have visited the town. (Some would have Bruce's birthplace at
Lochmaben instead of Turnberry but every Carrick man treats such a suggestion
with scorn and puts it down to the natural jealousy of Gallovidians).
In early days when Maybole had the families of over twenty noblemen living in
it, the Kennedy family, "The Kings of Carrick", looked on the old
capital of their kingdom as their home town and many famous members of this
family have gone from it to become prominent figures in Scotland's history.
Bishop James Kennedy, who founded St. Salvators College in St. Andrews, was
the son of James Kennedy of Dunure and Princess Mary, and was one of the most
prominent churchmen of his time. His daughter, Kate Kennedy, is still the
central figure in the annual pageant at St. Andrews where she is always
impersonated by a young male student. The Bishop was chief adviser to James II
and guardian and tutor of James III. At his death it is said the whole Scottish
nation went into mourning.
David, 3rd Lord Kennedy, who was created Earl of Cassillis in 1509,
took his men from Maybole to fight at Flodden in 1513. He was killed, as was his
sovereign, James IV, in that disastrous battle and his body was brought back for
burial in the Old College in the Kirkport.
Gilbert, 3rd Earl of Cassillis, was a famous Scottish statesman and he was
appointed Lord High Treasurer in 1554. He was one of the Commissioners who went
to France to arrange the marriage of Mary, Queen of Scots, with the Dauphin,
and, because he refused to agree that the Scottish crown should go to the French
heir, he was poisoned at Dieppe and his body was also brought back for burial in
the "Auld College".
Gilbert 4th Earl of Cassillis, was a confidant and adviser to Mary, Queen of
Scots and was with her when she visited Carrick in August, 1563. Tradition has
it that the Maybole people gathered at the Howmoor to see their tall Queen with
her retinue pass on her way from Dunure Castle to Ardmillan where she stayed
before journeying to Ardstinchar. Queen Mary gave Gilbert a necklace as a
keepsake and this necklace is still in the possession of the present Marquess of
Ailsa. It was his daughter Jane Kennedy who tied the handkerchief round Queen
Mary's eyes before she knelt to be beheaded at Fotheringhay that Wednesday
morning on the 8th February, 1587.
Archibald, 11th Earl of Cassillis distinguished himself as a naval
commander and raised the seige of Lisbon in 1760 and the people of that city
presented him with a handsomely engraved silver platter which is still in the
possession of the present Marquess of Ailsa. After he retired from the sea,
Archibald, lived in No. 1 Broadway, New York, but, on his refusal to take part
in the Boston Tea Party, George Washington evicted him from his home and took
possession of it for himself. The Earl married Anne Watts, daughter of John
Watts of New York and part of her dowry is said to have been Long Island in New
York State but the Earl lost all his American property during the War of
Independence. When Glenlyon's Regiment carried out the massacre at Glencoe in
September, 1692, a young ensign in the regiment refused to take part in the
slaughter and he was taken back to Fort William and ignominiously discharged.
Tradition has it, truth or not, that the name of the young ensign was Archibald
Kennedy of Maybole.
Another famous Kennedy was Quintin, Abbot of Crossraguel, and it was he who
held the, debate in Maybole in 1562 with John Knox. This event was so noteworthy
in the history of the town that it is dealt with in another chapter of the book
on Maybole.
John Loudon Macadam the famous roadmaker, although born in Ayr, in 1756, was
educated at a school in Maybole and he was a frequent visitor to the district
until his death in Moffat in 1836. From 1785 to 1798 he lived at Sauchrie a few
miles out of the town and on leaving his Carrick home he spent the next sixteen
years in studying the conditions of roads, travelling thirty thousand miles and
spending 535,000 of his own money on road research. It is locally believed that
he first carried out his experiments in 'Macadamising" on the stretch of
roadway between where the Station Bridge is now sited in Culzean Road and
Whitefaulds Farm and no one will disabuse a Minnieboler of this belief.
