Webmaster- Rich Pettit
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Maybole webmaster Rich Pettit at the top of Maybole Town Hall.

Personal Statement regarding this site.

Thank you, for visiting this website for the town of Maybole. This site was started August 1999 out of a desire to share with other family history researchers the information I had gathered about my ancestral home of Maybole. Shortly after posting a few pages of the site to the Internet I was contacted by David Kiltie, Chairman of the Maybole Community Council. David asked if I was "prepared to see the site expanded?"  And so it has been. What you see today is the result of the cooperative involvement of the residents of Maybole, Maybole's Internet community at large and in no small measure David Kiltie.

My own sentiments in regard to participating in the creation of and maintaining this site could not be expressed better than did the Rev. Roderick Lawson in the preface to his book, Maybole Past and Present (1885). As all of the material on this site has been compiled or taken from other sources, I have used Rev. Lawson's text and [inserted] a few words of my own.

"This little book [website] is written [administered] for my fellow townsmen, as a contribution towards the better knowledge of the history of our town. The facts, which it contains, have been gathered from many sources; but as I have taken some pains to verify them, I think their accuracy may be generally depended on. Maybole may appear commonplace to others, but to those whose life's history has been connected with it, the old town must ever be surrounded by a halo.

There have been tragedies and comedies here as elsewhere, and the history of a town is but as the history of the world at large. I trust that natives of Maybole [and their ancestors], who are scattered abroad, may be pleased to have this memento of [and Internet connection to] the place of their birth, as calculated to foster a local attachment which should in no wise be lost sight of.

I have striven to write it in as interesting a way as I could, and, with the help of friends, [David Kiltie, residents of Maybole, and other members of the Maybole Internet community] and have sought to lighten its pages with some neat engravings [photos]. Perhaps I have introduced too many verses [and historical documents], but it is hoped that these will be pardoned on account of their local character. It is not written either for fame or profit, but simply as a means of possible usefulness, and a desire to do a little for the credit of the town.

Everybody should take an interest in the place where his lot is cast; and one of my aims will be served if it helps to stir up in us a feeling of patriotism, and a laudable desire to promote, in all ways open to us, the well-being of the "little city of our dwelling which we belong to on this side of the grave." And my highest aim will be attained, if the book [website] helps in any wise to teach the sacredness of home, as the spot where our life-tragedy has been appointed us, and which must therefore ever have an interest to us over all other places.

R. L. [Rev. Roderick Lawson 1885]

 August, 1999
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Tools used for this site

I am not a computer professional, historian or writer but only an amateur family history researcher currently employed with a bank as an accountant. Work on this site is done on my own time, as I am able, with my family and other priorities coming first. My tools for maintaining this site are therefore the ones, which I feel are most efficient and allow me to accomplish the various tasks involved with the greatest economies of time. These tools are:

  • FrontPage 2003 for page layout, navigation and site publishing.

  • PaintShop Pro and Adobe PhotoShop for image editing. 

  • ScanSoft OCR (Optical Character Recognition) for digitizing text. 

  • Various site log analysis programs

  • The host server is Readyhosting.com located at www.readyhosting.com

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Old photos in very poor condition can often be restored. Click on the image on the left to view the original image of the 1895-6 Maybole football team. With a little bit of work they "cleaned up" very well. Click on the right to see the restored image.

How you can help.

It has only been through the generous help of others that this site is possible. If you would like to help in any way please contact me. As you will note I have attempted to give credit on this site to those who have contributed to it. If you have something you think would be appropriate to present on the site please contact me at the email address at the top of this page.

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Copyright and Fair Use

 The question of copyright is an issue, which needs to be considered by all sites such as this one, which display images and text most of which are not the product of the domain registrant. The Internet and websites like this do not change copyright laws but only present a further challenge to their application and interpretation in this new media.

As registrant of this site I assume all responsibility for what is displayed here. The copyright notice appearing at the bottom of most pages on this site is merely an assignment of rights that I am making to the Maybole Community Council for the pages of this site and in no way implies or assigns liability for their content. It is my intent to take responsibility but give current and all future rights to these pages to the Maybole Community.

Summarized here is my understanding and approach in use of images and text on this site.

This site is first of all for education and research only. It accepts no advertising, promotes no commercial enterprises other than by recognition of their generous contribution of materials, and has no products for sale. With this premise, I have excerpted or copied small portions of text or images from many other sources and placed them on this site as "fair use" of these items. Where it has been possible, credit is given for the source of these items or links to their sites have been made. In some cases, as a further courtesy, permission has been requested for use of the item. Where large portions of an original work still under copyright are used, permission of the author has been obtained.

Many of the texts and images used in the local and family history portion of this site are in the public domain. My understanding is that if the item is over 100 years old and the author has been dead for 70 years then it is in the public domain.

There are many websites devoted to copyright issues but here is one of them if you wish further information on the subject. http://fairuse.stanford.edu/

If you believe I have violated copyright laws or misapplied "fair use" please contact me at the email address above to let me know how you think I have done so.

I believe that it is in the best interest of all concerned that genealogical information be freely distributed and shared without restriction. I share the opinion of Jeffrey A. Bockman in his article on this subject which can be viewed by clicking here.

Fair use has been defined or interpreted in many ways. Here is one such definition.

The "fair use" doctrine allows limited reproduction of copyrighted works for educational and research purposes. The relevant portion of the copyright statue provides that the "fair use" of a copyrighted work, including reproduction "for purposes such as criticism, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research" is not an infringement of copyright. The law lists the following factors as the ones to be evaluated in determining whether a particular use of a copyrighted work is a permitted "fair use," rather than an infringement of the copyright:

  • the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes; 

  • the nature of the copyrighted work; 

  • the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole, and 

  • the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work.

Although all of these factors will be considered, the last factor is the most important in determining whether a particular use is "fair." Where a work is available for purchase or license from the copyright owner in the medium or format desired, copying of all or a significant portion of the work in lieu of purchasing or licensing a sufficient number of "authorized" copies would be presumptively unfair. Where only a small portion of a work is to be copied and the work would not be used if purchase or licensing of a sufficient number of authorized copies were required, the intended use is more likely to be found to be fair.

Links to some of the other websites I manage







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