Carrick's Capital Facts, Fiction & Folks by James T. Gray,
Alloway Publishing, Ayr. First published 1972. Copyright ©
Permission for display on this site granted by David Gray. You may view
and download chapters of this book for personal research purposes only. No other
distribution of this text is authorized.
The story of this ancient Ayrshire town from its
early beginnings in the 12th century through its growth and
development until the nineteen sixties. A fascinating record of the
history of a town including a wealth of factual information on its
outstanding buildings growth of industry etc., the book also
gives an insight into the life of the community and townsfolk
Table of Contents
Chapter I
For many centuries the district around Maybole has been inhabited and there
is evidence of this in the number of old forts sited throughout the parish, the
numerous standing stones and memorial mounds and the many old relies and
antiquarian finds which have been turned up from time to time. Indeed John Smith
in his book Prehistoric Man in Ayrshire states that Maybole might well be called
"the antiquarian district of Ayrshire."
There are prehistoric forts at Bowerhill in the north part of the parish near
the Heads of Ayr, at Dunduff, (or Domes Hill as it was called from a tradition
that a battle with the Danes was fought there) and on Trees Farm, below the
quarry on How Muir, there is an excellent example of a fort which went by the
name of Dun Fan and which is preserved as an ancient monument. On Kildoon Hill
there is a fine example of another prehistoric fort and the monument to Sir
Charles Fergusson of Kilkerran, who died in 1849 stands within its ramparts,
while there are numerous other examples throughout the district.
There are several old standing stones and memorial mounds in Maybole Parish
and perhaps the best known local one is in a field on Lyonstone Farm on the
south side of the low road to Ayr. This stone, which is of grey granite, was
probably erected to commemorate some long forgotten important event in the
history of the district. There is another well known Standing Stone on
Blairstone Farm near Alloway on which there is roughly engraved a cross. Local
tradition has it that the cross represents Wallace's sword, which he is supposed
to have laid down on the stone, but even a cursory glance shows the incised
figure is not meant to represent a sword but a cross, and this stone is believed
to mark the spot where a treaty was formed between the Picts and the Scots. Near
the mouth of the River Doon in a field known as Stone Park there is another
Stanrlinn Stone which is again believed to commemorate a treaty between Picts
and Scots who seem to have been as adept at making and breaking treaties as the
nations of the twentieth century.
It was a common custom to erect standing stones or memorial mounds in bygone
days and on Newarkhill there used to be a flat stone set in the hillside which
was said to mark the spot where the local people gathered to watch the ships of
the Spanish Armada which had been blown up the firth and wrecked on the rocky
headlands. Although this stone has long since disappeared and there are no local
traditions about this event it is interesting to note that the records of Ayr
Town Council for 1577-1578 show an entry for £4 expended for "meat and
drink for the pure Spainyardis" who were shipwrecked sailors of the Spanish
For over two hundred and fifty years there was a memorial mound on the lands
of West Enoch Farm which was erected to commemorate the skirmish between the
Earl of Cassillis and the laird of Bargany on 11th December, 1601 when young
Bargany was killed. This was erected a few years after the event but was
unfortunately levelled by the tenant farmer in the latter part of the nineteenth
century as undoubtedly it was the last memorial mound erected in Carrick.
In 1846 a collection of bronze celts (axes) was found on Lagg Farm, three of
which are preserved in the National Museum in Edinbulgh, while on Lochland Farm,
just to the south of Maybole a fine Whinstone hammer axe was found in 1856.
About the same period the farmer at Drumshang, when ploughing a field, turned up
a bronze figure holding scales which is believed to represent
"Justice", and many other stone and bronze implements have been
unearthed around Maybole from time to time.
