January 2006
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Not many Masonic lodges can claim to have an ace guitar player at the helm. But it's becoming a habit at historic Lodge St John Maybole No 11.  Brother David Anderson has taken over from Brother Kenneth Brown as Right Worshipful Master. And both are well-known as extremely accomplished guitar players and musicians. David was installed as RWM by three past masters - his immediate predecessor Kenneth along with Campbell Milligan and John Graham. The installation took place in the Masonic Temple in Maybole's Whitehall.


Residents in Maybole’s Crosne Street held their annual Burns Supper on Sunday and the unusual part of it was that almost all those taking part were female! Dorothy Ward gave the Address to the Haggis and the Immortal Memory was proposed by Isabelle Smith. Isabelle is a former school teacher, born in Beith and spent 35 years in the USA before retuning to Scotland 12 years ago and currently living in Dunure. more


Maybole Branch of the Royal British Legion is once again organising a Holocaust Day service at the Greenside. The service will be held at 11am this Friday January 27. Since 2001, the government has asked that January 27 be observed each year as Holocaust Memorial Day. This is the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz by Soviet troops on 27 January 1945. more

Drew Ferguson of Maybole turned 60 recently and decided he would mark the occasion with a family party. However, he did not want any birthday presents so asked that donations to the Ayrshire Hospice be given instead. Last week he handed over a cheque for a grand total of £815 to the Hospice’s Fundraising Manager Louis Jardine. Drew and his wife Myra had a great night at the party and Drew paid tribute to Mandy and Robert, Andrew and Karen, and Julia for the work they put into making the party such a great occasion, and Just 2 for providing such an enjoyable occasion. more

 Last October Carrick Academy was awarded the Bronze level award from the Eco Schools Award Scheme Scotland. We received a grant for £250 which pupils decided to use to purchase waste paper recycling bins for every classroom and office within the school. more

Maybole Bypass Committee will launch a new campaign of action this coming Saturday January 28. The committee will gather at the Town Hall at 11am to unveil their banners which will be placed at both ends of the town so that drivers on the A77 will see them. Peter Mason, chair of the committee, said he would welcome anyone else who would like to see the banners to turn up on the day. more

Maybole Resource Centre is offering free courses for Maybole and surrounding villages. Digital Camera Workshop starting Monday 16th Jan Making best use of your camera, transferring pictures...  more

Informal and friendly Community Education courses in Maybole’s Carnegie Building over the next few months provide a chance to learn locally. Courses include: Computing for beginners. more

The third year XL group at Carrick Academy recently had a tour of Maybole Castle as part of their Community Awareness Module.  The group have been finding out about various facilities within the town such as Signposts, Maybole Access Point and Maybole Resource Centre but also wanted to find out a bit about their local history. Everyone enjoyed the tour, which was conducted by David Kiltie and Dave Killicoat, and were particularly interested to hear about the various ghosts that inhabit the castle!  more

Maybole branch of the Royal British Legion Scotland held its AGM last week In his annual report David Hunter said, “The past year was the 60th anniversary of the end of the Second World War and in keeping with other areas Maybole decided to make it an event worthy of giving thanks to all who had taken part in the War. To this end Maybole Community Council made a successful application to the Home Front Recall Fund which was a joint Lottery grants programme supported by the Big Lottery Fund and the Heritage Lottery Fund. more

The next meeting of Maybole Historical Society will be held on Monday February 6 in Maybole Castle and will take the form of a Burns Night. The evening will consist of a selection of Burns songs and poems performed by popular local entertainers with a light buffet and wine. Talks for the rest of the session are: more

How can you have a story without a beginning? Until now the story of Robert Burns, our national bard, has been told with the opening of “born in Alloway on the 25th of January 1759. All the Burns’ trails promoted nationally ignore completely the life of Burns’ parents prior to their move to Alloway shortly before he was born, although many do include their deaths by way of directions to their gravestones! more

The complete text of the headlines above and more articles follows.

January 2006

Residents in Maybole’s Crosne Street held their annual Burns Supper on Sunday and the unusual part of it was that almost all those taking part were female! Dorothy Ward gave the Address to the Haggis and the Immortal Memory was proposed by Isabelle Smith. Isabelle is a former school teacher, born in Beith and spent 35 years in the USA before retuning to Scotland 12 years ago and currently living in Dunure.


