Robert Burns Visits Maybole for Celebration Plans
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Gala 2007More Photos 1Photos 2Market FairBurns visits MayboleCrossraguel Service Where it Began

Robert Burns visited Maybole recently to see what was happening to mark the 250th anniversary of his parents' wedding in the town in 1757. He found out that on Saturday June 9th local people will re-enact the historic meeting of William Burnes and Agnes Broun in Maybole High Street.   Maybole Castle was built about 1560 so had been standing for nearly 200 years when the couple met. See press release for full details of the week. Very large images of Maybole Castle photos on left and right. Click on the other images below to view them full size.

All that is left of the church the couple were married in is a stone in the graveyard at the foot of Kirkwynd.
Rabbie near the spot where his parents met.
The permanent reminder on Maybole High Street that the town was entitled to hold regular markets. Parts of the original are in the grounds of Maybole Castle.
When a young Robert attended school in Kirkoswald he met William Niven who became a lifelong friend. Here he takes a look at William's gravestone although the date of his death is wrong!

The actor playing Robert Burns is Donald Kay. Contact information for Robert includes the following - Tam O' Shanter Crystal & Awards and Walk About Auld Ayr Town 116 Russell Drive Wallacetown Ayr KA8 8JN Scotland 00 44 (0)1292 287765 Mobile 07867 510 165

Robert Burns was back in Maybole to see what is happening with the planned celebrations of his parents' 250th Wedding Anniversary later this year. He took the chance to visit local schools to tell them about his connections to the Capital of Carrick.

A very special guest visited the three primary schools in Maybole recently. None other than Rabbie Burns himself was spotted in the High Street on his way to the schools. The cries of “How’s it gaun, Rabbie?” and “Mind yur step!” could be heard as the Bard chanced his luck crossing the busy High Street, at one point stopping traffic to have his photo taken at the cross in the road marking the old mercat cross where his mother and father first met at the market Fair in Maybole in 1756.


The school children at Cairn, Gardenrose, and St. Cuthbert’s were more taken with his person than his poetry it would have to be said. “Are you the real Rabbie Burns?”, “Is your skeleton still in your box?” and “ How did you get here?” were just a few of the incredulous questions thrown at the poet who had to juggle with his 250 year old memories to respond. Rabbie also visited the grave of his old pal Baillie William Niven in the  cemetery at the foot of the Kirkwynd before taking leave of Maybole. The good news is that the Bard is scheduled to make another two visits to walk about Maybole – at the Market Fair and the Gala Parade.

Gala 2007More Photos 1Photos 2Market FairBurns visits MayboleCrossraguel Service Where it Began