Possibly one of
the oldest photographs of the town. Taken around 1860 it shows the
Castle and the Old Smithy on the corner of New Yards and Barns Road,
formerly called Castle Brae. This picture was taken before the new
road (St. Cuthbert's Road) was formed The carriage belonged to, a
mortician, Mr. Thomson.
This image
was contributed by Heather Muir and makes a great desktop background.
Click on one of the sizes below and once the photo is open in your
browser, right click and set as background or wallpaper.
Image sizes
640 │
800 │
Shown below are some of the many
sketches and photos of Maybole Castle on the website. |
Maybole Castle c. 1838 |
Castle and Tolbooth |
Maybole Castle |
Watch the snow fall! |
More about Maybole Castle from
Carrick's Capital by James T. Gray |
The Castle is the oldest inhabited house in the town
having been built about the middle of the sixteenth century (no exact date
can be given but it is believed to be around 1560). It was the town house
of the Earls of Cassillis who spent most of the winter months in Maybole
in those days and was the largest and finest of the twenty-eight lairds’
houses which were written about by Abercrummie in 1686.
It was built in the
style of a typical Scottish castle, with square tower and round turrets,
and strong enough to protect its occupants from unfriendly neighbours, of
whom there were many at that time. Originally it stood across the bottom
of the High Street with the gates to the courtyard facing up the street
and with a great part of it on the site now occupied by the Post Office.
The main door was originally at the side of the square tower
which faced up the High Street. |
The main hall was above vaulted
cellars which still remain and above the hall were the sleeping
apartments. The retainers’ quarters were on the other side of the
gateway which gave entrance into the castle yard which was built round
the well now, locally known as "The Pump". The buildings were L shaped with the base forming the part
still in existence and the longer side built where the Post Office and
Public Library now stand and the part now demolished housed the servants,
grooms, smiths, and other persons necessary for the service of a nobleman
in the sixteenth century. The tower is capped by a lovely little oriel
window looking up the High Street (described by McGibbon and Ross in their
books on Scottish Castles as "a rare specimen"), with heads carved round
it which local people wrongly believe represent the heads of Johnnie Faa
and his gypsies. The corbels to the roof of the little room at the top of
the tower (known as the Countess’s Room) are carved with male and female
heads and symbols of fertility.
A square recess about fifteen feet from the
base of the tower originally held a stone carved with arms
of the Cassillis family. The walls are extremely thick (in some places about
seven feet) and it must have originally been a safe retreat in troublesome
times when the Earls could live in it, with their own men around them in
the small township clustered on the hillside below it. It was from Maybole
Castle that the Earl of Cassillis and his men sallied forth to the fight
at Ladycross in December, 1601, when young Bargany. was killed in the
bitter feud between the Cassillis and Bargany families. Locally there is
an old tale of the Countess of Cassillis being imprisoned in the
"Countess’s Room" at the top of the tower, after she had allegedly eloped
with Johnnie Faa, King of the Gypsies, but while the story is a delightful
one, facts disprove it.
As years passed the Earls spent less and less of their time
in Maybole, and gradually the old Castle fell into a state of disrepair
and it became practically abandoned except for a few old retainers who
lived in some of the outbuildings. In 1805 the Earl of Cassillis agreed
with the town council that the part sited where the Post Office stands
could be demolished to allow a road to be formed from the foot of the High
Street to Duncanland Toll at the bottom of Redbrae. When the old buildings
were removed the Earl decided to repair the old Castle and in 1812
reroofed it and built the additions which are now the Marquess of Ailsa’s
Estate Offices and the living rooms above, also the Dining Room
and new kitchen premises. The gardens and park bad walls erected round them and
from 1812 the Castle has remained as it is now and it has been the home of
Lord Ailsa’s Estate Factors from then until the present day. |
In 1919 fire
broke out in it and part of the roof was destroyed and had to be repaired.
It has a commanding position at the bottom of the High Street and makes an
attractive entry to the town from the Ayr Road and when the Library
(1905), Post Office (1913) and the building at the head of the Kirkwynd
(1894) were erected the builders harmonised the new buildings with the old
Castle by making crow stepped gables, etc., and this little corner of
Maybole has a dignity which can compare with any part of any town in
Scotland. |
In olden days another Castle stood at the top of the High
Street, facing down the street to Maybole Castle, and the street was
closed at both top and bottom of the hill by these two buildings which
stood, like watch-dogs, over the Minniebolers as they thronged the booths
set up in the High Street at the quarterly fairs or gathered to listen to
proclamations from the drummer on the steps of the Town Cross. This
building was originally the town house of the Lairds of Blairquhan and
again was built in the usual style of Scottish castles with strong walls,
a tower, and turrets. It is not known when it was originally built but it
is believed to be older than the Castle. The building was quite large and
occupied part of the site now occupied by Cameron’s Garage and the Royal
Bank. About the end of the seventeenth century it was formed into the
Court House and Tolbooth for the town, when a great part of the building
was removed, and only the tower, part of the Lesser Town Hall, and a
square building with a raked crow stepped gable were left.