The most interesting find in the district was the discovery of crannog
dwellings at Lochspouts when this loch was drained and cleaned to make the town
reservoir in the 19th century. When the loch was drained the remains of a
settlement of lake dwellers was found and this was one of the most important
antiquarian finds in Ayrshire and indeed in Scotland. A circular wooden platform
made of oak beams about 95 feet in diameter had been built on oak piles set in
the loch and on this platform three stone hearths or fireplaces had been formed
in stone and clay. Access to the little loch village or crannog was by a wooden
gangway built just below the level of the water so that intruders would not
easily find it and the inhabitants of the crannog dwelling were fairly safe from
unexpected visits of not too friendly neighbours. Being sited in the loch the
inhabitants of the settlements had a handy coup for their refuse and everything
was thrown into the water when it was of no further use. To the antiquarians
this coup proved invaluable and many interesting finds were made by carefully
sifting the silt at the bottom of the loch. A large quantity of stone hammers
and axes were found, also stone pestles and querns for grinding corn, nearly all
made of granite, together with huge heaps of small pebbles, probably used as
heating stones for the meat pots or for slingstones for hunting game. Some very
fine ornaments were unearthed, many in bone in the shape of rings and pins, and
a bronze ornament with a loop which probably fastened on to a hide thong to hang
as a necklace, also a quantity of shaped and pierced beads. A great deal of
broken pottery had been tipped into the loch and many of the shards found had
decorative designs characteristic of ancient pottery of that period. One of the
most interesting finds was a triangular shaped piece of rock crystal which had
been carefully formed and highly polished and would be worn probably as a
pendant. No doubt its owner would greatly prize it and bewail its loss over the
side of the crannog platform into the loch, as it was too fine an object to have
been discarded and thrown over into the natural and handy rubbish dump. A
sandstone spindle whort was also found and it would seem that the crannog
dwellers of the first century were weavers as were also practically all the
townspeople in the 18th and 19th centuries. Two hollowed out tree trunks
(presumably used as boats) were found embedded in the silt and one was taken to
a museum in Glasgow and the other given to the Marquess of Ailsa and it could be
seen at the Pond Cottage at Culzean until a few years ago. There is no doubt
that the discovery of the Lochspouts Crannogs was one of the most important
discoveries in the country and it gives ample proof that the Maybole area has
been inhabited for over two thousand years.
These small communities through the centuries no doubt gathered together to
gain greater strength in numbers and probably chose the sheltered hillside on
which the town now stands to form a small township long before the name of
Maybole appears in the charter by Duncan dated 1193. It is rather interesting
that the townspeople still draw much of their water supply from Lochspouts,
which was the site of the earliest known dwellings in the district, and that two
thousand years ago the town's forefathers were using water for washing and
drinking from the same source as the present Minnieboler does today.
It is also of interest to learn from the antiquarian finds in the district
that the people in these old days were not altogether the rude barbarians one is
inclined to picture in one's mind. They lived in little communities well
designed for protection against marauders and well laid out for the living needs
of their day, with much thought evidently given to the choosing of suitable
sites. The men of these times had spears and axes for hunting and for offence or
defence as the occasion arose, their wives and daughters decorated themselves
with rings, bangles and necklaces as do present day wives and daughters and
their children supped from wooden porringers with bone spoons and had their
unruly hair combed with bone combs just as many townspeople of this century had,
in their childhood, a wooden bowl and a horn Spoon. The crannog dwellers hunted
animals, caught fish, and cooked their food in wood pots by throwing heated
stones into the water when it was not roasted over the large fireplaces. Food
and shelter were the main necessities of life then as now and if one discounts
electric cookers, refrigerators, etc., there would be found to be little
difference in the life of the Minnieboler over the centuries.
There are no written records or mention of the town and district until the
twelfth century although this part of Scotland was mentioned by the Romans
during their occupation of South Scotland. The inhabitants were then known as
the Damnii, and were Druids, and there are many Druidical remains in the
surrounding districts, although there are no traces of any left in Maybole
Parish. In the fifth century the people of Carrick were converted to
Christianity and since then it has been closely connected with religious houses
and the place names give great evidence of this.
Table of Contents