Weeks of June 1st and 8th 2001
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Left: Factories rely on production and Carrick Dance Factory certainly produced a great show in Maybole Town Hall on Saturday night.

Right: ....Munchkins from the Wizard of Oz ....

Left: Disco dancing is hot work - hence the bikinis!

Right: A sparkling performance from these little Jitterbugs.

A change is as good as a rest they say, and these Maybole senior citizens proved the truth... LOOKING BACK:
25 YEARS AGO: Feeling in Maybole is in favour of retaining Lumsden House for community use ...
100 YEARS AGO: Maybole and Girvan are deserted for a 'Victoria Day' holiday ....
Maybole OAP outing to Aberfoyle/Callander. Fred Westcott (Photography)
Star pupil Leigh is counting on local support.
Parents at Gardenrose Primary School aim to enlist a Maybole volunteer 'ground force'.

Maybole Amateurs FC have wasted no time finding a successor to departed manager Lawrie Dinwoodie.
An artist's impression of how the Gardenrose Primary courtyard garden could look.

He's hanging his head in shame - suitably chastised after getting a notable date in Scotland's history WRONG!
Maybole children who took their first Communion are pictured outside Our Lady and St Cuthbert's Church with Fr. Hayes. The youngsters are:....

Week of June 1st 2001


Click here to read the article. Click on the hyperlink "a recontruction" to learn more.

Turnberry Castle was an incredible piece of engineering, a re-construction reveals. Researcher and artist Andrew Spratt has worked out that the castle boasted a stunning sea-gate which boats could enter. Andrew explained: "This allowed vessels to moor within the belly of the castle."

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Interest in Maybole Gala is starting to pick up. In fact, this year it looks as if there will be many more activities than previously. At the beginning of last week, there was only one float entered for the gala parade on Saturday, June 16 - and that was by Girvan's Lifeboat supporter!

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Well run, well dressed Cairn girls. Cairn Primary School girls are queens of the sprint relay scene in South Ayrshire.

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Victorious P7 team (from left): Morgan Donald, Lorraine Wright, Michelle Brown and Lauren Grant.

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June in Maybole may be dominated by the annual gala but there will be two other major events in town this month.

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Rachel is 'mother' to hundreds of street kids. It's a long journey from Maybole to the Far East of Russia - but soon you'll have the chance to make it ...

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A gathering of McWhirters is planned for Ayr ... and the best-known family member will be guest speaker at the opening dinner.

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Rainbow officials. Maybole's Over the Rainbow group elected new officials at the recent AGM.

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Looking Back: 50 Years Ago: Bailie James T. Gray is the new Provost of Maybole. He was proposed by ex-Provost Hicks, who topped the poll ...

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Maybole Majorette and Dance School holds it annual show on Thursday and Friday, June 21 and 22, in the town hall.