There are many old prints showing this building in the
early nineteenth century and they give a good picture of the Town’s jail
and Council House and the Seal of the Burgh is a representation of the old
Tolbooth. The prison cells were under the Court Room and they must have
housed many prisoners in their time, as the Courts of Carrick met there
and dealt out justice to all accused of every type of crime from poaching
to murder. When the Court Room was not in use for the meetings of the Councillors it was let out as a "Dancing Room" and to actors to present
their plays and many of the prisoners in the cells below must have had a
few sleepless nights when the fiddlers played reels for the dancers above
them. The old "jouggs" for the necks of prisoners used to hang above the
door at the bottom of the tower and the "stocks" for their feet lay in a
room at the top of the tower, but the "jouggs" went amissing about the end
of the last century, and the "stocks", although still in existence in the
1930s, have also been lost. |
Here are drawings of Maybole Castle.
Click on the images to view full size. |
From Rev. R Lawson's'
Book. See text
below. |
Maybole Castle 1888 |
Maybole Castle
by Billings |
Sketch by
Anne McFarlane |
Maybole Castle
has been offered to local community groups in Maybole by
the trustees of Cassillis Estate. Recently, a presentation was made Councillor Andy Hill,
leader of South Ayrshire Council, Cathy Jamieson MSP, Sandra Osborne MP,
Scottish Enterprise Ayrshire, local voluntary groups and potential funders. The presentation was made by David Kiltie, chairman of
May-Tag Ltd and Maybole Community Council, and Peter Walker, of Maybole
Resource Centre, who said that the estate trustees are willing to pass
Maybole Castle to the community, provided a partnership company involving
the local community council, historical society, community association,
business association and May-Tag Ltd can be formed.
more |
News Article from the Ayrshire Post July 30th 2004The Historical Society has
been very active in promoting Maybole Castle since May-Tag moved out and
Dave said, “The Castle goes from strength to strength and we have a very
good relationship with the factor and through him the Estate and Trustee.
“We are putting together proposals and plans for opening the castle
regularly to the public next year; improving and expanding the display
material in the castle; and the future of the castle as a heritage centre.
He continued, “The latest suggestion from the trustees and factor is that
the Factor's office will be relocated, all the archives moved to Ayrshire
Archives Centre for digitisation and return to Maybole in digitised form
and that a "North Carrick Heritage Trust" in some name or form will take
over he running of the whole Castle and grounds.”
“We have been in contact with
all the relevant bodies,” he added, “and are now awaiting their responses
as to exactly how the ‘Heritage Trust’ should and can proceed. With the
new proposals for Charitable Bodies regulations it is essential we get
this right and it has already been suggested that we might even be used as
a pilot case to show how it can be done properly. Things are proceeding
along the proper, if somewhat slower, lines and we know that when we get
things together it will be for a secure and prosperous future for the
Castle and the town.”
The Society is delighted at
the number of visitors to the castle even if it holds them back from some
of the work needing to be done! Dave said, “Visitor numbers continue to
surprise us every time we
open the Castle. So much so, that all the
routine work we were hoping to do last Saturday such as hovering, washing
windows, sweeping floors, moving redundant furniture, etc went completely
by the board.” He went on, “Our very good core of volunteer guides work
extremely well but we will be appealing for one or two more to cover for
illnesses and holidays etc, and to help us next year when on two or three
occasions we hope to have the Castle open over a straight three day period
on special bank holiday weekends and at Doors Open Day.” The first part of
a photographic exhibition is now on the walls in the main room in the
castle and the rest should be up and ready by August 8 for the next
David Hunter has given the
Society two banners - those for Kennedy of Cassillis and Kennedy of
Bargany - that he used to use on his re-enactment forays, and he has also
given them a number of Kennedy ancestry charts that will provide enough
material to produce a full Kennedy room with displays. Dave Killicoat
said that Gordon Cockburn, of the Gallery in the High Street, has proved
to be a great friend to the Historical Society “We now have four of his
original paintings of Maybole hanging in the dining room,” he commented,
“and he has given us a number of original black and white as well as
colour photographs of the boot and shoemaking trade in Maybole which,
together with one or two from Isabel Seymour's collection, will allow us
to fill another room with a very good display on Maybole's major
contribution to industrial heritage in Britain.”
The Society now has thirty
very comfortable chairs in the Castle so it can cope with smaller meetings
if required and very soon they should have sufficient resources to
comfortably seat fifty-five in the main room or thirty in the dining room
or have the main room seated and a buffet or similar in the dining room.
The Historical Society, as part of Maybole Castle, is now a member of the
Ayrshire and Arran Tourism Forum and the hope is that the castle will soon
be part of the Ayrshire & Arran Visitors Attractions Association.
