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WORK is under way to create a stunning new courtyard garden at a Maybole primary school. And pupils of hill-top Gardenrose Primary can look forward to a lovely sheltered haven.  Councillor Alan Murray went along to see the start of groundwork, and congratulate parents behind the idea. He is pleased South Ayrshire Council's rural affairs committee contributed £5,500 to the project.


A Maybole school rocked with excitement and laughter for 'Crocodile Fundee...From the Ayrshire Post 11-16-2001


rednose3a.jpg (37665 bytes) Depute head teacher Val Freeman sports a big red nose. rednose1.jpg (97417 bytes) Gardenrose pupils are sitting comfortably for one of their popular 'Story Sack' sessions.
rednose4.jpg (91449 bytes) Pyjamas to Poverty was the theme for Comic Relief Day at Gardenrose Primary School in Maybole. rednose6a.jpg (75248 bytes) Dinner ladies (left to right) Rosemary Murdoch, Margaret Ann McEwan, Elaine Galloway and Nicola Thomson dished up some fun.
rednose3.jpg (71068 bytes) Gardenrose teachers get into the spirit - and their pyjamas - for Red Nose Day. rednose5.jpg (134873 bytes) The school's assembly hall was packed with pyjama-clad pupils and red noses for Comic Relief Day.

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Parents Deb Creedy (left) and Morag Montgomery happily took part in a 'Story Sack" session. From the Ayrshire Post 3-23-2001 rednose6.jpg (63779 bytes) Young readers proudly show off their new book bags.


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Light was shed on a number of things when pupils tackled a light-house project.

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Maybole's future is in good hands at Gardenrose Primary's nursery class.

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A SCOTS FEAST AT GARDENROSE. A feast of entertainment was on offer when Gardenrose Primary School staged its annual Burns competition. Pupils from classes P2 to P7 took part in the competitive element by reciting Scottish poems.

GPSburns2.jpg (69685 bytes)Piper George Murdoch and the Rev. Tom Bogle with Burns competition winners at Gardenrose

From the Ayrshire Post 2-16-2001

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Super six really know their Burns. The beaming smiles tell their own story ... we're winners.

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F-east for the eyes at a Maybole school. These five Maybole girls gave themselves a stunning new look - at school!

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CHINESE New Year was celebrated at a school assembly in Maybole's Gardenrose Primary.
gardenrose.jpg (97981 bytes) Gardenrose Pupils Flair Delight the Supper Guests. Pupils showed their flair for words and music at a Burns afternoon held by P7 pupils at Maybole's Gardenrose Primary School.

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Pupils tuck into their haggis, neeps and tatties - washed down by the 'ither national drink'.
gardenrose2.jpg (70484 bytes) Yvonne McGarry cuts open the haggis, watched by (from left) Sean MacLeod, James Kerr and Sarah Gourley.From the Ayrshire Post 2-9-2001 gardenrose3.jpg (64054 bytes) Top table (from left): Mrs Ramsay, Mrs Dyer, Mr Kelly, Mr McGuffog, Mrs Freeman, Mrs Scobie and Ian Nelson.

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