Nell Samson, resident, sang “Bonnie wee thing” and also proposed a very comprehensive vote of thanks which included the caterers Sam and Monica from the Dairy Corner, Pat the sheltered housing warden, June for the table decorations, and especially Dorothy and Isabelle.


The “token” male was David Kiltie who proposed the Toast to the Lassies and also commented that the site of Crosne Street houses was where the Kings Arms Hotel had been previously, which was the last place in Maybole that Burns visited in August 1786 when he had come to the town to collect money for sales of his first collection of poems. After his toast Mrs Samson presented David with her copy of a Kilmarnock edition of the Bard’s poems. He thanked her for her generous gift and said he was very touched by her gesture.

Maybole Branch of the Royal British Legion is once again organising a Holocaust Day service at the Greenside. The service will be held at 11am this Friday January 27. Since 2001, the government has asked that January 27 be observed each year as Holocaust Memorial Day. This is the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz by Soviet troops on 27 January 1945. The idea of a national Holocaust commemoration was proposed with three broad and interrelated aims in mind:

to commemorate the Holocaust or Shoah, the murder by the Nazis and their agents of six million Jews and millions of gypsies, Slavs, Russian POWs, the physically and mentally disabled, homosexuals, Jehovah’s Witnesses and other people belonging to minority groups;

to acknowledge the repeated occurrences of genocide around the world since 1945

to renew the commitment of British people to combat racism, antisemitism, and xenophobia, and to work for an inclusive, caring and open society.

Photos and article

Drew Ferguson of Maybole turned 60 recently and decided he would mark the occasion with a family party. However, he did not want any birthday presents so asked that donations to the Ayrshire Hospice be given instead. Last week he handed over a cheque for a grand total of £815 to the Hospice’s Fundraising Manager Louis Jardine. Drew and his wife Myra had a great night at the party and Drew paid tribute to Mandy and Robert, Andrew and Karen, and Julia for the work they put into making the party such a great occasion, and Just 2 for providing such an enjoyable occasion.

There were 140 guests there on the night and Drew would like to thank all of them for their contributions. He would also  like to thank those who could not be at the party but sent on donations. Louis Jardine, another Maybole boy, thanked Drew for his generosity in thinking of the Hospice and said, “Drew’s donation will go directly towards helping Ayrshire Hospice to continue to provide care and services at no cost to patients or their families.”

Carrick Academy Recycling Project: Last October the school was awarded the Bronze level award from the Eco Schools Award Scheme Scotland. We received a grant for £250 which pupils decided to use to purchase waste paper recycling bins for every classroom and office within the school. We also approached South Ayrshire Council who agreed to pilot a project with us whereby we could empty the classroom bins into 4 large industrial size recycling bins  which were delivered to the school. These large bins are emptied every few weeks by the Council. The school generates an enormous amount of waste paper and pupils felt strongly that this paper should not go out with the normal refuse. This project has been designed by the Pupil Councils and coordinated by the school’s Eco Schools Committee. It is the pupils and not the cleaning staff who have the responsibility of checking and emptying the classroom bins.

Maybole Bypass Committee will launch a new campaign of action this coming Saturday January 28. The committee will gather at the Town Hall at 11am to unveil their banners which will be placed at both ends of the town so that drivers on the A77 will see them.

Peter Mason, chair of the committee, said he would welcome anyone else who would like to see the banners to turn up on the day. The intention is to bring attention to the fact that Maybole has been lobbying for years for a bypass and nothing seems to be happening despite a petition being signed by thousands of people and several Transport Ministers visiting the town.

A report on the need for a bypass had been commissioned last year and was supposed to be produced in the autumn but so far there has been no response from the Scottish Executive. Saturday’s action is meant to be the first stage in a process of campaigning and the Bypass Committee will be contacting other groups in the town get their support. A meeting of these groups is planned for March.

