A Flight To St. Kilda - by Rev. R.L. Lawson - Page
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The images and text of Rev. Lawson's booklet - A FLIGHT TO ST. KILDA - contributed by Ewen McGee whose grandfather was captain of the SS Hebrides from 1899 to 1921.

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                       A FLIGHT TO ST. KILDA                      21

whether it refer to the common work of the day or the preaching of the minister on the Sunday previous; and from the decision of this Parliament there is no appeal.  In respect to a number of things, such as the sea-fowl caught, and the eggs gathered on the cliff's, in which the children with their bare feet are specially expert, there is a species of Communism among the inhabitants; though
















I was told it was well to be on the spot to see after your share, for all that.  Perhaps the most striking part of the men's work is when they are lowered with ropes over the sea cliffs to snare the young birds as they sit in their nests before taking flight. 

A rather gruesome story stands connected with St. Kilda history.  A certain Lord of Session of the name of Lord

Pages: Cover | Publications | 3 |  4 |  5 | 6  |  7  |  8  |  9  |  10  |  11 |  12  | 13  | 14  | 15 | 16  |  17 | 18 | 19  | 20 | 21  | 22  | 23 |  SS Hebrides | Photos