The Glen Kirk Choir
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Sometimes taste must be your guide
It spurns the things it cannot thole,
And yearns for pleasures not yet tried,
There’s something tasty in Maybole.
For if it’s music you desire
Music rendered to console,
Come and hear the Glen Kirk Choir
Someday when you’re in Maybole.
Here’s a treat for everybody
Vocal sound to soothe the soul,
Not discordant, never shoddy
The sweetest music in Maybole.
If strife or trouble should appear
And life may seem at times so droll,
It may be worth you while to hear
The finest choir in Maybole.
Or if you feel you must rejoice
Yet keep sections in control,
You can make no better choice
Than the Glen Kirk at Maybole.
Work and pleasure take their measure
And time must ever take it’s toll,
Make the best then of your leisure
In the Glen Kirk at Maybole.

Poems of Arthur G. McColm

The Spooncreel's End Evacuating Doos at the Kirk Belfry Bobby and The Wartime Blackoot
An Encounter The Toothache The Glen Kirk Choir
Our Sacred Cause Lambie's Close The Ghost O'Drumley Hoose
Maybole and District The Ash Tree and The Varnished Door Burns and Splendid Isolation

Notes about these poems contributed by the author's daughter Anne McCrindle

Arthur McColmThese poems were written by my dad about Maybole and some of the characters from the town. Some poems were written for events and 'smokers' do's. Some serious some fictional and quite comical. Quite a few about Maybole in war time and his thoughts about the war. Dad was the last son born 1907 to Emily and Tom McColm. They lived in Montgomery Street till they moved to Ladyland Road, across from the school which later burned down in 1919. Dad was a slater and chimney sweep, well known in the town. He played in the Maybole burgh band for many years till it was disbanded. He later became a member of the Ayrshire Yeomanry Band. Sadly he died at the age of sixty in 1968, but has left us with many happy memories and treasures in his written words
Anne Mc Crindle (nee McColm) born in Maybole, daughter of Arthur Mc Colm and Maggie McKay.

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Copyright © Permission for display on this site granted by Anne McCrindle. You may view and download poems for personal use only. No other distribution or use of this text is authorized.