All of the candidates in the Maybole by-election will be contacted also and invited to take part in the protest this week. Peter Mason said he hoped this action would lead to the report being produced quickly and that it would be in favour of a bypass for Maybole. photos and article

Maybole By Pass Committee update. From Peter Mason, chairman
Earlier last year a consultant firm did a study on behalf of the Scottish Parliament, on the traffic problems in Maybole. This survey was supposed to be published in the autumn. The by-pass committee made the decision then, to take no action and await the outcome of the consultants report.

Recently I contacted the consultant to be informed that the report was still awaiting the final draft. He told me that he could not give me a copy without permission of the Scottish Office. I contacted the Scottish Office asking for a copy of the report but the person who is the project manager of the report at the Scottish office was not available. I was assured that he would contact me later in the day but I am still waiting for him to contact me.

I have made the decision to call another meeting of the By-Pass committee in January, to try to find out the feelings of the committee, on this matter. We as a committee have been in the past writing to various politicians and the Scottish office, on behalf of the people in Maybole. I also have in my possession letters of support for a y-Pass from every community council in South Ayrshire.


Bypass extra

John Campbell from Maybole runs his own Executive Travel service and drives thousands of miles a year all over Scotland and the rest of the UK. On Saturday he claimed that the A77 in South Ayrshire is the worst he travels.


“From Golspie,a small village in East Sutherland on the shores of the Moray Firth, to Portpatrick at the end of the A77,” he commented, “is a distance of about 330 miles, and the only main shopping centre you have to pass through is Maybole High Street.” He continued, “From Fraserburgh, north of Aberdeen, it is the same.” “There are only two bank hole in the wall units and they are both in Maybole, and one of them you can almost reach from your car,” he added.


On the topic of roundabouts he claimed there are only about four on the main roads north at Perth, Dunblane and Kirkintilloch but in South Ayrshire there are a total of eight – five around Ayr and three at Girvan. He said that the roads in this area are affecting the tourism attracted to South Ayrshire claiming that holiday operators especially in the golf industry were not directing people here because of travel conditions.

Maybole Resource Centre is offering free courses for Maybole and surrounding villages

Digital Camera Workshop starting Monday 16th Jan 7pm – 9pm for 6 weeks.

Making best use of your camera, transferring pictures to your P.C. printing & editing your pictures.

E-bay Course starting Wednesday 18th January 7pm – 9pm for 4 weeks.

Learn to shop on e-bay, safe sites, buying & selling (get rid of your unwanted Christmas presents!)

Microsoft Publisher Course for Beginners starting Monday 16 January 2 pm – 4 pm for 4 weeks.

Learn to use Publisher for making posters, leaflets & handouts.

Funding course starting on Tuesday 31st January 7pm – 9 pm  for 3 weeks

Find out what funders are looking for in an application, what you need to do for a successful application, what funding is available for community groups.

Beginners Computing/Computing for the terrified courses where you can learn the basics of using a computer are being arranged for the end January

Genealogy Research courses are being arranged for sometime in February and you can learn about how to get started with tracing your family history.

ECDL Courses are also available using your Individual Learning Account ( ILA.).

Contact Maybole Resource Centre (01655 884022) to book your place as soon as possible as spaces are limited.

Informal and friendly Community Education courses in Maybole’s Carnegie Building over the next few months provide a chance to learn locally.

Courses include:

Computing for beginners

·        Monday’s – 9.30am – 11.30am and 1.00pm – 3.00pm

·        Tuesday’s – 6.30pm – 8.30pm

Silver Surfers

Combine ICT skills with finding out more about your hobbies and interests on Thursdays 1pm – 3pm

Drop in session – Wednesdays 1pm – 3pm

Not a class but a chance to drop in and brush up your skills, get expert help to sort out problems , or to learn something new! (There’s no need to book for this session)

Family learning courses

Coffee, childcare and a chance to relax whilst learning more about parenting skills, stress management, assertiveness building and cooking for health

To find out more please contact Carol George, Community Education Office, Carnegie Building, 1 High Street, Maybole or call 01655 882105

At its AGM last week Maybole’s OIR group outlined its monthly programme of activities and elected officebearers for the new year. Their programme of activities are:



Meet 1st Monday of every month in Lesser Town Hall 2.30 –3.30pm – various talks & demonstrations.


