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Malin Hubble # 3 (Detail) Oil & Bitumen on Paper 2000 ©

I make topographical paintings, but ones, which explore a scene's inherent changeability. A beach whose topography is constant is nevertheless continuously changing as tides and the weather bring different features into prominence - as well as according to the moods and the powers of observation of the individual viewer. My paintings take account of all this by their constant, almost random, variation in their use of materials with concomitant effects on the emergence of images. The sea between Maidens, a fishing village in South Ayrshire, Scotland and Northern Ireland was officially named the Malin Sea by the Ospar Convention a few years ago. I have works in various private collections around the world. For more information on availability and prices please contact me.


Click on the images below to view them full screen. Contact Philip Maltman for prices and availability.

Shore 1
128 x 104 cm. Biturnen on Canvas 1998

These images are copyright and may not be used in any manner without the artist's permission.

10 Paintings | Paintings 1  | Paintings 2  | Paintings 3  |  Cards  | About Philip Maltman  | Exhibits |  Spring 2003Contact  Maybole Website