Maybole High Street was closed Sunday the
24th of August 2008 while essential repairs were carried
out to Maybole Castle. Rarely has the road been so
quiet. While a cherry picker was used for repairs
to the castle an opportunity to
take a few photos was not lost.
More photos and castle
details |
...an American visitor arrived with a small
group and asked if he could come in. He was of course warmly greeted and
we offered to show him round the Castle. However he said he realised he
had arrived late and was actually a wee bit more interested in his family
history than the Castle so he would rather see if we could help him in
that way first. ...You can imagine my surprise when he commented on this
in a foreign tongue which he then explained to me was Iroquois (American Indian) as he too was a full blooded Indian. Thomas had
seen the Maybole website but had never thought that it would contain a
wealth of information including his own family history and details of
other contacts, but had gone immediately from the home page to the Castle
Opening times and decided to visit! full
story and photos |
Maybole Castle. From the book -
Places of
Interest about Maybole with Sketches of Persons of Interest"
by Rev. R. Lawson.
Published 1891. |
The Castle of Maybole was formerly the town house of the Earls of Cassillis,
and formed by far the finest specimen of the twenty-eight gentlemen's houses
which once adorned our town. The country residences of the Cassillis lords were
various. The first was Dunnure on the sea shore, the next was Cassillis House on
the Doon, the present is Culzean on the sea shore again. Judging from its
architecture, Maybole Castle was built probably about the year 1560, although
the exact date is not known. The square tower or keep, which formed its first
nucleus, may easily be distinguished from more recent additions by the thickness
of its walls (four feet), and the antique character of its architecture. The
main entrance originally looked up High Street, and stood immediately beneath
the square recess in the wall (seen in the engraving) where the coat of arms was
formerly displayed.
The additions that have been made to the castle in recent times have been
executed with good taste, and in admirable keeping. Among the items to be
observed are the beautiful little oriel window looking up the street, with its
quaintly ornamented gable, the oddly carved chimney heads, the droll headings of
the small windows, like a Scotch "mutch" on an old face, and the
grandly massive front with its ancient turrets. Robert Chambers says of it that
"a finer, more sufficient, and more entire house of its kind has never
fallen under the notice of the present writer,"--nor, I may add, of this
still more recent writer.
Many a scene of sturt and strife has the old castle witnessed in its day.
From it, in December, 1601, issued the men who waylaid and killed the Laird of
Bargany at Duneane (afterwards to be described). But the weirdest story that
attaches to the old building is connected with the Countess's Room in the top
storey, lighted by the oriel window aforesaid. The story itself will be more
fully told in connection with Cassillis House, and here it may be sufficient to
allude to it in verse--
The ladye o' Cassillis sits
weeping alane,
In her room in the auld castle high.
And thinks o'the bricht happy days that were hers.
But noo are for ever gane by,
When she roamed through the woods and the fields sae green
That sweep round the bonnie Doon,
When maidens and vassals were a'at her beck,
And the homage o' Mayhole toon.
But the glamour o' wanton love
cast its spell
Over this high-born ladye,
And she left her hoose and her
bairns and a'
To gang wi' a gypsy laddie.
And here is the pitfu' end o' it, a'--
Her lover hanged on the Dule tree,
While she is confined in this lanesome tower,
Her life-lang weird to dree.
0, easy it is to tak' a wrang
And hard in the richt to abide,
Bat wha shall undo the thing that is dune,
When ance it has left oor side?
Nae use for us then to sab and lament,
We maun reap as we've sawn----nae doot,
It's easy to drap idle stanes in the well,
But wha's to tak' them oot?
The quaint oriel window still
looks np the street,
And we fancy that sad face we see,
Lamenting for aye that ae fause step
Which wrocht a' her misery.
And this is the warning the auld story tells
To ilka ane that gangs by-
"The glamour o' sin blins the een o' the best,
And steals a' oor innocent joy."
Below are a few photos of the inside of Maybole Castle |
Basement hallway |
Basement storage room |
Reception Desk |
Training Room |
A dramatic day in Maybole as smoke billows from the historic
castle. And townspeople gather in the High Street to watch the battle to save
the building. Local history expert Davie Hunter says the fire occurred in 1919,
when only very basic fire-fighting gear was at hand in the town. But fortunately
damage was limited to the roof, and this was subsequently repaired. Charred
timbers from the blaze can still be seen in the roof space though, says Davie.
Click here or on the picture for a large
image. Click here for the
complete original article from the Post. |
Maybole Castle was the headquarters of
May-Tag Ltd,
which was founded by the Community Council in 1986 as a training company to
combat local unemployment. Today the company employs full-time and part-time employees as well as offering
volunteering opportunities to locals to help train people in core
work skills. May-Tag moved to another location on High Street in
2004. |