Keep Fit – 1.30 – 3.30pm

Contact Margaret Grant – 01655 883257


Tuesday & Thursday

Swimming: Maybole Pool 10.00 – 11.00 – times vary according to school holidays

Contact: Helen Sloan - 01655 882950



Short Walk – 2nd Wednesday after monthly meeting. Meet at railway station.

Contact: Margaret Connell – 01655 883269


Trek – 3rd Wednesday after monthly meeting. Meet at railway station.

Contact: Jessie McMurray – 01655 883553



Dancing: Town Hall – Every two weeks

Contact: M. Sym – 01655 883000



Chairperson                              Pearl Barton                 Tel: 01655 883218

Vice Chairperson                      Alex Kelly                    Tel: 01655 882970

Treasurer                                  Derek Walker              Tel: 01655 889732

Secretary                                  Gillian Durrant  Tel: 01655 883054


O.A.P. Dinner - Sat 25 February in Maybole Town Hall

Diamond Club - Town Hall – Every Thursday – 11.15 – 12.30

Contact: Pearl Barton – 01655 883218

Line Dancing – Town Hall – 1.15 – 2.45pm

Contact: Anne McDicken – 01655 883862

Maybole branch of the Royal British Legion Scotland held its AGM last week and the following officebearers were elected:

President – Col. John Dalrymple Hamilton

Chairman – David Hunter

Vice chairman – William Milligan

Treasurer – Alex Davidson

Secretary – George Taylor

Pension officer – John Bell

Area delegate – George Taylor

Conference delegate – George Taylor

Marshall – David Hunter

In his annual report David Hunter said, “The past year was the 60th anniversary of the end of the Second World War and in keeping with other areas Maybole decided to make it an event worthy of giving thanks to all who had taken part in the War. To this end Maybole Community Council made a successful application to the Home Front Recall Fund which was a joint Lottery grants programme supported by the Big Lottery Fund and the Heritage Lottery Fund.

Working closely together with Maybole Community Association, Maybole Historical Society and Maybole Branch of the Royal British Legion Scotland, they then outlined a programme of events for the town commencing with a Drumhead Service and march past to be followed by a reception hi the Town Hall.

A series of exhibitions based on war time themes were on display in Maybole Castle which also included a competition for the best war time recipe using what rations were available during that tune. Culzean Castle was the venue for a full day of entertainment and displays of war time vehicles, field kitchens and other forms of displays depicting the war years. The celebrations which began in August with the Drumhead Serviceended in December with a War Tune Concert in Maybole Town Hall.

As mentioned earlier, the Branch continued to work closely with other organisations hi the town and under the new rules we added four new Associate Members to the Branch each with connections to other organisations. Our year began on 27th January with our Annual Holocaust Remembrance Service at Greenside which produced a very large turnout of local people and school pupils to lend their support .

We held our March monthly meeting at Hollybush House.

On 18th June our Standards took part in the Town's Gala Parade.

Week beginning 8   July we had use of the Charity Shop which produced for us the sum of £1089.11p.

The Branch entered a Bowling Team to the Area Bowling Competition at Troon on 10th July.

On 21st August we held our Drumhead Service which was admirably supported by Standard Bearers and members from other Branches; Girvan Detachment of the Air Training Corps, representatives from many of the Town's organisations and people from the town with no affiliation to any group. We also had Dignitaries from South Ayrshire Council, Maybole Community Council and Strathclyde Police. Parade Commander was our Branch President Colonel John F Dalrymple Hamilton. OBE. TD. DL. who took the salute for the march past accompanied by Commander John T Lorimer. DSO and Major John C K Young. TD.

On 14th September John S Kennedy, our American Branch Member of ten years was able to be present at our Monthly meeting to meet our members for the first time. John is also Chieftain Of the American Clan Kennedy Society and is also involved in many Associations in America and since his return back home has sent to this Branch a copy of two of his books concerning the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour of which he is a Veteran.

Following our Monthly meeting on 12th October we were able to make a small presentation to a young Australian boy and his family who had come to Maybole to visit the home of his great grandfather Peter Gordon who was killed in action in Sicily in 1943 and is named on the Town War Memorial.

