Roderick Lawson of Maybole - A remarkable Victorian minister
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Ayrshire Collections  Volume Twelve  Number Two

Roderick Lawson of Maybole

 A remarkable Victorian minister.

Hugh Douglas 


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Biography     Extracts from writings    |   List of Published Writings  (below)

RODERICK LAWSON'S PUBLISHED WRITINGS (Some of these to be available on this site)

 1. Ailsa Craig. Paisley. Parlane, 1888.

 1a. Ailsa Craig. New edition, enlarged. Paisley. Parlane, 1895.

 2. Ballads and Songs of Carrick. with 19 musical examples arranged for part singing. Paisley, Parlane, no date.

 3. Bible antiquities.

 4. The Capital of Carrick. Paisley, Parlane, 1897.

 5. Catechism on the Christian life.

 6. Catechism on Good Manners for Boys and Girls in School, at Home and out of doors.

 7. Catechism on Temperance for Bands of Hope and Sabbath Schools.

 8. Christ before Pilate: An address on Munkacsy's painting. Paisley. Parlane, 1903.

 9. The Covenanters of Ayrshire. Paisley. Parlane, 1887.

10. Crossraguel Abbey: A history and description. Paisley, Parlane, 1883.

11. Etchings of Ayrshire Castles by A. E. Bryden (with text by R.L.], 1898.

12. A Familiar Talk about the Starry Sky, for young people.

13. Famous places of England. Paisley. Parlane, 1898.

14. Famous places of Scotland. Paisley, Parlane, 1893.

15. Fifty-four views of Carrick. with description. Paisley, Parlane, 1894.

16. Flight to St. Kilda in July, 1902. Paisley. Parlane, 1902.

17. [Geography textbook] (Written at Blentyre).

18. Girvan and its neighbourhood: A lecture. Edinburgh, Lindsay. 1868.

19. Glimpses of Norway, being glimpses of a trip in the S.S. St. Sunnive Paisley, Parlene, 1897.

20. [Grammar textbook] (Written at Blantyre).

21. Homes and Haunts of Robert Burns. Paisley, Parlane, c. 1886.

21a. Homes and Haunts of Robert Bums. Paisley. Parlane, n.d. (a reissue).

21b. Homes and Haunts of Robert Burns. London, n.d. (A further reissue).

22. How to teach a Sabbath Class, illustrated by a Sermon to children. Ayr Advertiser, 1862.
      (Also published in the Edinburgh Sabbath School Teachers' Magazine).

23. Illustrated Temperance Texts:
(a) The British Sirens 'whose feet go down to death.'
(b) The Great British Drink Trap, into which many fall and out of which few escape.
(c) Temperance Shot: Words in season on the Drink Question.
(d) The Water Cure.
(e) A Word of Cheer to all well-wishers of the Temperance Cause.

24. The Lord's Supper.

25. Maybole and its historical associations. 2nd edition. Stirling, Robert Gray. 1868.

26. The Maybole Evangelist (a weekly]. 1874.

27. Maybole Past and Present. Paisley, Parlane, 1885.

28. A Minister's Life. Paisley, Parlane, 1895.

29. National Anthems of the World: A popular reading with 18 musical examples arranged for part singing.
      Paisley, Parlane, C 1885.

30. Our Common Wild Birds. Paisley, Parlane, 1901.

30a. Our Common Wild Birds. Paisley. Parlane, n.d. (a reissue).

31. Our Common Wild Flowers. Paisley, Parlane, n.d.

32. Our Life Story, as seen in the parable of the Prodigal Son. (Maybole?), 1872.

33. Our Local Martyrs: An account of the Covenanters of South Ayrshire. Maybole, J. Watson, 1880.

34. Penny Guide to Maybole. Maybole. J. Watson. 1872.

35. Persons who have influenced my life. Paisley, Parlane, 1903.

36. Places of Interest about Girvan. Paisley, Parlane, 1892.

37. Places of Interest about Maybole. Paisley, Parlane, 1891.

38. Places of Interest in Arran. Largs. Simpson, c. 1910.

38a. Places of Interest in Arran. 8th edition. Largs, Simpson, 1921.

39. Places of Interest in Bute. New edition. Largs, Simpson, 1921.

40. Readings for Bands of Hope and Children's social gatherings.

41. Readings in Patriotism, affection and humour. Paisley, Parlane, 1893.

42. Recollections and Anecdotes of Robert Wallace. IN Robert Wallace:
      Life and last leaves, ad. J. C. Smith and W. Wallace. London, Sands, 1903.

43. Reminiscences of the late Robert Wallace, Esq., M.P. Paisley, Parlane, 1899. (For private circulation).

44. The Romance of the Missions: A popular reading, with 18 musical illustrations arranged for part singing
      Paisley, Parlane. n.d.

45. Sabbath with Christ: A New Year Sermon. 1874.

46. The Sacred places of Scotland. Paisley, Parlane, 1891.

47. Scripture knowledge.

48. The Shorter Catechism. Edinburgh, Macniven and Paterson. (Later printings have different publishers).

49. A Talk about the sea-shore. Paisley, Parlane, n.d.

50. Through Eastern Cities. Paisley, Parlane, 1900.

51. The Way to be Saved. No publisher or date.

52. West Parish Church Monthly Letter. Paisley, Parlane, 1880 - 1897.

53. What is your Life? A New Year sermon. 1871.

54. What I saw of India and its people. Paisley, Parlane, 1889.

(Note: Not listed above are numerous articles in the Dayspring or three poems which were set to music in Nos. 87, 69 and 70 of The National Choir - Bonnie Girvan Shore, Lendal Bay and Oor ai bit toon. Items 2. 21, 29 and 44 were also issued by Parlane in one volume under the title Four Services of Song).