Photograph above by David Kiltie
Photograph above by Tony Kerrigan
Times: Saturday 5:30 pm & Sunday 9:30 am.
Church Website
of Our Lady & St Cuthbert’s Church in Maybole were surprised
at the weekend to learn that Fr Philip Kitchen will be
leaving after only two years as parish priest. He told
parishioners at the weekend, “I am certain that by now you
will have heard of the clergy changes which are to take
place towards the end of April. With the impending
retirement of Canon McSorley, Bishop Cunningham had to
re-deploy the priests who remain to him. The Bishop has
asked me to continue as parish priest of St Ann’s, Mossblown
while assuming responsibility as parish priest of St Quivox
in Prestwick. “ Canon McGee will remain parish priest of
Sacred Hearts, Girvan while assuming responsibility for Our
Lady and St. Cuthbert’s, too.” He continued, “Needless to
say, I have very mixed emotions about this situation and to
be honest, I’m still trying to come to terms with it. This
is yet a further example of the situation facing the Church
in Scotland with declining numbers of priests. “I hope this
doesn’t appear matter of act in its approach, but I haven’t
had time to reflect fully on what I want to say to you other
than this, that I will always be grateful to the people of
this, my first parish, for their loving support. This is a
parish with a great heart and soul built on great and
committed people “ Keep doing all that you do so well.” Fr
Philip is also chaplain to the Maybole Branch of the Royal
British Legion Scotland. ”
Friday 25th June
2010 was a very
special night for the parish of Our Lady & St Cuthbert in
Maybole as parishioners gathered to thank Fr Stephen McGrattan for his time with them from November 2004 to April
2010. After Mass, concelebrated with Fr Philip Kitchen, Fr
Stephen recounted some memories of his time in Maybole.
There were several gifts given to him by John Sabbatini on
behalf of daily Mass attenders, Rhiain Collins from the
youth of the parish, and David Kiltie, chair of the Parish
Pastoral Council, on behalf of the whole parish. Afterwards,
in the hall, there was a sumptuous spread, and film shows of
Fr Stephen’s life from birth till leaving Our Lady & St
Cuthbert’s. Fr Philip added, “Many thanks to all who helped
to make Fr Stephen’s presentation such a wonderful parish
event.!” |
Fr Stephen with John Sabbatini,
Rhiain Collins, Fr Philip Kitchen and David Kiltie
Fr Stephen with his father, mother and grandmother |
“You have a special place
in my heart and I assure you of my prayers.” That was Fr Stephen
McGrattan’s parting words to parishioners at Our Lady & St
Cuthbert’s Church in Maybole. |
Fr McGrattan is moving to be parish priest at Cumnock,
Auchinleck and Muirkirk In his homily, Fr McGrattan said, “There’s a
buzz when you walk through the doors of this church to worship -
something often remarked on by the visitors who come to worship
here.” He continued, “When we
share this community warmth every Sunday it can be
easy to take it for granted. Remember that what we
have is special. Keep your hearts set on God’s
kingdom and we will be assured of a healthy
community which continues to be very much alive.
more |
parishioners of Our Lady & St Cuthbert’s Church in Maybole met their
new priest for the first time on Sunday afternoon. Fr Philip Kitchen
will take up his new post after Easter and met with members of the
Parish Pastoral Council and the Finance Committee to get a short
briefing on current matters. Fr Stephen McGrattan, who will
celebrate Mass for his last time in Maybole on Easter Sunday,
introduced Fr Kitchen and then members of the PPC outlined their
roles in the parish. The current state of finances and the
fundraising required for essential repairs were discussed as well as
ecumenical activity in Maybole with other churches. Afterwards, Fr
Kitchen said he was looking forward immensely to coming to the
parish which was highly organised and committed. |
Stephen McGrattan, parish priest of Our Lady & St Cuthbert’s Church
in Maybole will be leaving for pastures new after the Easter Sunday
service on April 4 2010. Parishioners learned last week of the
recent clergy changes Bishop John Cunningham has made following the
death of Canon John Walls, parish priest of St Teresa's, Dumfries
and St Conal's, Kirkconnel, on Sunday February 28. Fr Stephen
McGrattan, who has charge currently of Maybole and Mossblown
parishes will be moving to be priest at Cumnock, Auchinleck and
more |
Stephen McGrattan led a group of parishioners from Our Lady & St
Cuthbert's Church, Maybole and friends from other parishes in
Girvan, Ayr, Prestwick and beyond to Iona on pilgrimage during the
weekend of October 20th-22nd. The group travelled in glorious autumn
sunshine from Maybole and crossed from Oban to Mull where they
stayed. On Saturday the group continued their journey to Iona, the
island where St Columba founded a monastery in AD 563. From the
monks who lived on Iona much of the west and north of Scotland
received the Christian Gospel. |
49 pilgrims from Our Lady and St Cuthbert’s Church
travelled to the cave at Whithorn where St Ninian spent time during his 5th century mission in Scotland. Ninian landed on Scottish shores around 397AD. He
is the first bishop of the Diocese of Galloway. Every year
people from all over the diocese gather at the cave for
Mass. This year
Bishop Taylor presided at the Mass since Bishop Cunningham is
unwell and was unable to be at the event this year. |
a special Mass, some parishioners of Our Lady and St Cuthbert’s
were among men made members and full knights of the Order of the Knights
of St Columba. Members and their families from all over the West of
Scotland joined for the celebration. Fr Stephen McGrattan presided at
Mass and Bennett Ward became a member while Walter McKenna and Jim
Campbell became full knights. Grand Knight Peter McGarry also invested
Fr Stephen as an honorary member of the Order. |
Christmas 2005 | Photos and story of 125th
Anniversary Celebration |
Pilgrimage to to Holy Iona - September 2002
an Ambassador who made us Deputy Ambassadors! Saturday 19th March
2001- by Elizabeth Meek
to: Church Website |
of Galloway |
Youth Office |
Catholic Scotland |
The Vatican


Moriarty, St Cuthbert's Church, receiving a gift from his parishioners
when he retired. The gift is a painting of the church and handing it
over is Mrs Kate Scobie, with Mrs Pat Frew and Jim McDermott. |
is a photo of a presentation to Fr Archie Brown (on the right). Fr Alex
McGarry is on the left and in the middle is Ellen Hawkes. |