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Give it a drive! |
Kirkoswald Primary School class from 1966,
with teacher Miss Kathleen Byers. The school closed in 1988. The
pupils will now be in their early 40s, and hopefully won't mind
being branded `history'! In their day, the school had a healthy roll
of more than 50 pupils. But that had plummeted to just nine in June,
1988, when the school bell sounded for the last time.
Full story and large photo here. |
Irene Beadle contributed this photograph of the class of
1938 Kirkoswald Primary School. Her father John Law is in the
back row, fifth from the left.
Larger image
Souter Johnnie's Cottage is
the home of John Davidson, the village shoemaker who was immortalised in
the poem of Robert Burns Tam o' Shanter. The cottage has many
period artefacts, Burns' relics and in the garden are life-sized figures
of Tam, Souter, the innkeeper and his wife. |
Kirkoswald Lang Syne: Sitting yae nicht by my cosy
fire en', My thochts wander back to my boyhood again, Back to the
village I mind when a boy Wi' the ladies and lassies that joined in
ilk ploy; Its fifty lang years, or maybe twa mair, My brither and I
from the Auld Toon o' Ayr, Wha lang had agreed when summer cam roon,
To spen' oor vacations awa' frae the toon.. Contributed by
Irene Beadle. more |
Dear Madam:
It is with the very deepest regret and
sympathy that I have to confirm the news, which you have
no doubt received by telegraph, of the death of your
son, 1st Liet. George Squires, who was at the time
attached to this School for a Course of Instruction in
Aerial Fighting and Gunnery. I beg to give you the
following brief particulars of the fatal accident and of
the funeral arrangements. On Saturday May 18th, at 10:30
in the morning the machine of 1/Lt.G.Squiree, who was
carrying out practice in certain fighting evolutions,
was seen to circle slowly and begin descending, the
descent taking place apparently normally until the
machine dived at a steep angle and crashed to the
Read the
rest of the story here |
Ann Nicholson has transcribed some of the
Kirkoswald Kirk Session Records. Kirkoswald
parish is on the border of Maybole parish to the south. Many of those named in
the Kirk sessions had close ties to families in Maybole. The Minute Book of the
High Court concerns Janet Bryan from Kilwinning who was indicted on 2 Oct 1860
for child murder and mentions family and neighbours names. |
ROLL for Year Ending Whitsunday 1849. Roll of persons liable in
payment of Assessment imposed in accordance with Acts 8 & 9 Vict. Caput
XXXIV First mode pointed out by the said Act for the support of the poor
in the parish of Kirkoswald from the 15th day of May
1848 to the 15th day of May 1849 at the rate of Expense per
pound under deduction of 12½ per cent on land and 25 per cent on houses. |
Kirkoswald Churchyard is not so picturesque as Kirkmichael churchyard,
but has its own share of quiet beauty too. The church itself is very
old, having served the parish for ages; but in 1777 a new church was
built on higher ground. It was in this church (August, 1562) old Abbot
Kennedy preached those sermons against the Reformation which brought
John Knox down upon him, and led to the famous Debate at Maybole.
Old photo of the churchyard
Click here for more photos |
Ayrshire Directory - 1837 - by Pigot & Co
Is a small and picturesque old village, in the parish of its name, and
district of Carrick, 13 miles s from Ayr, and 4½ from Maybole; situate on
a line of road from Portpatrick to Glasgow - 90 miles from the former, and
48 (by the new road) from the latter town. The parish is highly
interesting, as containing within its limits several objects of great
attraction for the stranger and tourist. |

Second Statistical Account -
Parish of Kirkoswald - 1842
The parish is situate in that district of Ayrshire called
Carrick. Prior to 1652, it was of considerably larger extent than at
present. At that time, the parish of Barr was disjoined from Girvan,
Dailly, and Colmonell. The sea-coast of the parish from north to south is
six English miles in extent; the greater part of which is a sandy beach,
with a beautiful and rich carpet of grass, to the very sea-mark. |