Maybole - Panoramic Photogallery
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Here is a series of photographs taken from the top of Town Hall in 1993 by Alistair Hastings. This nearly complete 360 degree panorama of the town offers a unique perspective.

Click on the images to view a full size photograph or for a very large scale picture select the Large Image link at the end of each caption. The large images average about 300K in size and take more than a minute to load on a 56k connection but are very detailed.

For a continuous 3D view of the first three photos download this postcard file and unzip it. (About 1.2 megs)

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From Town Hall looking northeast  down High Street toward the Castle Large Image

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Looking northwest and moving north toward High St (photo in top row) we see Mochrum Hill in the top left here: just above the chimney in the left foreground is the Baptist Church and in the right of the photo is Greenside flagpoleLarge Image

Moving northward, Gardenrose Path is towards the right with the Greenside centre left in front of the station (with a train in). Large Image

Looking further northward, Gardenrose Path is to the left of this photo. Large Image

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Moving past High Street now and through to the southeast you can see Maybole cemetery in the distance. Large Image

Moving further south this view is looking to the south-southeast. Large Image

Due south you can see St Cuthbert's Church in the centre; Ladywell Stadium is in the field to the left and is where Maybole Juniors play. Large Image

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Moving on to the southwest you can see the Maybole War Memorial in the centre distance and Baltersan further round to the right in the distance with Crossraguel very faint just beside it. Large Image

Moving further round you can still see Baltersan and Crossraguel; the white building in the centre is Carrick Sports Club. Large Image

Looking west now, the building to the right is the Royal Bank of Scotland ; the building centre top is Carrick Academy Large Image

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