On 11th November despite atrocious weather our Annual Armistice Service at Greenside produced a larger turnout than any we have had in the past and each of the four schools in the Town were represented. Remembrance Sunday Armistice Service was held in the Town Hall on 13th November and again the turnout from the Town was tremendous and in my time with the Branch is the largest I have seen. Following our service at the War Memorial the Branch went to Dunure Cemetery where we held a short service at the Commonwealth War Graves Section.

Our Standard Bearers attended all of our own Branch parades and were also present at the Thanksgiving Parade in Ayr on 11th June and took part in Maybole Gala Parade on 18th June. They were in Glasgow for the Legion End of the War Parade on 14th August and as part of the Maybole end of the War Celebrations were on parade at Culzean on 18th September and at the War Time Concert in the Town Hall on 10th December.

Our Branch Standard was also on Parade at the Annual Hollybush Concert in Ayr Town Hall on 11th November. The Standard Bearers attended four Sunday training sessions atKilwinning in January and February. Our Branch donated the sum of £50 to the Town's Tsunami appeal. I would like to thank all who assisted in the distribution of poppies and the collection of cans in November with special thanks to William Swan, poppy convener and William Milligan poppy wreath convener for all their work.

I would also like to thank William Milligan and his wife Margaret for all their hard work in arranging for and running the Charity Shop. Thanks also to Alex Davidson for his work as Branch Treasurer.

The hardest worked member of the Branch is without any doubt our Secretary George Taylor who works away in the background and keeps us informed with regard to Legion policy matters and still has time to attend all Area Meetings and National Conference. Thanks George; well done.

My final comments for the year are congratulatory; first of all to David Kiltie on his award of the MBE for his work within the community over very many years including amongst which is his support for this Branch, and secondly to Bobby Malone on gaining second place in the Area Standard Bearers Competition and last but not least to all Branch members for their continued support over the past year. - thank you all.”

The next meeting of Maybole Historical Society will be held on Monday February 6 in Maybole Castle and will take the form of a Burns Night.

The evening will consist of a selection of Burns songs and poems performed by popular local entertainers with a light buffet and wine.

Talks for the rest of the session are:

Monday 6th March 2006 – John Steele : Secrets of Horse Island

Monday 3rd April 2006 – John Miller : The Smugglers Who Saved the Language

Monday 8th May 2006 – AGM plus Archie Scobie : Maybole Emigrants

Other planned events include:

Saturday 18th February 2006 – Alloway Family History Society : Drop In Day in Alloway Church Halls.

Thursday 16th March 2006 – Joint meeting of Ayrshire Family History Societies in Carnegie Library, Ayr ay 7.30 pm hosted by Alloway FHS – Mrs Joanna O’Rourke, New Register House : The Scottish Family History Project

Saturday 22nd April 2006 – Scottish Association of Family History Societies Conference 2006 – ‘Education and Recreation’ : The Visitor Centre, New Lanark; 10.00 am – 5.00 pm; further information from the Conference Secretary, Lanarkshire Family History Society, 26A Motherwell Business Centre, Coursington Road, Motherwell, ML1 1PW.

Saturday 3rd June 2006 – Troon History Fair, Walker Halls, Troon,  9.30 am – 4.00 pm : further details from The Scottish & Local History Department, Carnegie Library, 12 Main Street, Ayr, KA8 8EB

Saturday 9th September 2006, 10.00 am -  4.30 pm – The National Family History Fair : Gateshead International Stadium, Neilson Road, Gateshead, NE10 0EF; full details at www.nationalfamilyhistoryfair.com

The Society is urgently looking for memories and photographs from the World War II period to make up a new publication on Maybole from 1939 – 45.

If anyone has anything relevant could they please contact Dave Killicoat (Tel. 07776 445033) or Maybole Resource Centre (01655 884022) who will be happy to copy any photographs or other material and return it to you within a matter of days.

Dave is also issuing an appeal for local people to help the Society in other ways.

“In the first place,” he says, “local people can keep an eye out for potential problems with historical places or artefacts and let us know about them.  We try to keep a watching brief on Lochspouts, the site of a crannog, and also Kirkbride Kirkyard, to ensure that the excellent conservation work done by South Ayrshire Council is maintained.

