text below was taken the original French
and translated with a language translation programme from French to English. No
attempt has been made to improve on the translation but the general content
should be apparent to most readers.
its History, its old center, its festives demonstrations and its user-friendly
environment, Crosne are anchored in a still long-lived tradition. By its zone of
activities, its urbanistic achievements, its cultural activity(AP)s, sporting,
and the multiple services that it offers to its inhabitants, it fits resolutely
in modernity.
Crosne is a commune of 8,202 inhabitants - Crosnois - located at 18 km of Paris
in the South-eastern suburbs, on the axis Paris/Melun-Sénart. Built at the edge
of Yerres, it covers 248 ha between Villeneuve-Saint-George, Yerres and
Its longitude is 007 Is and its latitude of 48°45 Nord; its maximum crossing of
the North-East in South-west reaches 2,5 km. Its altitude spreads out between
dimensions NGF (General Level of France): 33 m at the edge of Yerres and 105 m
with the Griffon Mount. Its roadway system extends on 35 kilometers.
Why this name of " Crosne "? The explanations which were a long time
advanced were not very satisfactory. But progress of linguistics makes it
possible today to determine of it rather surely the origin.
" Our ancestors the Gallic ones " called " crosne " or
" crône " a " hole of water furnished with pastures and roots,
in which withdrew itself the fish ". The " S " final, with which
one often wrote the name of our city, would seem to indicate that such full of
fish water holes were really numerous, formerly, in the area.
Many so much so that they gave rise to a common noun: crosnier or crônier,
designating, at the origin, a fisherman in the " crosnes " or "
crônes ". Which crosniers had, say it, the reputation to be sometimes a
little fishing poachers. And, as it frequently arrives, the common noun gave
rise to a series of surnames: Crosnier, Lecrosnier (Cron alternative) with or
without S ", which it is not rare to meet nowadays. In the only department
of the Essonne, one finds as follows: 44 Crosnier, 4 Crônier. 8 Lecrosnier and
4 Cron. In France more than 5 000 families draw their name from this origin,
since one deducts: 3126 Crosnier, 1 080 Crônier, 597 Lecrosnier and 966 Cron.
But it is true that there was no crosnes only with Crosne...
A many geographers (Geological Survey maps, of the geographical service of the
army), and authors (Dauzat, in his etymological dictionary) put a " S
" at the end of Crosne. The etymology as one has just seen it, justifies
it. It should however be noted that no municipal register, therefore far that
one goes up, mentions this letter.
As, June 29, 1951, the Town council decided as the orthography of Crosne without
" S " final would be preserved in the name of the commune and that the
orthography " Crosnes " would be regarded as defective.