Today, some twenty miles east
of Edinburgh, the ruined yellow clustered towers of Dirleton
castle high on its rocky knoll overlooking the Victorian Bowling
Green and Herbaceous gardens strikes an imposing sight. However,
the present gardens (arts and crafts north garden and formal
west garden) give a false peaceful impression as to the castle's
original war-like strength. In ancient times this whole area was
marsh land and the castle's rocky knoll itself was surrounded by
a deep fresh water ditch, shielded by a wooden palisade which
extended east to protect the castle-town village, as well as two
drawbridges, one postern foot bridge facing east to the village
and one large bridge for horse, cattle and wagon access facing
Not forgetting the castle itself which contained five round
towers, three being D-shaped in plan and two Donjon type with a
further two square plan towers all connected by a battlement
wall hugging the rock knoll giving the confused plan we see
Dirleton was held by
three noble families of note. The Anglo/Norman (Scots) De-Vaux, the Border
family of Halyburton and the rebel Perthshire family of Ruthven. But
because of the castle's position on an ancient invasion route and its
stormy history it passed through the hands of many other feuding Scots
families and the invading English.
The first stone
castle was built by the De-Vauxs after 1240 and was based on Coucy-le-Chateaux
in France, north of Paris. Interestingly this design of a large Donjon and
lesser D-plan towers was also used in the construction of
Bothwell castle
near Glasgow and Kildrummy castle in Grampian. Showing that the Scots were
open to new ideas in castle design from Europe .In 1298,
Dirleton was
besieged by Bishop Beck on behalf of King Edward I of England (Hammer of
the Scots). News of William Wallace's defeated at the battle of Falkirk
was used to try and force a surrender of the castle but the De-Vauxs
continued to resist. More English troops and materials for building siege
engines were landed at the coastal fortress of Dunbar castle then
transported overland to the siege. |
With the extra magonels and trebuchets
the castle walls were breached and entered by storm. Surprisingly, the De-Vaux
were allowed to flee with their lives. By 1311,
Dirleton was
re-captured by the Scots and in accord with King Robert the Bruce's policy
of slighting castles to prevent their use by the English, three of the
great towers were thrown down to almost ground level and the upper levels
of the remaining towers partly torn away. With the arrival of the
Halyburtons, through marriage to the De-Vauxs in the 1350's.Dirleton was
greatly rebuilt though not in such a grand scale as the original De-Vaux's
plan. A new Halyburton gatehouse with conical roofed bartizans (like the
original entrance to Dalhousie castle, near Bonnyrigg) was added to the
south facing entrance. The postern east-facing gate was blocked up with a
great hall/kitchen and storage vaults built across the stumps of three of
the earlier towers. The base of these three towers can still be traced
today. Not only did the Halyburtons leave their building work as testimony
to their presence in history but they were also involved in many
documented battles, events and plots too confusing to explain in any great
At the 1st battle of
Nisbet in 1355 John Halyburton of Dirleton was killed while helping Ramsay
of Dalhousie, Dunbar of Dunbar castle and Douglas of
Tantallon castle
defeat the English garrison from Norham castle. Surprisingly, a few years
later in 1363 Douglas and Dunbar turned on the Halyburtons and seized
Dirleton castle in their first steps of rebellion against King David II of
Scots for his attack on Kildrummy castle. This led to the battle of Lanark
where Douglas and Dunbar were defeated by King David and forced to sue for
peace. Dirleton was then returned to the Halyburtons.
The Halyburtons also
have a connection to America through Janet Halyburton who was the second
wife of Prince Henry Sinclair of Roslin. Who, in 1398, it is claimed along
with Clan Gunn of Clyth castle in Caithness made the epic voyage of
discovery to America, landing at Nova Scotia then on to Massachusetts.
In fact, an effigy of Sir James Gunn of Clyth who died during this trip is
still in existence, being known as the Westford Knight.
At the 2nd battle of
Nisbet in 1402 John Halyburton of Dirleton, along with the Lauders of
North Berwick, The Hepburns of
Markle/Hailes and the Cockburns were
defeated and captured by the rebel Dunbars and their English ally the
infamous 'Hotspur' Percy. Halyburton was kept in such detestable
conditions before being ransomed that he died of 'loosening of the bowels'
on his return home.
The Halyburtons also
helped the rebel Sinclairs of Herdmanston and the Douglases rout the Royal
army at the battle of Long Hermiston Moor west of Edinburgh in 1407,in a
confused plot to capture Prince James prior to his attempted flight to
France with the Sinclairs of Roslin. It appears Scots families such as the Sinclairs would side with both factions, both Royal and rebel to 'wait and
see' who would eventually win. That way they would always keep their lands
whoever was in power.
In the early 1500's
Dirleton passed to the Ruthven family also through marriage. The Ruthvens
also left their mark on the castle around 1550 by added the Ruthven Range
(almost an exact copy of their Townhouse in Perth where the ' Gowrie
Conspiracy' would take place in 1600), the stables, a Beehive Doocot and
replaced the palisade around the castle-town with a Barmkin wall protected
by gun-loops.
The Ruthvens like
their ancestors the Halyburtons made many appearances in the pages of
history. The main events being their involvement in the murder of Mary
Queen of Scots favorite David Riccio at Holyrood Palace in 1566. Their
seizure of King James VI of Scots in 1582 at Ruthven castle, along with
their alleged attempt to capture the King again in 1600 in the 'Gowrie
Conspiracy'. Resulting in the deaths of the two Ruthven brothers and the
capture of Dirleton by the King's forces. After passing through the hands
of many other families Dirleton while held by the Maxwells, in 1650,was
besieged by General Lambert on behalf of Oliver Cromwell. A mortar piece
ripped open the Halyburton gatehouse and after a day's bombardment the
castle was taken by storm. In 1663 the castle in a slighted state passed
to the Nisbet family. They chose to abandon it as a residence and built a
new modern house at Archerfield nearby. The castle fell into ruins but the
gardens continued to develop in its shadow. Today the arts and crafts
north garden is in the Guinness Book of records as the longest Herbaceous
Border in the World being 215metres long with over 300 different types of
plants. A rather peaceful end to a war-like castle.
Andrew Spratt
Dec 2001A.D.