10 Paintings | Paintings 1  | Paintings 2  | Paintings 3  |  Cards  | About Philip Maltman  | Exhibits |  Spring 2003Contact  Maybole Website 

Malin Steps 
126 x 156.5 cm.
  Oil, Crayon & Pencil on Canvas

Grey Shore 2
168 x 121 cm. Oil & 
Biturnen on Canvas 1998
Malin Wave
59 x 43 cm. Oil &
 Bitumen on Canvas 1998
Creag 2
51 x 38 cm. Oil & 
Biturnen on Canvas 1998

Malin Rock #1
76 x 61 cm. Oil & 
Bitumen on Canvas 1999

Pink Shore
122 x 136 cm. Oil &
 Bitumen on Canvas 1998
Creag 1
64 x 45 cm. Oil & 
Bitumen on Canvas 1998
Umber Malin 1
64 x 45cm. Oil & 
Bitumen on Canvas 1999
Malin Ghost
 64 x 45 cm. Oil & 
Bitumen on Canvas 1999

These images are copyright and may not be used in any manner without the artist's permission.

10 Paintings | Paintings 1  | Paintings 2  | Paintings 3  |  Cards  | About Philip Maltman  | Exhibits |  Spring 2003Contact  Maybole Website