Twinning Agreement -Crosne France - 1982
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The year 2002 is the 20th anniversary of the signing of the twinning agreement with Crosne. Maybole twinners were in Crosne May 17th through the 20th to celebrate this occasion. Click on the images from the first visits in 1982 below to view them full size.

Twinners from Maybole setting off for the official signing ceremony in Crosne near Paris, France in May 1982. Below are photos from the first exploratory visit by Crosne residents to Maybole in September 1981. Earlier that year David Kiltie, Alan Murray, Jim Sym and Don Raby had made the first visit to Crosne and this was the return visit.

May 29, 1982 Mayor of Crosne presents the key of Crosne to David Kiltie, chairman of Maybole Community Council and Alan Murray, chairman of Maybole's Town Twinning Association. Also pictured is Pipe Major Jim Sym and the British Ambassador to France.

This photo shows left to right

Mr Bell, Rector of Carrick Academy

David Kiltie, Chairman of Maybole Community Council

Alan Murray, Chairman of Maybole Town Twinning Association

Council Mrs Jean Armstrong, Strathclyde Regional Council

Councillor William Cuthbert, Kyle & Carrick District Council

Mayor Michel Berson, Crosne

Alastair Hutton, MEP

Visitors from Crosne meet friends from Maybole.

 Maybole 2007 Crosne 2007Maybole 2006 Crosne 2006  │ Maybole 2003 Crosne 2002 Crosne 2000  

Ceremony 1999 Crosne 1998Maybole 1982 More 1982 Crosne 1982 │ About Crosne │ Official Website

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