Carrick's Capital Facts, Fiction & Folks by James T. Gray,
Alloway Publishing, Ayr. First published 1972. Copyright ©
Permission for display on this site granted by David Gray. You may view
and download chapters of this book for personal research purposes only. No other
distribution of this text is authorized.
The story of this ancient Ayrshire town from its
early beginnings in the 12th century through its growth and
development until the nineteen sixties. A fascinating record of the
history of a town including a wealth of factual information on its
outstanding buildings growth of industry etc., the book also
gives an insight into the life of the community and townsfolk
Table of Contents
Chapter 20
"A queer wee
man, wi' simple air"
THE opening line of
the poem by the Rev. Roderick Lawson gives an apt description of "Johnnie
Stuffie" one of the best known "characters" in the long history
of Maybole which, throughout the centuries, has produced many noteworth and
loveable personalities.
John McLymont was
born in Maybole in 1763 and lived for most of his 84 years in the town. He was a
very small man with a large head and, unfortunately, was of simple intellect or
"had a want" as the local expression has it for those who do not
altogether measure up to modern I.Q. standards. Like all simple people he had a
knack of being embarrassingly honest in his outlook, often much to the
discomfort of his more able fellow townsmen who tried to make fun of him, but
who, more often than not, found the tables turned against them.
He was eccentric in
his dress, invariably wearing a high crowned top hat and a tail coat which was
far too large for him and the tails of which usually trailed on the ground. He
had a great love for clothes and local people gave him their cast-offs, which he
hoarded carefully and in time he accumulated dozens of coats and hats of every
style and size. As he was a great snuff addict his clothes
were badly stained with it and he always carried a large coloured handkerchief
with which he would loudly blow his nose and wave about like a banner when in a
heated argument with his tormentors
He never learned a
trade and throughout his whole life he ran errands and carried water from the various wells in the town for the
housewives who paid him an odd copper for this service. He never used the
ordinary shoulder yoke to carry his two wooden pails but devised a sort of oval
wooden hoop which he laced through the handles of his "luggies" and
which encircled him like the bumpers of the small electric cars seen in present
day fairgrounds.
From his youth he
was known as "Johnnie Stuffie" because he was a great glutton and was
always "stuffing" himself. He became so used to his nickname that he
invariably answered to it and on many occasions did not realise he was being
spoken to if addressed as Johnnie McLymont. After the death of his mother he
lived by himself and would let no one into his house to tidy it up or interfere
with his hoard of coats and hats. He used to say "Women are a' richt in
their place but my place is no' for them." For years he lived in a house in
Whitehall which stood on the site where the Carrick Hotel now stands, latterly
moving to a small house behind what is now known as Greenhead and finally to a
house in Buchanan Street, or Inches Close as it was commonly named. About 1846
he was no longer able to stay by himself and a kindly relative took him to his
home in Crosshill and looked after him until he died the following year. On his
death a kindly Minnieboler met the cost of his funeral and he was buried in the
old cemetery at the foot of the Kirkwynd where his gravestone still stands near
the entrance gate with the inscription: "Here rests until the Resurrection,
John McLymont, the Maybole Natural, who died 18th May, 1847. Take heed that ye
despise not one of these little ones."
Many tales of
Johnnie have been handed down over the years since he was a kenspeckle figure on
the High Street with his lum hat and luggies. He was always the butt of the
younger people, as his queer style of dress and odd physical appearance,
together with the fact that he was simple minded, gave great scope for the
youngsters to play tricks on him. Even their elders sometimes tried to belittle
him but in their case Johnnie invariably came out best with his honest and
simple approach to all problems.
One day he stopped the Rev. Dr. Paul, the Parish Minister, and put to him a
problem which had been bothering Johnnie for some time. He wanted the Minister
to tell him whether or not certain situations called for a lie to be told and on
being answered that lies should never be told he asked: "Whether is it
better to tell a lee and keep the peace or tell the truth and kick up a Hell o'
a row." Such a problem has puzzled many wiser men than Johnnie and no doubt
the simple wee man would go blythely and happily through life telling a lie or
the truth according as to what he thought was the better thing to do.
He was always a willing and eager messenger and water carrier but would hardly
have fitted into modern life where so much is governed by the clock. He was
asked one Saturday night to bring a pail of water to a certain householder and
replied: "Man, I'm unco' busy the nicht, but if you pit it ower tae Monday
I'll make sure ye get it then." Sunday being a day of rest Johnnie never
ran errands or carried water but religiously attended church where he sat on the
top step of the pulpit stair next the Minister from where he could watch the congregation and loudly report to the preacher if any of the flock appeared to
nod off to sleep during the lengthy, and often dreary, sermons. One of the
elders in the church was reproached one day by Johnnie for never visiting him
and the elder excused himself by pointing out he was not in his
"district" for visitations. The excuse was not acceptable to poor
Johnnie, however, who wanted to know if there were "special districts in
He was a great
glutton and ate enormous quantities of food when any kindly person offered him a
meal after he had run an errand or carried water for them. If he was given a
bowl of soup and a scone he always contrived that one outlasted the other and
would need another scone to finish the soup or a drop more soup to go with the
bit of scone that was left. Once he rather overplayed his hand when he was
attending communion in a local church and had been asked to have a meal in the
minister's kitchen after the service. During the meal he had managed to hide
some extra food in what he thought was his top hat so that he could take it home
with him. Unfortunately when the meal was over and everyone ready to make home
it was discovered Johnnie had filled the beadle's hat instead of his own and the
outcome was that poor Johnnie was forbidden ever to enter the manse again.
He was well aware of his shortcomings and once when a young girl jeered at him
and asked if he knew he was a fool he replied: "Aye, but I'm a fool of
God's making and your one of your aim making." On the whole he was kindly
treated by the townsfolk who believed in looking after their own
"naturals" rather than shutting them up in institutions and someone
would always see that he never wanted for food or clothing. He was a bit of a
miser and saved every odd penny he could put aside, banking it with Mr. Niven in
the Royal Bank of Scotland. On being asked one day how much money he had he
replied: "Naebody kens but God Almighty and Mr. Niven."
The Rev. R. Lawson wrote the following poem about him which immortalises one of
the town's best loved worthies and it gives a word picture which will never be
A queer wee man, wi'
simple air, Was Johnnie Stuffie,
Well kenn'd alike by rich and puir Was Johnnie Stuffie,
The water-carrier o' the toon, The Messenger to a' aroun', And the butt o' every
idle loon
Was Johnnie Stuffie.
Nae common bonnet
croon'd the heid O' Johnnie Stuffie,
But auld lum-hat was there instead On Johnnie Stuffie;
A lang great-coat, ance thocht genteel, Ay wrapped him roun' frae neck to heel,
Which only did the feet reveal
O' Johnnie Stuffie.
On Sabbath days,
first in the kirk Was Johnnie Stuffie,
Wi' well brushed hat and well washed sark Cam' Johnnie Stuffie;
But no amang the rest sat he, But on the pulpit steps sae hie, The congregation
a' could see
Bauld Johnnie Stuffie.
But a' folks dee,
and 'mang the lave Maun Johnnie Stuffie,
He rests non in his quiet grave; Wee Johnnie Stuffie,
Nae mair he'll stand the idle jeer, Nor answer gie baith quaint and queer:
Though girr and water-stoups are here Whaur's Johnnie Stuffie?