In 1749 Gilbert Blane was born at Blanefield at Kirkoswald and he also
received his early schooling in Maybole. He became Sir Gilbert Blane and was
made a fellow of the Royal Societies of London, Edinburgh and Gottingen, of the
Imperial Academy of Sciences of St. Petersburg and of the Royal Academy of
Sciences of Paris. He was physician to the fleet in the West Indies during the
American War and it was during this period he found a preventative for scurvy
which was a plague to all seamen at that time. It is said a ship was captured
which had a load of limes as cargo and Sir Gilbert dosed the sailors on his ship
with the juice of these fruits and found his seamen did not contract the
disease. From then on all British seamen were given lime juice as a preventative
for scurvy and this gave them the nickname of "Limejuicers", which is
now shortened to "Limey", the name for Englishmen in nearly every
foreign country. He was commended in a letter written by Lord Rodney for his
"assiduity in preserving the lives of thousands of the fleet". He
later became physician to both King George IV and King William IV, afterwards
retiring to spend the remainder of his days at Blanefield where he carried on
his research in medicine and found a vaccine for smallpox before he died in
Many Maybole ministers have played a prominent part in church history in
Scotland and the Rev. James Bonar was one of the most famous. He was parish
minister from 1608 and was elected Moderator of the General Assembly in 1644. He
was a rich man and built an aisle to the Parish Church at his own expense and
also gave a donation of 150 marks to the Glasgow College Library.
In the early part of the nineteenth century James Smith of Monkwood
Grove at Minishant was one of Scotland's greatest botanists. He gave much
valuable information on botanical subjects to Sir William Hooker which Sir
William incorporated in his famous books on botany. James Smith died in 1848 and
was buried in Ayr old churchyard where his friends erected a tombstone with the
following inscription: "Erected by his friends and admirers in memory of
James Smith, Botanist, Monkwood Grove, who died 1st January, 1848, aged 88
years. This simple monument to the Father of Scottish Botany will direct the
many students who profited by his kind gratuitous instructions in the science of
Botany, where the tear of fond remembrance may mingle with the dust of a real
and true friend". He was the tenant of the gardens and orchard at Monkwood
and was a simple and unworldly man but his knowledge of botany was unsurpassed
by any in the whole of Scotland at that time and people came from many countries
to listen and learn from him and many old gardens throughout Scotland today owe
their beauty to the humble Minishant gardener who advised on what should be be
planted in them.
During the second World War many local people played their part as they have
always done in time of need, and one who has become a legendary figure was Lt.
Col. Bernard Fergusson, D.S.O., O.B.E., Of Kilkerran. He gained world fame for
his daring exploits with the Chindits and later became Governor General of New
Zealand, a position his father, Sir Charles Fergusson, had held many years
When the Marquess of Ailsa gifted Culzean Castle to the National Trust for
Scotland he made a stipulation that General Dwight Eisenhower, the Supreme
Commander of the Allied Forces be gifted the top flat for his use as a Scottish
home during his lifetime. On many occasions the General, who later became
President of America, spent holidays at Culzean with his family and friends and
enjoyed a rest when he could shoot and golf and be free from the cares of his
busy life. He was a frequent visitor to the town which he always considered, as
he said, "his Scottish hometown", and on Saturday, .5th October, 1946,
the Freedom of the Burgh was conferred on him by the townspeople. This was the
first instance of such an honour being granted to anyone and President
Eisenhower, in his remarks after the ceremony, said he would "always
consider himself a true Minnieboler, if not by birth, at least by
adoption". This sentiment is echoed by all townsfolk who proudly claim
fellow citizenship with the first King of Scotland and a President of America.
-The Freedom Scroll presented to the President was encased in a beautifully
carved oak miniature chest designed and made by Mr. James Jeff, the
Kirkcudbright artist who also carved the Town Staff which is carried before all
Council processions by the Town Officer.
Maybole has also produced some fine artists and undoubtedly the most famous
one was Robert McBride, who was born in the town in 1913 and schooled at Carrick
Academy before studying at the Glasgow School of Art in the 1930s. He, with
another Ayrshire artist, Robert Colquhoun of Kilmamock, mostly lived and worked
in England and Ireland and they were both featured in a B.B.C. production on
"Living Artists" some years ago. McBride's paintings are exhibited in
galleries throughout the world and some have a prominent place in the museum of
Modern Art in New York and the Gallery of Modern Art in Edinburgh. After Robert
Colquhoun died in the early 1960s, Robert McBride went to live with A. J. Cronin
in Dublin where he was killed by a bus in 1967. Dylan Thomas, the famous Welsh
poet, exchanged some of his manuscripts of his poetry for some pictures by
McBride but unfortunately these valuable manuscripts have been lost.
There have been many other local people who have gained fame outwith the
bounds of the burgh and surrounding district but these few notes on some of them
prove that the quiet old "village on the hill" has been the hometown
of men who have played an important part in much of Scotland's history.
Table of Contents