January 4th and 11th 2002
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January 11th 2002

WELL, dang ma britches if them purty gals in Maybole don't know how to throw a shindig! An' ah ain't kiddin' when ah tell ya they got some of the best steps round these parts. They wuz dancin' an' a-prancin' like them fancy ponies in Barnum an' Bailey's circus show. Them gals go by th' name of the Carrick Stompers, as they mostly step out in a saloon, name of the Carrick Speakers Club. Best foot forward for (from front): Viv, Carol, Morag, Janetta and Maureen.
Snackin' up some energy and doin' the single Pringle ( from left): Lorraine, Michelle, Molly, and Linda.
An' ya know what? They wuz doin' their steps to Christmas songs, as well as the best country tunes. Five gals together, gettin' in the spirit of the night ( from left): Netta, Irene, Margaret, Denise, Anne.
Admirin' some of the fancy hats is Leanne (left); modellin' 'em (left to right) are Morag, Carol, and Maureen. A wave at the back from Robert Malone - the only man! Well, until Santa arrived, anyway!
A SPECIAL conference aimed at helping rural groups has had to be expanded. Initially, the meeting was intended for Carrick organisations only. But demand has forced the organisers to open it up ... Turnberry Golf Club marked the start of its centenary year with a match between teams of members ...
Thank You All. The old year ended on a high note for a group of South Ayrshire folk. It was followed by a flag raising ceremony in front of the clubhouse.
Ken Takes Maybole Lodge's Lead Role. Brother Kenneth Brown has stepped up to the principal role at Lodge St. John Maybole No. 11. MAYBOLE'S website has doubled its level of interest in just a year. Organisers say the site is now attract 250,000 page hits a month - and the figure for December was twice that for the same month in 2000. The largest group of browsers are in America, with many ex-pats in Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa also checking in. A site spokesman told the Post: "What is a bit more surprising is the number of other countries that regularly log on - around 70 in total.
100 years ago - A Maybole schoolboy is found guilty at the Burgh Court of attempting to steal sweets from a machine on the railway platform, and is fined 5/-, or 3 days in prison.
MAYBOLE twinners are lining up a hectic series of events for this special year - the 20th anniversary of their link with French town Crosne. Plans include a trip Crosne, near Paris, in May for the annual carnival and the yearly cycle tour near Schotten, Maybole's German twin town. The bikers will be in Ger­many to complete the formal twinning between the towns.

January 4th 2002      

NOT that most people need a reason for a party, but if you can't have a bit of a `knees-up' during the festive season, there's something far wrong! So it was that Maybole Carers' Forum got together in the clubhouse of Memorial Park Bowling Club for a Christmas party and they were clearly intent on having a good time.

So well did the two get on, that when it came to dishing out pressies, Santa even had one for DJ George! Meanwhile, in another part of town the Carrick Sports Club, to be precise the club members were holding their annual children's party.

 They were assisted by DJ George Wallace and a big guy in a red suit, both of whom did a splendid job  in their own way  to keep the party swinging, both for local carers and for those they look after.

Such an array of beautiful party frocks, and the boys in their best and shiniest shirts; what a splendid gathering! Needless to say, that big fella in the red suit was there.

PARISHIONERS of Our Lady and St Cuthbert's Church in Maybole supported a novel way of raising funds last week.

THE Tiddlers and Tadpoles Playgroup Christmas Party in Maybole went swimmingly. There were party games and party food - and best of all, a visit from Santa.

The playgroup meets on Tuesday mornings in the Old Church Hall, and looks forward to welcoming new faces in the New Year.

THE death has occurred of John Reid who was well known throughout the Maybole area for his charity work and community involvement. John, who was 50, was born and bred in the town and attended Carrick Academy.

A SURPRISE presentation was made to one of Maybole's best known townspeople on Sunday. David Kiltie was relaxing after a hectic children's party at Carrick Sports Club, where he was DJ.