He adds, “If you like a short walk why not visit either of these sites and let us know if there is still plenty water in the loch or if the protective fence at Kirkbride is still in good repair.  Better still take a photograph and let us see it along with a short report.  We will be pleased to publish it with due acknowledgement to keep all our members up to date.”

Dave told us that the Society is very grateful to Chris Savage, the factor for Cassillis and Culzean Estate, for letting them know about the things he discovers on his visits to the various parts of the estate.

One particularly interesting item is the last remaining wall of a building recently uncovered during forestry work on the estate north of the B7023 near the present Whitestone.

James T. Gray refers to this in his book “Maybole, Carrick’s Capital” as the possible birthplace of Agnes Broun (Mother of Robert Burns) – “The gate lodge has completely gone now and only part of the gable of Whitestone stands in the wood-land at the south end …….” Dave says that reference to early maps casts some doubt on this being part of an earlier Whitestone.

There is also the intriguing sight of the remains of what may be an old window on an internal wall of a barn at West Enoch Farm.  At first glance these appear to be the remnants of the wall of a church or chapel but there is another example of this type of architecture at Dunure Mill that is known to be part of the original design of the building.

If anyone has anything at all that they think might be of interest they are asked to send it to send it to Dave Killicoat at 15F Campbell Court, Ayr, KA8 0SE    or e-mail it to maybole@scotsfamilies.co.uk

How can you have a story without a beginning? Until now the story of Robert Burns, our national bard, has been told with the opening of “born in Alloway on the 25th of January 1759. All the Burns’ trails promoted nationally ignore completely the life of Burns’ parents prior to their move to Alloway shortly before he was born, although many do include their deaths by way of directions to their gravestones! Also omitted is the town of Maybole, possibly the most important place in the story because, if it were not for the market there, Burns’ parents might never have met and there would have been no story at all! Maybole Historical Society would like to see Maybole being given its proper prominence in the story alongside Alloway, Tarbolton, Irvine, Mauchline, Dumfries and other locations connected with the bard and will be working to correct all the omissions and promote Maybole as




It is fairly safe to say that, had it not been for Maybole and the Fair in the High Street where William Burnes met and fell for Agnes Brown, our national Bard might never have existed. William and Agnes married in Maybole on 15th December 1757 and just over a year later, on 25th January 1759, Robert was born in nearby Alloway.


Maybole has many other connections with Burns in his later life and one of the subscribers to his Kilmarnock Edition of poems was Baillie Niven of Maybole. Returning to collect the money from his childhood friend, Robert Burns spent a convivial night in the Kings Arms, which sadly no longer exists except in old photos.


The Burns Trail rightfully begins in Maybole - at the now  cemetery gate where there was the church that the Bard's parents were married in on December 15, 1757.  To celebrate the 250th Anniversary of the Marriage of William Burnes and  Agnes Brown several local organisations are working together to put a bid to the Lottery Heritage Fund to allow the town to mark the occasion next year.


Proposals include:


1.         Siting of a perspex covered plinth in the small piece of garden in front of the Factor’s Office at Maybole Castle containing the bust of Robert Burns originally situated on the top of the butcher’s shop diagonally opposite.

2.         Special Day with extra events at the Greenside such as a market with local suppliers in period costume – market from 09.30 – 12.30.

3          Special competition for shop windows in a 1757 theme with additional money sought for period costumes and decoration for each shop in the High Street.

4          In addition to the normal Gala King and Queen etc there would be a William Burnes and an Agnes Brown.  Sponsorship of Floats and walking groups which will all have a period theme. Parade to start normally at Carrick Academy but there would be a stop at the Castle while William Burnes meets Agnes Brown and escorts her to the Gala festivities in the Glebe Park.

5          Large Fair at the Glebe Park with special displays and stallholders in period costume.


6.         Addition of Maybole to the Burns trail and appropriate signage for the whole trail – STARTING IN MAYBOLE! (This will also have benefits in 2009)


7.         A series of events in the Castle and Town Hall around about 17th December 2007 themed on Burns’ poetry and music to celebrate the anniversary of the wedding.  A large depiction of the marriage could be projected on to the Castle.


8          Possible production of DVD of all events.