of my fondest memories of Meryl began in the spring of 1960. I was
visiting Maybole for the first time since my departure in the autumn
of 1956. My brother
George gave me explicit
instructions before I left New York, to seek out Meryl Colquhoun and
tell her that he would be visiting Maybole that summer and he wished
to speak with her on a very serious matter. That serious matter
culminated with their wedding, which took place in Anderson, Indiana
on February 3, 1961.
I returned to New York and
shortly thereafter George was inducted into the United States Army.
He was transferred to Fort Dix, New Jersey for training and during
that time Meryl lived in New York. We worked for the same firm in
those days and became great friends and through the years that
friendship never waned. The last time I spoke with Meryl was in the
beginning of January 2012, just before I left on a trip to
Australia, which is also where I was a year ago when George died.
When the death of such a
warm and close friend descends upon us, it is natural to seek solace
and meaning in some of the events which make up their life. Meryl’s
son Darren related a story to me the other day on the telephone,
which I’d like to think was a story of going home. Not many months
before Meryl died
(January 26, 2012) her sister Doreen celebrated her
seventieth birthday at Maybole Town Hall. Meryl had been feeling
poorly but with the doctor’s assistance and the support of her
children and grandchildren the entire family attended the party in
Maybole. From all accounts it turned out to be a glorious birthday
for Doreen and a stunning evening for all of the family and friends.
George had been ill for a good number of years and it had been quite
some time since he and Meryl had visited Maybole. Maybole was their
hometown; it’s where they first met and fell in love, and I’d like
to think that divine intervention granted Meryl that time to say a
last farewell.
There were many components
to Meryl Colquhoun Davidson, and no doubt everyone will have their
own memories and recollections. For me—I’ll remember her smile, her
kindness, her caring and the laughter we shared throughout those
many years. We have all struggled valiantly over the past year
since George passed away, but none more so than Meryl and if there
is any consolation, it is that she and George are no longer apart.
Davison 04/06/12 |