Carrick Speakers Golf Club
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Click on the images to view them full size. These first four photos are from the Millennium Masters played the first week of September 2001. Scott Rae won the individual prize and his team won the team prize.
Millennium Masters Team
September 2001

by Les Newlands

This year the golf club celebrates its 20th anniversary and those of us who have been part of the club from the beginning are wondering where the years have gone! A profound debt of gratitude is owed to the original committee and office bearers without whom there would have been no club at all. Also we must thank all subsequent office bearers for maintaining and developing the club over the years. The current committee comprises Captain – Les Newlands, Secretary – Tom Corbett, Match Secretary – Jim Porter, committee members – Tom Rae, Billy Taylor, Graham Clark and David McCartney.

The major development in the club’s history was the staging of an Open competition at Girvan Golf Course. Without the co-operation and support of Kyle and Carrick District (now South Ayrshire) Council and many very generous sponsors, especially Carrick Sports Club, this might have remained a "good idea" but we have just held our 13th Open with 163 competitors; not bad for a small club! This year’s winners were Gary Bryden, whose scratch score of 61 equalled the Girvan course record, and Dominic Booth.

Although the current membership is not so large as we might wish, there is an enthusiastic core of playing members who turn out whatever the weather to compete for an impressive array of trophies. Anyone wishing to join the club must be a member of Carrick Sports Club and if there are any CSC members who would like to join the golf club they should phone Les Newlands on 01655 882302.

This year’s champions are Scratch – Weir McCulloch, Handicap – Les Newlands, Senior – Willie Kennedy.

Two final puzzles -

  1. Does anyone have the original minute book? If so can the club have it back!

  2. How many people do you recognise in the photos?

Millennium Masters Team
September 2001

Millennium Masters Team
September 2001

Millennium Masters Team
September 2001

Club members from 1991.

Click here to see these happy folks smile even larger.

Club members 1990.

Photos above contributed by Don Raby

Golf has been played for centuries in Maybole and it is recorded as being played on the town green in the 18th century. It was not until near the end of last century, however, that the first golf course was formed at Kilhenzie and the members of the Maybole Golf Club played there until the outbreak of the first World War when the course was ploughed up for the growing of crops to aid the war effort. After the war a nine hole course was formed in the Memorial Park and the old club was reformed and has flourished ever since. It has a strong enthusiastic membership who fervently hope that in the not too distant future the course can be extended and more holes brought into play. In 1902 the Maybole golfers formed the first Club at the new course at Turnberry and Provost John Marshall of "Jacks" was the first Captain of the Club which is now world famous. Maybole, Carrick's Capital by  James T. Gray

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