Fr Stephen
McGrattan, parish priest of
Our Lady & St Cuthbert’s Church in Maybole will be
leaving for pastures new after the Easter Sunday service on
April 4.
Parishioners learned last week of the recent clergy changes
Bishop John Cunningham has made following the death of Canon
John Walls, parish priest of St Teresa's, Dumfries and St
Conal's, Kirkconnel, on Sunday February 28. Fr Stephen
McGrattan, who has charge currently of Maybole and Mossblown
parishes will be moving to be priest at Cumnock, Auchinleck
and Muirkirk.
He will be
succeeded by Fr Philip Kitchen who will also become chaplain
to Queen Margaret Academy. At weekend services, Fr McGrattan
told parishioners, “Over five memorable and special years of
my life have been spent living in Maybole and serving the
Catholic faith community in North Carrick.
activity and prayer within our church community binds us as
God’s family and offers strong witness to belief in the God
who saves, the God who gives new life in suffering,
difficulty and death.
“It has
been a gift and a privilege to be your priest, and I thank
God and you for all I have received. “I am delighted to
welcome Father Philip Kitchen as my successor and I know
that his goodness, faith and enthusiasm will support the
growth of this community and endear you to his care. “You
will always be in my prayers.” |