Maybole Town Twinners visit Crosne on 30th Anniversay of First Trip
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Thirty years ago, in June 1981, four people from Maybole made the first exploratory trip to the French town of Crosne, near Paris, to discuss the possibility of the two towns twinning. David Kiltie, Alan Murray, Don Raby and Pipe Major Jim Sym were so impressed that they recommended that the twinning should go ahead and in 1982 official documents were signed. Recently, Crosne welcomed 24 visitors to their annual carnival and once again everyone had a great time on what was the 30th anniversary of that first trip. more

Photo above taken during the annual Crosne carnival parade. The theme this year was angels and demons.

First photos taken the night the group arrived in Crosne near Paris Maybole twinners met up with their French hosts and some Belgian twinners and the females were given halos for the Carnival. Crosne Mayor Alain Girard welcomed the visitors and joined them for some hospitality and also wore his halo although his character at the parade was entirely different!

The following day saw the visitors on a tour of Paris including a trip on a bateau mouche.

Meeting up with old friends before going for a meal. At a local restaurant Maybole Pipe Band played at the start of the meal and Daniel Robin, chair of Crosne Twinning Committee, gave his rendition. Margaret Davidson presented Crosne Mayor Alain Girard with a small gift from South Ayrshire Provost Winifred Sloan .

One of the highlights of the trip was a torchlight procession featuring the pipe band and some demons and angels.

On the Sunday there a tour of Crosne before it was time to get ready for the big parade.

Crosne mayor Alain Girard and his family led the parade Later the pipe band and other musicians performed in the local park before fantastic firework display. Just after midnight all the power failed in the park and the day (night in this case) was saved by piper Tom Fulton who played solo for 20 minutes to the delight of the crowd.

Tiring work and sometimes you need to take a rest.

On the final day everyone gathered before leaving for an indoor picnic and, of course, Auld Lang Syne. Myles Anderson was 18 that day and Mireille Robin had baked him a cake. Pipe Band members were presented with special T-shirts in thanks for their hard work over the weekend.

Thirty years ago, in June 1981, four people from Maybole made the first exploratory trip to the French town of Crosne, near Paris, to discuss the possibility of the two towns twinning. David Kiltie, Alan Murray, Don Raby and Pipe Major Jim Sym were so impressed that they recommended that the twinning should go ahead and in 1982 official documents were signed.


Recently, Crosne welcomed 24 visitors to their annual carnival and once again everyone had a great time on what was the 30th anniversary of that first trip. It had been some years since Maybole Pipe Band had made the trip and this time there were a number of young members making their first visit.


The group arrived on the Friday evening and were welcomed by Monsieur Alain Girard, Mayor of Crosne, councillors, hosts and members of the twinning committee. Leading the Maybole group were Margaret Davidson, chair of Maybole Town twinning Association and David Kiltie, chair of Maybole Community Council. Everyone was quickly made to feel at home and the females in the group were presented with halos as the carnival themes was “Angels and Demons”. On the Saturday morning there was a trip round the sights of Paris when the highlight was a trip on the River Seine on board a bateau mouche.


On their return to Crosne some members met up with old friends such as former Mayor of Crosne Michel Berson who is standing for election to the French Senate later this year. Then it was time for a meal when everyone was piped in to the restaurant by the pipe band and a gift from South Ayrshire Provost Winfred Sloan was presented to Monsieur Girard by Mrs Davidson. After the meal, there was a torchlight procession through the town and was probably the first time members of the pipe band had paraded with devil’s horns on their heads!


Sunday morning was a bit more relaxed with a short tour of Crosne mainly for first time visitors then it was time for the carnival parade through the town for several hours. It was a colourful extravaganza of music and fun but unfortunately afterwards at the local park the rain came on for a time although it did not dampen the magnificent fireworks display.


Piper Tom Fulton came to the rescue after midnight when all the electrical power cut out. Tom played solo for about 20minutes and thoroughly deserved the thanks of the crowd and the organisers. Monday was the final day and was spent at a picnic before it was time for Auld Lang Syne from the band the final “au revoirs”. Margaret Davidson has asked the French twinners for dates for next year’s official 30th anniversary celebrations in Maybole and she hopes that many local families will want to get involved.

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